Archive for October, 2006

Dr. Duke Reports That Europe Now Has a Champion of FREE SPEECH!

“Switzerland’s justice minister has called on the Swiss government to reverse a law which makes historical revisionism illegal.

Minister Christoph Blocher is on a campaign to change the law, according to the Neue Zuercher Zeitung (NZZ) newspaper – even if it will impinge upon the sensitivities of minority groups, including the country’s Jewish communities.

Blocher claims that freedom of _expression is more important than protecting the sensibilities of minority groups, NZZ wrote.

Blocher just returned from a trip to Turkey where a public discussion of the Armenian genocide is de facto punishable by a court of law. Upon his return home, Blocher said that he believes that Swiss laws needs to be a beacon for other nations.

As far as the minister is concerned, a ban on free speech in Turkey has made an effective public discussion of the Armenian genocide and Kurdish issues there impossible. In effect, he claims that widening the possibilities for freedom of speech in Switzerland might entice other countries to do the same.


1 Comment



Bob, an update that might help some of our comrades out.

As I’ve said before, I look for different places to post the Mantra. Actually ANY place is a good place as far as I’m concerned because people will read it and have to think. I like online news articles because there are usually places to discuss the article at the bottom of the article. Any article is good but a race-related article is a breeding ground for OUR kind of people, and I’m finding there are MANY MANY people who think along our lines out there posting commments. It’s those people I try to target as my audience.

If you choose to post the Mantra in the discussion areas of news articles, I reccomend you have 3 or 4 email accounts. Most of the news articles require you to log in, using your email, and since I try to hit 5 – 10 news articles in a sitting, and 3 -4 Mantras per article, the news board watches for repeat postings. You can get around this by adding a period or two or by taking the quotation marks out or putting a long dash between the end of the Mantra and WOL”s address line, but eventually the news board will catch on and you will be shut out. This happens to me every day. Thus the need for 3 or 4 email addresses. You have to trick the boards into thinking youre not a spammer or a corporate poster.

Also, it helps if you post the Mantra in response to an eye catching comment. Many posts are repeatedly replied to (RE: Name of Comment) and it’s these that I prefer to post the Mantra on, since your chance of getting people to read it are better. I don’t waste time arguing with anyone, in fact I don’t even look for a response. I’m just shotgunning the Mantra at as many people as I can. If one person takes the time to read, think, and check out WOL, my task is complete.

Hope this helps!



The Book So Far

I’ve got about fifteen thousand words down, but as always the book is building itself., and this makes it very complicated, as all my books have been for me. Then I have to go back and rewrite it over and over to make it smoothly explain to the reader.

In short, once again, what I have to say is simple but not EASY.

I began a piece below, “What Real Politics Looks Like” by talking about explaining that the guy out there alone at 7 am was what real politics looked like. That was easy enough. But one day we were watching a baseball game and she asked me to explain it to her.

You and I have been around baseball all our lives. It’s simple, to US. So I started to explain. Then I realized what a huge task I had before me. Baseball and football, unlike soccer, are hideously complicated games.

I have written books for others and for myself. Every single I am convinced that this one will be duck soup.

But look at all the reading YOU have had to do to get my “simple” approach! And I don’t have the give-and-take with book readers that I have with you. When you miss my point, I can correct you and you can correct me. But with book readers I must anticipate the way they will misunderstand my point. That means covering a LOT of ground.

Every word I use they have heard before many times, but what I mean and what they are used to is very specifically different, and it is that SPECIFIC difference in nuance that is the heart of what I have to say. So something I thought I could explain quickly, as if I were speaking to you, becomes a long explanation to make sure they are following right along the path I am leading them on. The sidetracks are ENDLESS.

That is why I present parts here. It would be awfully nice to have some people who know where I am going to read along and help me out.

The tentative title of the book was going to be “Northern Wordism, Southern Racism. But I am fifteen thousand words in and have not yet been able to get down to my exact theme. Every concept I have to present is new, but the words have to be explained. Hell, the whole basis of history must be explained.

I don’t know if you can actually help me with this.

Anyway, I am reminded why I had determined never to write another book. Keeping your train of thought for tens of thousands of words, building point on point, is heavy labor.

But this is what I have chosen to do. So don’t weep for me, Alabama!

But the question nags at me, am I wasting time on the book that I should be spending here, when I have FINALLY found the people I need?


