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April Gaede and James Kelso Are HERE!

Posted by Bob on November 3rd, 2006 under Comment Responses

The oldest signatures of history we have are the hand prints Cro-Magnon men signed their paintings with thirty thousand years ago. It is shame that their fingerprints are not on file. I don’t have that problem.

April and James are part of history, if it is a history I want to be part of. April is the mother of the two lovely young blond girls who make up Prussian Blue. If you don’t know who they are, Google it. April founded this duo and is spokeswoman for it.

April and I share the privilege of having been denounced in National Review for our special place in spreading evil RACISM. But that is the least of HER accomplishments.

Kelso has been part of this blog for a long time. He is the man I have mentioned here many times, the man who works 168 hours a week for our cause and still finds time to take care of any technical or other difficulties we have here.

I finally got Kelso to actually WRITE something here. I use subtle technique by telling him I was dying of something and had only days to live and would he please grant an old man’s dying wish. I remember some sobbing came in somewhere there, too.

April just handed me the Christmas present of popping in here.

If there to be a history in the future that MATTERS, and not the scribblings of an endless brown humanity made up of a very large ant colony that stagnates and calls itself Mankind, you and I will part of it, and April and Kelso will be at the top of that list.

April, if all this gushing adoration embarrasses you, just blush sweetly for the old man.

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