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The Twist

Posted by Bob on August 23rd, 2006 under Coaching Session

Tim’s comment below has INSPIRED me!

You pain-in-the-ass commenters keep me going. I now understand why the Lord gave us suppositories.

Now that I am beginning to bleive that youa re starting to USE my basic points and way of thinking, not just agreeing or disagreeing with me, I want to expand on another basic.

I get TIRED of REPEATING basics, but I am a good old soldier, and I do it. But I would rather expand on them, as Tim has allowed me to do.

In writing about a million words of WOL and this Blog, and in exchanging ideas with you, I have developed a concept I call The Twist that our enemies use.

Do understand The Twist, you have to go to another Bob’s Basic:

Our worst enemies today are NOT the old openly anti-white leftists. As Tim points out, they are beginning to seek cover.

And, as Tim points out, WHO are they seeking cover BEHIND? The respectable conservatives, the neos and the Hannitys and even the Buchanans.

The old “white race is the cancer of history” is discredited for public consumption. That is now only prached inthe universities and the public schools to a captive audience.

Since nobody followed my charge at the universities, the enemy citadel, we must limit outselves for now to the public forum. Tim has that attack down pat.

So how do the neos and respectable conservatives provide cover for the anti-whites? They do not join in the open attacks on the white race or on America that have been so descredited that the open anti-whites have to hide behind their skirts.

Neos and respectable conservatives and “Christians” provide cover by PRAISING the Founding Fathers, by PRAISING the Lord.

They provide that cover by doing the Political Twist, the Historical Twist, the Religious Twist. As Tim points out, they TWIST their praise of hte white race by calling it Western Civilization. They TWIST their demand for a return to the Founding Fathers by praising and quoting the silliest bits of the Declaration of Independence into making our Founders demand worlwide equality.

The ultimate Twister is George Will. He declares that America has nothing to do with thepeople ofthe United States of America. He quotes Lincoln and says America is a Propositional Nation: “You accept the proposition and you an American.”

“… dedicated to the PROPOSITION that all men are created equal.”

The Union soldiers who died at Gettysburg would have as surpised at the idea that they died to make America an open-borders country as the American soldiers who died at Normandy wold have been at Buchanan’s open declaration that they made the ultimate sacrifice to open Europe to third world immigration.

The Twist is also religious. We find conservative pulpits rining with declarations tat Jesus died on the cross so that we would support Israel. We hear Hannity openly declaring that Jesus died on the cross for interracial dating, AND NOT ONE CONSERVATIVE DARES TO DISAGREE WITH HIM.

This is The Twist, political, historical, and religious.

PLEASE don’t make ME repeat it alone. Repeat it yourself.

And please, please, please make The Twist a part of your THINKING.

  1. #1 by mderpelding on 08/23/2006 - 4:42 pm


    Lets never forget our hard working

    As you mentioned, the “white race is the cancer
    of history” concept is not considered respectable
    nor fashionable in the public syuare.
    But it is taught in the universities and public schools.
    In a generation or less the statement “the white race
    is the cancer of history” will be respectable.
    They are allready shifting now to “whiteness theory”.
    Too much hard scientific evidence is coming out against
    the “all races are the same” crap.
    Now race doesn’t exist.
    The professors said so.
    Respectable conservatives will be allowed to debate
    the statement that “the white race is the cancer of history”.
    It will be the moderate, reasonable postition.

  2. #2 by Tim on 08/23/2006 - 9:06 pm

    Posting on this blog is like shouting at a big snowy mountain. Most of the time nothing happens. But once a blue moon you start a damn avalanche.

    I am here to keep you young. They say if you keep your brain active. You will live longer and with the way your brain is working —-you will live as one of the old asians I see on TV always winning that “worlds oldest fool” contest!

  3. #3 by Tim on 08/23/2006 - 9:29 pm


    We are moving to far to the right to fast for that to work for them. But worse is better from my perspective. The more they push at this late date. The harder the push back becomes. The liberal BS that was Self Reinforcing from the 50’s to the late 90’s is now Self Defeating. It won’t matter what they do. But Worse is Better. That is why BW would not shut off non-white immigration even if he could. Not yet. It is just now getting interesting.

    Believe that. These young Whites are going to be the most radical things the world has seen in a LONG time. It may NOT be to much longer before the R in the Republican Party stands for the RACIST party.

    We are moving to the right ALOT faster than any respectable conservative or Liberal thought would happen. They cannot control this. Look at the hispanic march patterned on the civil rights marches. None of their nonsense works anymore. The tide has turned. The flooding of Non-Whites into White areas was just the shock to the system. Our Race is funny. We are either calm as cats or calling for a Pol Pot solution.

    My aunt in Cincinatti just told me she is racist these days. She works at a public school and was a liberal loving do-gooder who thought the non-whites were angels. Then her school got a few too many over the past couple years. My oh My to hear her talk these days, you would think she was a National Socialist. White people always love THE LITTLE BROWN PEOPLE WHEN THEY DO NOT HAVE TO DEAL WITH THEM.

    My aunt now understands why I kept laughing when I found out that they busing all kinds of brown kids into her prestine virtually white school district. I know what happens. I want every white person to see what I have seen. The sooner the better. It is funny how that works. Blacks and Mexicans did something a million times faster than I ever could. They are our MOST efficient enemy. They are the MOST predicatable. I can always count on the brown folks. I pray every night that Somalis, Bengalis, Africans, Mexicans and every other NON White floods into all the Rich Liberal and Respecatble Conservative Neighborhoods ASAP. God is White and HE LISTENS. Yes he does.

  4. #4 by Sam on 08/23/2006 - 11:40 pm




    You have a perspective that i don’t. Would you mind expanding on this “These young Whites are going to be the most radical things the world has seen in a LONG time.”

  5. #5 by Simmons on 08/24/2006 - 10:43 am


    To try and give an answer to his query. I loosened the purse strings the other day and volunteered to take the family to the mall and blow some money, I’m cheap. Let me tell you the kids are tribal, the daughter a fair blonde in her own right had not the time of day for the racial “other”, but I noticed that between her tribe the competition must be intense every peer group passed there was an intense sizing up of the competition both ways. When it came to the “noble minority” girls of the same age none of the fair blonde tribe could have cared less or even acted if they even existed. I consider myself very astute at human observation, and needless to say this suprised me since this is the era of MTV.

  6. #6 by Sam on 08/24/2006 - 3:15 pm



    Thank you Simmons,

    Out of the generations alive today, i find understanding my own to be the most difficult. Thank you for the insight.

  7. #7 by mderpelding on 08/24/2006 - 4:25 pm


    “worse is better”
    How shrewd.
    This is WAR.
    “worse is better” gets you dead.

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