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Of Course You Oppose Extremism!

Posted by Bob on December 15th, 2005 under Coaching Session

I keep stressing how important the three words, “IN MY OPINION” are.

People love to say “I oppose extremism.”

No one but me seems to notice that that is a tautology.

By definition “extremism” is a position that, IN MY OPINION, is too far out to be considered. In Stalin’s Russia, saying what you really thought of Stalin was extremism. Anyone who said otherwise died a very cold death in Siberia if they didn’t shoot him first.

It constantly amazes me, and appeals to my sense of humor, that grown ups say “I oppose extremist views” as if they were saying something. Everybody opposes views that, IN THEIR OPINION, are extremist. That is why they call them extremist views.

Nobody but me seems to notice this. People get PAID to say they don’t approve of extremist views.

How do you deal with people who repeat a tautology and honestly believe they are saying something?

Worse still, how do you deal with a public that PAYS to hear someone repeat a tautology from an idiot who thinks he is saying something?

  1. #1 by joe rorke on 12/15/2005 - 7:53 pm

    You said in a recent talk you gave that some historical figure said, “Madam, opinion rules the world.” You went on to say that this is true,i.e., opinion does rule the world. This appears to be the same thing as saying that Wordism rules the world. The idea that the truth can be found in a book or in an opinion. Wordism, as I understand it, is the opposite of kinship. I am prepared to accept that definition as legitimate. Your talk made it very clear what the situation was and is. The world is a big place. Opinion rules the world. Wordism rules the world. How does kinship fit into the scheme of things in this relatively unhappy state of affairs?

  2. #2 by Mark on 12/16/2005 - 12:14 am

    “Worse still, how do you deal with a public that PAYS to hear someone repeat a tautology from an idiot who thinks he is saying something?”

    I believe there are a lot more thinking people than any of give credit for. When I talk to people about the idiotic ideas liberals and respectable conservatives tout I’m amazed at how many people agree with my point of view.

    If you look back to the 1980’s and the Reagan Revolution (as an example only) one could be amazed at how many people converted from the old Roosevelt/Johnson era ideas to the “new” conservative ideas seemingly overnight. It took pain in the form of financial collapse before they took note, but change they did.

    People today have eyes and ears and more are being forced to understand what is taking place in our world just by the problems 3rd world immigration is bringing. It may seem like we are on a sinking ship — and we probably are — but when the water gets to our knees people will have to start thinking for themselves again and that is when we will win the largest number of converts — tautology be damned.

  3. #3 by Tim on 12/16/2005 - 8:25 pm

    I do this all the time. The “In your opinion” bit is a BW classic. Probably the most potent weapon in my BW arsenal. “In your opinion that’s Racist—you are just saying that because I am white.” I say that just about every day anymore. You called it a stumbling block on one of your on line talks. It is a lot more than some stumbling block. To liberals (and all self hating white men) it is the equivalent of a good beating. I like it —– it works.

    It is also the GREAT comeback when I go into my usual BW line. And we all know what that is:”They are not talking about flooding Africa with non-Africans and forcing integration. They are not talking about migrating millions upon millions of NON-Asians into Asia and making the Asians give them affirmative action. They are talking about immigration of non-whites and ONLY non-whites into White countries. That’s Genocide.” Usually, the first words out of any fools mouth will be —shock—and THAT’S RACIST. Of course, that is when the silver bullet is used. “In your opinion that is racist —you are just saying that because I am white.” Works like a charm. It shuts people up and is hard to get around. In Fact, I have yet to encounter anyone that could get around it. They usually just try to get off the subject.

    (Oh and Mr. Whitaker, sometimes I make them define racism and sometimes I don’t. I have found that “in your opinion” is so hard hitting that I can skip right to it. “In your opinion” has become my a nuclear option. It is the verbal equivalent of overwhelming force.)

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