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Hardric Hits the Target Dead Center

Posted by Bob on August 4th, 2007 under Coaching Session

Yes, I have to say that whenever I get into the middle of an immigration debate, I end up having to go at it with those (anti-immigration people) who actually complain because the non-white immigrants are not assimilating. What? Complain? They’re not learning English. They should learn our language. They should adopt our cultural mores. They should watch College Football (Sorry, I couldn’t resist). They should marry our women? (Oops, did I go too far..

The more alien they remain the better. Anyone who claims to support racial integrity and calls for assimilation clearly has a disconnected synapse problem.

I am not referring to anyone on this blog.

  1. #1 by Dave on 08/04/2007 - 11:56 am

    Hardric’s comment is a dead on as it gets and the fact that it even appears is a good prognosticator of the future. There is a shocking timelessness about it (from the “colonial consciousness” point of view).

    It says everything about what is really going on domestically and globally and how the current regime with its “global democratization” and “one world” nonsense is on the way out.

    And Hardric, 80 million Egyptians agree with you, another 80 million Pakistani’s say “yep” too. 500 million Africans are in accord with your views and another 200 million Indonesians are “on board also”. Let’s not even mention the magnitude of the hordes of Central Asia and the Middle East, but they are mostly raising their hands in agreement too.

    So take heart, you are not alone in your views and it won’t be long before the elites of the white world agree also.

  2. #2 by Bret Ludwig on 08/06/2007 - 8:02 pm

    If they are going to be here, separateness is better than “assimilation” if they are not White. In fact, if perfect separation forever could be guaranteed why not let them here?

    Of course, it can’t. In fact the pure indios from Mexico aren’t (for the most part) the problem. Their IQ and communication skills are too low for most of them to be a serious menace to white society. But a few stupid white and part-white females will have their children, and a few misguided White men will inseminate a few of their women, and the results will be smart and angry enough that they will be a threat.

    The Mestizos who come in here are more trouble, for similar reasons. They are the architects of Aztlanization. Yet they themselves do not want to live among indios, or else staying in Mexico would be an option. This is precisely why there are few illegals in “New Mexico USA” .

  3. #3 by Hardric on 08/06/2007 - 9:04 pm

    Bret Ludwig;

    It is possible to do all kinds of things if one can get past the hangups. This is why you can devote a lifetime to breeding German Shepherds or Race Horses, but mention the Breed of Humans and everybody falls away in a dead faint, as though you were introducing the Bubonic Plague. Beauty and Intelligence are such undesirable traits.

    If I were an Alien from other Worlds living on Earth and looking for something interesting to do, I would breed Redheads. I would keep that feisty and independent spirit, since that is part of their charm.

    Take me to your leader!

  4. #4 by Bret Ludwig on 08/06/2007 - 10:30 pm

    It is possible to do all kinds of things if one can get past the hangups. This is why you can devote a lifetime to breeding German Shepherds or Race Horses

    Yes, that’s precisely why you don’t allow fertile male mutts around your show bitches and don’t let your Thoroughbred mares graze with good-for-glue stallions.

    I know a breeder of show Samoyeds who walked out one day to find a neighborhood retriever getting ready to mount one of his Samoyeds. He didn’t flinch: he pulled his trusty full comp M1911 and shot the poor hound dead. He then sequestered the in-heat bitch and calmly called the dead retriever’s owner, saying he’d shot the dog and offering to buy them a new one. He said he was sorry, but he never said it was an accident.

    He faded a lot of heat for this act. I asked him if it wouldn’t have been easier to simply let nature run its course, and either drown the pups or have them fixed and given away for pets? He said that the bitch would never breed true again and he would have shot her, and not the other dog, if he had entered her.

    Telegony may or not be a myth, but the breeding community firmly believes in it from all evidence.

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