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Uncle Tom 2006

Posted by Bob on November 17th, 2006 under Coaching Session, History, How Things Work

If the media establishment has everything under complete control, why isn’t every television series a hit? If the real world looked anything like the way the “Oh, God, All is Lost!” crowd describes it, the media would not waste billions on music that doesn’t sell and shows that don’t last or giant-budget movies that bomb.

Open suppression of discussion would not be necessary if whatever group it is had absolute control over all aspects of our thought. White males had the kind of power in the 1920s that no one could imagine ever failing. But one generation of cowardly morons destroyed all that.

The greatest single resource any oppressor has is the Uncle Tom. Like the “Christian” conservatives, old Uncle Tom said dat there was no joy in dis world, but that didn’t matter because De Lawd would come for him. At one populist protest I heard a preacher call for George Wallace for president, and then say that we HAD to lose in THIS world because we could only win in the NEXT.

With friends like that …

Even the West Point textbook on military history pointed out that the main thing in a battle os not the destruction of pphysical resources. Many an army has been chased off by a force half or a tenth of its size. Said the textbook, “An army is defeated when it is CONVINCED it is beaten.”

There are no inevitables in this world.

The greatest asset one side has is not the soldiers in its own ranks, but the defeatists among the enemy.

  1. #1 by Mark on 11/17/2006 - 10:52 am


    Don’t know if anyone caught this bit from Pat Buchanan’s latest article, but my ears perked up when I read it — especially the bit about “Comprehensive is code word for…” It may be a stretch, but I’d say it’s kind of silly to think only us grassroots White Nationalists are reading WOL.

    “Bush and Karl Rove still have not gotten the message, and probably never will. They have swallowed the Wall Street Journal and Weekly Standard line that the party’s tough stance against illegal immigration hurts with Hispanics, and only a “comprehensive” immigration bill can heal the wounds. “Comprehensive” is the code word for amnesty.”

  2. #2 by Mark on 11/17/2006 - 10:53 am


    Forgot to add: The previous Buchanan quote was “lifted” from World Net Daily, 11/16/06.

  3. #3 by richard on 11/17/2006 - 1:23 pm


    Hence the constant propaganda that mass immigration is ‘inevitable’. Just like the decay of capitalism and the rise of communism was ‘inevitable’ in the 1920s.

  4. #4 by Alan B. on 11/17/2006 - 2:48 pm



    Very true Bob, and in regards to that preacher, this idiot promoted pessimism when he could have inspired the people to strive for victory. I see this every day, the do nothings, what can I do that really matters to a hill of beans crowd. The goverment and the IRS tax the living hell out of my paycheck not to mention all the other good and servises I purchase. This pisses me off yet others just accept it as the way its gotta be, bullshit. Im a fighter, I think there are millions just waiting for a leader to show the way, until then the sad sacs are what the potical establisment like. If politicans, the corporate news media and the talking religious hairdos cared, americans would be back in control again. You rarely hear about our southern border being invaded, yet me have a war on terrorism, what ever that IS. Yet you turn on the news and its gay marriage, or some whining minority crying about abuse etc. The Politicans and the corporate media and the religious freuds and all part and parcel. The each strive to keep us disorganised, unforcused and confused, they worse that any commie traitor from the cold war. Their enemies may be in the millions, as long as we are unorganised and defeatest we play into their hands. Just keep spreading the mantra, copy and paste and move on, one Mark is worth 100 Jery Fawell do nothings.

  5. #5 by Dave on 11/17/2006 - 3:11 pm


    An imperious bearing in white etiquette toward nonwhites shall again become fashionable as it was in the 1930s.

    Currently, the superiority of “blondeness” percolates (albeit in understatement) throughout the MSM.

    It is just that we all agree to pretend “it ain’t so”.

    Marilyn Monroe started this when see agreed to pretend in her blondness she was as Jewish as the Jews themselves. In fact, the Jews hated her. They hated her because she represented everything racially they were not.

