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Hell and the Cost of Punishment

Posted by Bob on August 17th, 2006 under Coaching Session

Everybody has his own idea of Hell. It is a very believeable place.

I remember one, a grand total of ONE, Christian who wanted to talk about HEAVEN. He actually existed, and he was very frustrated. He expected to go to Heaven and he wanted to blissfully discuss with others the place he EXPECTED to spend eternity. He couldn’t find anybody.

I felt a kinship with him, because I long to find people on our side who are interested in something besides JEWS.

He felt that Hell existed, but that is not what he wanted to talk about. I know Jews exist, but I would like to talk about something else, too.

Anyway, his frustration is understandable.

Until Western Civilization, society was all about punishment. That is all people can envision. As I said, everybody can envision Hell. Any fool can HURT you. Punishment is CHEAP.

But if you can envision reward you can probably make a fortune. In fact, that is the reason white civilization has taken over totally without any resistance exept from people who use computers and telephones to bitch while they are sitting under air conditioners.

And they won’t even bitch unless they get paid for it.

In DOLLARS only, please.

The Evil Secret of white civilization is that it OFFERS things. We use punishment, too, but that, like every other “white” sin, is not unique. It is our REWARD side that is such a dirty trick.

Communism kept going until the moment, the very moment, that it eased up on the punishment.

It collapsed almost overnight.

Modern Christianity goes easy on the Hell stuff. Modern mainline Christianity is collapsing visibly.

Can Christianity survive if it doesn’t keep harping on HELL?

  1. #1 by Pain on 08/17/2006 - 10:27 pm

    The issue of Hell is the issue of Divine Justice. The idea is that they who do evil will necessarily get what they deserve, if not in this life then in the next. It is a threat hanging over sociopaths. It is a warning to us who want to do good to forget obsessing over those who do evil and get away with it — and get on with our lives.

    If God is just then evil will be punished.

    With this in mind we can mind the good and do the work we ought to do.

  2. #2 by Pain on 08/17/2006 - 10:30 pm


    Hell is the idea of Divine Justice. The idea is that they who do evil will necessarily get what they deserve, if not in this life then in the next. It is a threat hanging over sociopaths. It is a warning to us who want to do good to forget obsessing over those who do evil and get away with it — and get on with our lives.

    If God is just then evil will be punished.

    With this in mind we can mind the good and do the work we ought to do.

    And when have the chance to perform our moral duty and punish evil-doers in this world we will know that we are carrying out God’s will.

  3. #3 by Dave on 08/18/2006 - 2:30 am



    BW has great knowledge of history. Consequently, he knows something of the rhythms of disorder and confusion; of peoples wandering alien in their own lands; of those made tenants upon usurped estates; of those having their tongues stolen by strange races; of those forced to sing hymns and anthems honoring lineages not their own.

    He knows of the ebbs and flows of aristocracies who build palaces in swamps and who spend fortunes for distorting mirrors. He knows of peoples who sire generations of fools that endow universities (edifices of ignorance) by bankrupting and spoiling nations.

    But I want to wander in a wilderness where I am never lost. I want to swim in fragrant lakes, certain of my solitude. I want to smell fresh alpine air in flowery meadows, and to walk in summer snows among precipices.

    I want to wade in rivers that run clear and cold and to bathe in cataracts that ascend to my people and my land.

    And when I look into another’s eyes I want to see smiles in Mediterranean blue with the bright light of intelligence illuminating me from talcum skin.

    I want to see heads adorned in ropes of shining auburn braids, and noses clothed in freckles, and smiles formed in pink innocence, and ears caressed in blond whispers.

    I want to be wholly ignorant of the Negro with his nappy head and simian eyes peering out to me from the darkness of dull stupidity; with a dog’s mutt countenance mired in fat lips; my ears assaulted by bellows of a satanic patter coming in from a hot and humid tropical wind; demanding of me a respect not owed; these insults delivered to me in my own land.

    I want to never know the Mexican, the worst of which is the Amerindian, a cross between a man and a monkey. I want to be forever free of my hatred of his servile passivity, of his simian stupidity, and his insulting piety.

    Most of all, I want to never have known these darkies and their ugliness and simian stupidity, or to endure my contempt that they are allowed to desecrate my soils with their calloused feet and inferior souls in my lands.

    Instead, I want a home where everything is rooted in the beauty of my people with their grace and love of silence; with forest winds caressing homes kept in cleanliness and parental love; where what is wholesome and decent is taken for granted and doors are never locked.

    In a world where night is known, but darkness never.

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