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A Stormfront Exchange

Posted by Bob on August 27th, 2006 under Coaching Session

A lady on Stormfront said she was depressed and disgusted by how badly the press treats us and how badly we treat each other. My answer, as usual, goes right back to basics:


Jean, we are Honest-to-God revolutionaries.

The establishment HATES us.

It would really have turned your stomach to have lived in the 1960s, when the official “Revolutionaries” were hippies marching and yelling all the beloved leftist crap and being praised by the media. Every other night the national night talk shows would have Abbie Hoffman or some other Official Hippie on to talk about his “Revolutionary” views.

The New Left would put out slick-back magazines with a million-dollar start-up cost that the media would advertise for them. I remember once when a big news anchor fromthe World War II generation was proudly shoing a baseball game betwen Communists and Anarchists.

Bu if you are a real revolutionary, to repeat, the establishment and its media HATE you.

Like April Gaede and her daughters, if you are going to stay in THIS kitchen, you’ll have to learn to take the heat.

There is an old saying, “Revolutions EAT their children.” A fake official set of “Revolutionaries” like hippies can march in lockstep and be Flower Children in perfect harmony.

After all, their main concern was the excellent living they were making out of it, and well-paid bureaucrats treat each other well. But that is NOT the company you are in here.

Those of us who are real revolutionaries do not get along and go along. We are scaly enough to defy a solid wall of official opinion. We come out hard and we come out feisty.

We are NOT nice.

We are not TREATED nicely.

You are going to catch a lot of flak here. You are going to be accused of things and people are going to speak out of turn A LOT.

Try to remember that we are here BECAUSE everything we say is out of turn and undiplomatic. You are going to catch a lot of flak from these explosive people.

Nice Flower Children don’t make revolutions.


[QUOTE=Jeanmanière1488;3369092]This past week I watched a PrimeTime program which featured ‘Prussian Blue’. 🙁 The intro into their segment of the show was introduced with such negativity it coloured the entire thing with a dark veil of hatred that the actual message of Whites Loving their race was totally obliterated. I’m so sorry April for the way this was portrayed. I can see that you want the best for your girls, yourself and our race. You are DOING what most people only Dream of doing.

Last week on the radio, here in Wisconsin, a rally in Madison was also pre-empted with this same attidude. :crazy Calling White Nationalist ‘Hate Mongers’ warning the public of the upcoming event.

I have never been to a rally myself and I applaude those who do participate. They say all we do is hate when it seems all the General Public does is hate us.

Then I come in here and see OUR people attacking each other. This just isn’t right. We need to encourage each other and befriend each other not pick at each other over ‘Perceived’ ideas of what another May be. I was accused of being an Jew a few times, which I am not. I was accused of trying to stir up some sort of Anti-Iranian sentiment, which I did not. It all gets very exhausting. :crazy

Our World is in a Sorry state and it is really getting me down. :o[/QUOTE]

  1. #1 by joe rorke on 08/27/2006 - 6:03 pm

    For the true revolutionary verbal attack is lightwork. He has important work to carry out. He expects to get his face slapped. Look how Bob verbally beats up on me and calls me everything but a White Man now and again. I don’t take it personally. In this game you can’t take things like that personally. There’s a job to do. The idea is to get it done.

  2. #2 by Pain on 08/28/2006 - 2:23 am

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    From what you have said before and from what I know of history, there was fear of a REAL revolution. So they diverted it. And then they had the Beatles sing a song, “Ya talk about revolution…” And everyone got wasted on substances that coincidentally lowered testosterone levels.

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