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Antonio and Mark

Posted by Bob on October 29th, 2006 under General


Thanks for reminding me Mark. Here is something I’ve been meaning post, but I just had a wedding and funeral back to back.

Respecable Conservative newsblogs are an excellent theatre of operations for us. They are frequented by people who think Rush Limbaugh is the man, because Rush tells it like it is.

These blogs have names like “My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy” and explain why it’s really Ok for us to torture captured Iraqis.

While these folks are skewed, they are far from hopeless. If you paste the mantra in the comments section of an appropriate blog entry you will get a reaction. Sometimes the mantra and the whole blog entry will be erased by next morning. Other times people will line up to call you “racist pig.” This is better than being ignored. Rage is often the outgrowth of fear and fear preceeds change.

You can access about 50 such blogs at this site:


Mike’s guidance below and Antonio’s reply and further advice are EXACTLY what I need to be free to write the book.

Right now I have finally found my troops, and I don’t want to break the charge we have going after all this effort by spending time onthe book.

If you want the book done, this is the way to help me.

Mark, Antonio, Dave, Pain, other seminar members, PLEASE keep this up!

Reports from the battlefield that I can repeat here, learning and advice you are picking up, that is what we need desperately, book or no book

It is time for this attack to become YOUR battle, with me just in there helping.

YOU lead the pack, YOU keep up the drumbeat, YOU let us know the action is ongoing.

It time for YOU to take the lead.

Thank you, Mark and Antonio, this could not have come at a better time.

  1. #1 by Pain on 10/29/2006 - 5:12 pm


    Maybe LibAnon can post this in liberal Blogs. Unlike Republicans, the Left is growing loud in criticizing Jewish control over the White House, particularly in regard to the latest war whose aim is to keep Iraq destabilized. The Left also dislikes the Judeolatry (Jew-worship) of “Evangelical” post-Christianity. Further the Left has relics of Populist economics, including rhetorical attacks on the union of international corporations with government (which is Yankee economics); only Southern traditionalists share this view. There are indeed some racially conscious Left-leaners, particularly those of the old-style unions. Bob will have met many of them up in Boston when he helped their anti-busing fight, particularly the beloved Irish and Italians. Of course as we all know, the leadership of the Left was seduced long ago, but rank-in-file members of the Left are more likely to act than their counterparts among the Right.

  2. #2 by Alan B. on 10/29/2006 - 6:22 pm


    Before I finally saw the light and Bob’s blog I would follow politics like a hound dog on a coons trail. Few may realise this, when fox had the call in responses I got on air almost every time I called in, I thing it was on the Gibson talk hour in the afternoon. Anyway this might be worth a try as a means to get the mantra air exposer, worth a try.
    In regards to Rush, this wind bag can never find a fault with GW. remember Rush makes tons of money, plus the radio company he works for makes a wad from the advertising so, don’t expect Rush to rock the boat, its all about the money.

  3. #3 by Mark on 10/29/2006 - 6:38 pm



    Awesome idea! I too started out as a Limbaugh Conservative (really a Reagan conservative but back then Limbaugh used to be a Reagan conservative too). I had brains of mush. I thought everything Republican was blessed and everything Democrat was from the Devil. If I had had Bob’s Mantra before me 15 years ago I would have joined the fight at a younger age.

    Keep up the fight and don’t worry if they criticize you. I would ahve called you names 15 years ago before I had even heard of BW — and look where I am now.

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