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That Smartass Dave Again

Posted by Bob on November 3rd, 2006 under Coaching Session, Comment Responses


Re: “Wolves” And The Ability To See And Hear What Other’s Don’t

An “undomesticated person” is a person that is able to endure life without indulging in consolations. That is what furnishes him his “wolf-like” character.

Such personalities possess a sightedness and an ability to hear what others don’t, a decisive competitive advantage (to man and wolf).

Adolph Hitler had his “thousand year Reich”, Globalists have theirs, and Libertarians have theirs. Let us leave such things to them.

Instead, let us turn our attention to the HERE AND NOW.

To bullies and their penchant for defamation.

But what is defamation to a seer and hearer (a wolf)?

A “wolf” knows this:

For every inside, there is an outside.

For every obverse, there is an inverse.

For every concave, there is a convex.

Tell me:

Why do the Antis scream RACIST!!!! so loud?

Why do they devote SO MUCH ENERGY TO IT?

27×7, holidays included, for 65 solid years Antis have screamed RACIST!!!

Without intermission.

Their pure relentless screaming is amazing; it never ends, it never ceases, not for a second.


Why endlessly scream about something that is TRUE? What is the necessity?

Have the Antis been screaming that springtime grass is green? That a cloudless daytime sky is blue? That the sun rises in the east and sets in the west?

No, to the contrary:

They have been screaming that white people are NOT INHERENTLY SUPERIOR.

To a “wolf” this is good evidence its OPPOSITE.

Unlike a “dog”, a “wolf” can accept the energy offered by its enemies.

Consequently, “wolves” ACTUALLY NEED the defamations and attacks of bullies and enemies.

Scream RACIST!!! at a “wolf”.

The “wolf” will take that energy and PERFORM JUDO upon it.


For the “wolf” hears the epithet RACIST!!! for WHAT IT REALLY IS: an incantation to his knighted soul, to summon its supremacy, and to prove it in poise.

NO NONWHITE can see what the “wolf” SEES or hear what the “wolf” HEARS.

Their simian and parasitic brains couldn’t possibly do such a thing.

Ask yourself:

What is authentic about an “African American”?

There is nothing “African” about him.

He speaks MY MOTHER TONQUE. He wears MY PEOPLE’S clothes. He lives a life that is wholly of MY PEOPLE. He is a parasite is every aspect of his existence.

Why does the Japanese businessman stand there in his Englishman’s business suit, completely unaware of his ridiculousness? Why does the Chinaman do the same?

What is Mexican in a Mexican? In their pickups and Hondas?

Do you see what I am getting at? Do you see how marvelous white nationalism can be?

Learn to SEE and to HEAR.

Comment by Dave —

  1. #1 by Shari on 11/03/2006 - 1:45 pm

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    Dave says things that have crossed my mind before too. We have a big Indian pow-wow hosted by the university here. Those fancy costumes were not possible, just with the Indians.

  2. #2 by Mark on 11/03/2006 - 8:00 pm


    “Those fancy costumes were not possible, just with the Indians.”

    Shari I don’t think Indians ORIGINALLY wore the fancy head dresses and outfits since they were so “one with nature.” And we all know that “one with nature” equates into a tree hugger. And a tree hugger would never “abuse” an animal to the point of using it’s skin as clothing or it’s feathers as hats, let alone eat an animal.

    Yup, I’ll betcha’ us racist white people sold those head dresses to the Indians to begin with so when we took their pictures we wouldn’t have a naked savage staring back at us.

    Donthca’think? 🙂

  3. #3 by Bob on 11/03/2006 - 8:26 pm

    Mark, as you know, those headdresses probably have “Made in China” somewhere on them.

  4. #4 by Shari on 11/03/2006 - 9:58 pm

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    Not Spam

    Yes, I think that must be correct!!

  5. #5 by Alan B. on 11/06/2006 - 1:10 am



    In regards to the comment which described an Indian dancing around in full head dress. “The Professor Priest Hood” IS driven by ajenda, they must promote their religion called “Political Correctness” all regards to truth are irrelavent. They strive to promote multicultrialism using displays such as that indian, whites are made to feel guility because that indian is only acting, if whites had not wiped out his ancestors this poor victim would be living amoung nature, see what your ansestors have denyed him. The white gulliable 18 year olds are feed a steady diet of guilt and victim hood, if they resist, they are deemed heretics and all “Heretics” are labled “Racists”. Like the hate speech and hallocaust denial laws In Europe and elsewhere, truth is a non issue, group think is the name of the game. The PC crowd is reminisent of the debunk Soviet Union, the Soviets rammed the marxis philosophy down the throats of it’s people for 70 years, they used fear and punishment as a means to stiffle rebellion and once the shackels were removed the “Myth” of the Soviet Utopia collasped like a rotten barn. The religion of PC, muticultrialism and equlity IS a pipe dream, a “Myth” that is rotten to the core, just look at the measures they use to trump up this sick dream, its going to come crashing down, its just a matter of time.

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