    Think of the bookends in fashion: Marilyn Monroe began a trend in pretending to the social acceptability of Jews. Madonna (a Marilyn Monroe imitator) is ending the same trend by waving a purchased pickaninny into the camera.

    Marilyn Monroe was an initiator of trends and Madonna is a terminator. Can Madonna really believe that such vile behavior “plays in Peoria”? Her career is over!

    The signs of the return of the social acceptability of white gentile imperiousness are everywhere, make no mistake about it, it is the real trend.

    If Marilyn Monroe were alive today (lets pretend she would be still young), being the public relations genius she was, she would avoid Jews like the plague and instead finagle photo ops with Alessandra Mussolini. She would be absolutely mortified to wave a pickaninny infant into the camera, understanding it to be the career death it actually is.

    ‘Progressives”. Talk about Geeks! Why argue with them? Why even try to convert them?

    They are losers plain and simple. Losers!

    We WNs are the leading edge of social fashion and everybody needs to get that truth to sink into his or her head!

  6. #6 by Pain on 11/17/2006 - 8:09 pm


    Wow. I step out for just a little bit and look at all the action! So many good comments.

    “With friends like that …”

    When you meat a few of these people in person you realize they are, well, DUMB. You wonder how they stay in power. Most “rednecks” have “common sense” and wouldn’t do or say some of the dumbest things those people do. Give me a good ole boy with a tobacco-juice filled Pepsi bottle any day.

  7. #7 by Alan B. on 11/17/2006 - 11:40 pm



    Mark, Bush was chosen to run for president because he was the type of nitwit who could be led around like a dog on a leash. Rove is GW’s owner, the neocons bark the commands and dumbo just continues to march on. Think about this, Bush as leader of the psudeo conservative republican party gpt an ass kicking by an underserving democrat alternitive. Even after all this this jackass wants amnesty, hes nothing but a lapdog.

  8. #8 by Alan B. on 11/17/2006 - 11:56 pm



    Status report: I was planing to spreat copies of Bb’s mantra around the college on Saturday, they were having their multicultrial open house goobully gook weekend for the up and coming gulag victims who are still in high school. I am holding of seems we have somebody floating around what the media describes as hate literature in town, heat is on for this guy, I will wait. I also learned you need a permit to pass out literature.

  9. #9 by Al Parker on 11/18/2006 - 1:59 am



    I just heard Ted Pike recite briefly the story of Alexander the Great and I felt a sort of déjà vu for a moment. Where did I JUST hear this? Oh, Bob’s blog!

    Alexander the Great, back in the fourth century B.C., had this crazy idea that he was ordained by the gods to take over the world. He only had a few thousand men and he went off into Asia — and here were millions in the armies of Darius who were coming against him in Asia minor. The brilliance of Alexander was that with his tiny army he went on the offensive and attacked immediately as the enemy was seen. The forces of Macedonia blasted in against this huge army, and the Persians, who had never seen such audacity before, were so astonished that they began to run in fear and trample each other. That’s how Alexander the Great won — he didn’t wait until everything was orderly and the battle could begin the next morning. That’s what we have to do right now.

  10. #10 by Mark on 11/18/2006 - 11:38 am


    “I also learned you need a permit to pass out literature.”

    Why not get the permit and pass it out anyway? They are going to call our message hate literature no matter what so don’t let that bother you. Use Bob’s rebuttal. You’ve got the tools, man, use them.

    Also, it would be a good idea to have at least 2 really big friends to serve as body-guards, like Nick Griffin does at the BNP. It’s only common sense.

    If this is still too scary, consider joining a pro-white org. like National Vanguard and get with their local chapter. NV pickets just about everything in groups of ten or more. But whatever you do, don’t let fear stop you.

    This is war, my friend. No one said the fight was gonna’ be easy. This is where a young man’s mettle is tested to see who will run screaming like a spoiled puppet-child or who will stand as a Warrior-White-Man.

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