1 Comment


Not Spam
Both Mr. Sobran and Mr. Buchanan were white before they were Catholics and they were made Catholic or Christian by other whites. There is something wrong with the notion that mankind is to be saved by the destruction of whites. That is the poison that must be recognized and removed. I could say a whole bunch of things about fighting this and that for the last thirty yrs. {I’m tired too} but this blog is right in that standing up for who you are, your people are, has to come first. I even believe that Jesus thinks so too.
Comment by Shari

Shari, your comment is a great relief to me. I have been worried about you.

I always get a bit of a tired feeling when someone says up front that they are “Christians.” I know they will desert me.

Why? Because the time will come, as it did with Sobran and Buchanan, when I violate something they have from Sacred Writ.

On the other end of the spectrum, a lot of people who have been through this are offended that I like to consider myself a Christian, without the quotes. I know exactly what they mean.

I am not a Christian if something in Sacred Writ says I have to make a human sacrifice of my race. Worse than that, if something in Sacred Writ says what I know to be true is not Truth, I say screw the Truth.

But I am not a philosophical Christian, one who says Jesus was a Great Philosopher. Mine is a very unique position. I say, with C.S. Lewis, that Jesus was God or he was a madman. But C.S. Lewis, like everybody else, went on to say that Jesus was somehow an opponent of settling other worlds and other tripe.

My only claim to Christianity is this: If Jesus is what he said he is, he will stand for me at the Judgment, not as a prophet or a philosopher, but as the Son of God. What I must do is stand for the truth against the Truth.

If one realizes that Jesus was in a society where you could be stoned to death on the spot for saying the wrong thing, every word he said becomes simple truth in defiance of everything the modern “Christian” declares to be Sacred Writ.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you is the ONLY Commandment Jesus declared. Nothing could violate that more than making a brown world. Nothing could violate that more than preventing the birth of healthy white children to desperate white parents for the sake of some fertilized eggs that feel nothing.

Shari, that is all the Christianity you will ever get out of Ole Bob. But I am becoming more and more sure that you, among all the people who call themselves “Christians,” will consider that enough.

“Wherever two or more of you gather in my name, there I will be also.”

Shari, I believe that you and I have a silent Bob’s Blogger here who, in the unlikely event that Judgment Day ever does come, will be very welcome to the other commenters.




I just wrote a piece in “Mark” about how I am NOT charmed by people who think praise of them should be ignored and put down.

Dave has made a great point here. It includes a lot of genuine praise of ME, but that is part of the point he is making.

I accept the praise gratefully. But if I didn’t think I was doing something special this Blog wouldn’t BE here. Dave explains what I am doing that is special, and why you need to know about it:



It’s always amusing to watch people play the “Who (or what) is the real authority?” game.

It begins with, “Well so and so is the real authority”. Then that is challenged and demolished and on it goes until a whole big line of dominoes fall.

Finally, it gets spiritual and religious and the game ends.

But the truth is always the same, regardless of the subject matter: Those that are the RECOGNIZED AUTHORITIES (and believe themselves to be the RECOGNIZED AUTHORITIES) are never the real authorities.

Instead there is some “heretic” out there who is not the recognized authority that is actually the real authority. This is true in every field, almost without exception.

It is just the way human life works and always worked.

For example, we all know that Steve Wazniak had to quit his job at HP to get the time to design a PC that was actually useful. The executives at HP wouldn’t let him do it, even though he begged them for the chance. They actually did not know that there was no one in the world at that time that had more expertise about computers than Steve Wazniak.

This is exactly the situation with BW.

BW is the authority on how and why American law ran off the track with respect to national sovereignty and the rights of America’s indigenous European populations.

Nobody else out there is really addressing the issue in exactly the same way that in the 1970s no one but Steve Wazniak was really addressing the issue of how to make a PC genuinely useful.

Lots of people were working on the issue, but no one else even came near Steve Wazniak’s expertise. Steve Wazniak alone had the background and brains to figure the central problems to getting the devices to be genuinely useful tools.

Again, this is exactly the situation with BW. You have to be BW himself, have his background, and brains, to get the whole thing resolved as to how America law ran off the tracks and tanked our national sovereignty.

Lots of people have opinions on this issue, are working on it, but none of them even come close to BW because he is the world authority on the matter in the same way Steve Wazniak was the world authority on PCs.

We have to respect this and take it seriously.

Comment by Dave
