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Thanks, Mark!

Posted by Bob on December 19th, 2005 under Comment Responses

I asked, not to say begged, for more INPUT on the subject of the technique of how we can spread our message.

Mark broke the ice, starting with a quote from me:

“’This is not sales, this is revolutionary politics.’”

“Bob, in sales we have an interesting belief that EVERYTHING is sales, meaning, if we are arguing a point — even though we are not getting paid for it in monetary terms — we are still selling our ideas. The payment comes, in our case as white nationalists, in the conversion of another lost soul to our side.”

“BTW, I didnt’ mean to sound like I was criticizing your way of debating. I was just putting in my two cents worth at how I change people’s perspective in a ‘conversational sales’ approach. I like for people to say what I want them to say because it comes from their mouths. As they say in sales, ‘If I say it they can deny it — if they say it, they have to accept it.'”

Mark, you couldn’t be righter, everything IS sales.

People love to say that sales or propaganda is persuasion, but the alternative to mere persuasion is force. In this world-view, sales and persuation are merely effeminate approaches, but warfare is the Real Man’s alternative. the Real Thing.

In fact, one of the basic rules in military strategy is that THAT is a form of sales. Even when an army twice the size of your forces is beaten, it remains much bigger than your forces even when it is full retreat.

The enemy is not defeated because it is weaker than your forces. It is defeated becuase it is CONVINCED that it is beaten.

Even war is a form of sales.

Which leads us to your second paragraph. We are in a battle. You are, to some extent, suggesting an alternate strategy. The question is not whether you agree with me, but which strategy WORKS.

Or, more likely, which combinaton of strategies works.

Believe me, I would infinitely rather see the enemy in retreat because we decided you were right than I would to be sitting around in defeat with you admitting you were wrong.

I have been in both positions, and I know the feelings involved.

We are comrades. The ONLY question is how we will win.

Right now our problem is to get Peter back into our discussion.

  1. #1 by Wandrin on 10/21/2009 - 2:16 am

    Different tactics can work on the same person at different times. At an early stage one tactic may be just right and another too strong. At a later stage one tactic may be too weak and the other just right.

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