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An Innocent’s Error

Posted by Bob on December 26th, 2005 under Bob

I don’t normally snore. Even in the 1970s I knew that if one does, it is a MEDICAL condition if you regularly snore in bed.

But once I was working in a government office and had been up two nights in a row writing and setting up press conferences (free) for populist groups. I went down to the shop where the machines were for lunch and passed dead out in a chair.

Lying out on a chair like that I apparently out some beautiful noises and everybody in the office kidded me about it for days. It was an office joke.

Then came the next office party.

My wife was with me and one of the girls in the office was talking to her about me and happened to mention what everybody had talked about.

She said, “Bob really SNORES, doesn’t he?”

The she realized what she had said and turned as red as a beet.

My wife thought it was hilarious.

  1. #1 by Peter on 12/29/2005 - 3:03 pm

    LOL. Please throw in more bits of humor like this now and then.

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