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Joe Again?

Posted by Bob on June 21st, 2006 under General

Joe said, “It’s not exactly the same thing because I’ve lost all heart for discussing things military.”

Good Lord, if I sounded like I was discussing “military matters” I am getting pretentious in my old age.

“Discussing things militaryat my age means things like:

1) Mentioning how you were in World War II but you weren’t one of the Real Heroes like everybody around, merely a guy doing his part in making Eastern Europe safe for Communism and Western Europe safe for third world immigration or

2) Scientific talk about how national defense should be conducted or how Napolean could have won the Battle of Waterloo.

The examples I gave were

1) a squirrel having a bee-bee shot in front of its nose and

2) Geraldo Rivera.

  1. #1 by joe rorke on 06/22/2006 - 7:13 pm

    Not spam. Speaking of heroes, have you noticed the major insult to all true heroes of the past and of the present that has been and is being perpetrated on a daily basis by the corporate media? I’m glad you brought the subject of heroes up. Walk out of your house today and on every street corner you will see a hero. Yes, they’re a dime a dozen these days. When I was a kid a hero was someone special. There was no talk about every other man in the street being a hero and there certainly was no talk about a man putting on the uniform of the United States Armed Forces and becoming an instant “hero.” Call me cynical, Bob, please do. But there’s a major difference between doing a job and being a hero. I’m sick of it! I’m sick of every other man in the street being referred to as a “hero.” It takes away from every real hero that ever existed. It’s disgusting! It’s done for a purpose. Round up the cattle and send ’em this way. There’s a difference between a fool and a hero.

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