Archive for August 27th, 2007


Pain asked two questions.

I’ll deal with the second one first:

(2) Only you seem to have the experience in a bureaucracy to know how to make it work, or how to do without it. If populists won control of the government, how could they make sure that the bureaucracy did not work against them?


Pain, I spend most of my time dealing with questions like your first one: Why hasn’t the revolution taken place yet? That does no GOOD at all, but that is what people challenge me about.

Meantime, there is REAL world out there, where the revolution HASN’T taken place yet, and a bunch of amateurs quoting amateurs. I ran into that during the Reagan Administration.

I am trying to explain how to THINK abut real power in the real world. For every minute readers spend thinking abut what I am trying to tell them, nine minutes go to the standard stuff.
I keep repeating, “You can have the money, you can have the fame, you can have the t\titles. All I want to do is rule the world.” I realize that readers are going to think that’s cute and then go back to preaching and capitalizing RACE and stuff the way AFKAN does.

I keep repeating that the important things I have worked out seem so obvious they are humorous. Most readers think that’s cute and go back to routine thinking.

Then you ask me how a group taking power will recognize and get expertise. That is why I work so hard here to debunk present “expertise!”

It’s right HERE, Pain!
