Archive for August 9th, 2007
My Take on Kelso’s Ron Paul Fixation
Not $80 to Stormfront. I am sure your 80 will make a big difference in Paul’s multi-million dollar campaign.
As usual, while everybody else is joining The Latest Big Thing, I’ll remain one of the few who stay on GENOCIDE agaist our race.
There are already plenty of immigrants here to destroy my race. There are very few of us who concentrate on THAT.
Paul has a hundred times our numbers already. But run out, yell loudly, and spend your effort on him. You got nothing IMPORTANT to do, right?
I’ll be here when you get back if Ron Paul gets elected and lets you down. Gee! a presidential candidate who promised and turned on you! Whoda thunk such a thing could happen? Surely, THIS one is the exception!
I’ll be here if he fizzles.
Either way, I’ll be HERE.
Originally Posted by Hannibal14
I sent in $80.00 to his campaign on Tuesday.
He may not agree with OUR philosophy but he’s the best out there.
Unfortunately, I didn’t read the pages before the last one. I’ll send 20 dollars out to Copperhead tomorrow.
No Neoracism!!!!
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session, History on 08/09/2007
One of our finest bloggers admitted that he used to think civil rights was good. Others admit they did not recognize the importance of the race issue before.
We need these life experience statements. I don’t think that anybody who reads what I write and who has seen into my soul can imagine that anybody is more wiling than I am to take a comrade into my heart.
So anything but “Forgive and forget” would seem to be not only my tendency, since I glory in your awakening, it would seem to be good POLICY to let it be known that conversion is costless.
But in fact “forgive and forget” is POISON in the real world of power politics.
Let us take a look at Neoconservatism. Conservatives were so happy to have neoconservatives taking their side that they made conversion a positive VIRTUE. All the years of warning liberals of where what they were doing was leading was FORGOTTEN.
The result is that Neoconservatism now OWNS conservatism. All the lessons of the results of the betrayal today’s then-liberals are LOST. Neoconservatism now RULES.EVERY SINGLE “conservative” power base.
Unrestrained forgiveness leads to DISASTER. All the reformed junkies talking about their wild abuse of drugs often give young people the distinct impression that you can away with it when you are young. Laughing at yourself in recovery is fine, IF you are laughing AT the damned fool who did it. But if that laughter becomes a sort of nostalgic tolerance for yourself when you were on your wild side, it is hideously destructive.
A good young man who decides to dedicate himself to God seldom admits he was a good person before. He makes up a raging beast, a Great Sinner, and the congregation eats it up. And too many people have gotten the impression that, in order to become a Great Christian, you must be a sadistic animal before.
I am a very bad sport about the people who were betraying our race when I tried, year by year and almost in tears, to warn them where they were going.
There was a time when people like Communists like Russell Kirk and Whitaker Chambers came over in full awareness of what they had done. Their conversion was absolute. But as the obvious evil of Communism and the threat became ever more visible, conservatives began to equate those who were FINALLY abandoning making the power of that evil what it was were freely handed he same status as the Kirks and the Chambers’s.
And those who switched to anti-liberalism naturally began to slowly change the fundamental conservative attitude. You see, they were right about everything and those who had fought the fight for decades had been wrong. Liberalism was just fine until about 1970. National Review says that all the time. National Review explicitly condemns its founders in every issue.
And that, believe it or not, is why we are in Iraq right now. If you will go back to the process that got us into Vietnam, the unanimous Tonkin Resolution in Congress, you will see the EXACT thinking that we call neoconservative today.
But no one notices that Neoconservatism, which now rules totally over conservatism today, says that it has exactly the same attitudes and beliefs that “The Best and Brightest” in the Kennedy Administration had when they got us into the LAST Iraq! But this time it is the CONSERVATIVES who got us into Vietnam.
We are in Iraq because conservative “forgive and forget” went NUTS!
It is a very small step from understanding and forgiving an alcoholic to trusting him with just one drink.
There is something WRONG with alcoholics. There is something WRONG with someone who can see a black and blond dating and suppress his natural disgust. There is something WRONG with someone who can betray working people who are trying to find some way to fight the evil of integration any way they can, and especially a person who was raised in the South and spend 28 years in the FBI doing this, USING their common Southern identity to do it.
The good people I knew who went too far and imprisoned by those FBI monsters were shown NO forgiveness.
“Well, gee, it didn’t turn out the way it should have” CANNOT be ALLOWED to be sufficient.
So how can we handle this?
First we get over the idea that someone who was traitor and who wants to leave it behind CANNOT leave it behind.
Maybe the little matter of the takeover by Neoconservatives and our easily-ignored difficulty in Iraq went right by some readers. Maybe some who missed it can be made to notice what happened with IMMIGRATION.
There was a time when the outstanding characteristic of most immigrants was GRATITUDE. Most immigrants wanted desperate t become AMERICANS. I know many people, including my own grandfather, who were not taught their family tongue – though his family were Germans who had come here in the seventeenth century, because America was now an English-speaking country.
Now the very idea that America is anything BUT the immigrant’s own culture is banned. A Neoconservative would say this change occurred by some freak accident at the same time that liberalism, by some freak accident, got out of hand.
No, immigration changed its character when Joe Sobran and Pat Buchanan were on the side of immigrants, who were Catholics like them. Pat Buchanan’s statement that Americans died at Normandy to open Europe to third world immigration occurred thirty years ago. But it can NEVER be forgotten.
Those of us who fought the fought and issued the warnings do not owe YOU. Conservatives went or Neoconservative conversion big time. “True Blue Americans” went for the “nation of immigrants” thing while hog. The immigrants didn’t make this mess. The JEWS did not make this mess, they just used the tools the evil traitors gave them.
If you went along with it, YOU made this mess.
Conservatives forgot this lesson with Neoconservatives. “True Blue Americans” forgot this lesson on immigration.
It is a DISEASE. It was FATAL to them.
No, the mistakes you made are NOT all right. They show something is WRONG with you, something that could be FATAL to OUR movement. DIG IT OUT OF YOURSELF. Give special attention to those who were ALWAYS faithful.
We do not need a Neoracism.
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