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Posted by Bob on August 5th, 2007 under Coaching Session

I have noticed people going to phenomenal lengths to attack matters of no substance whatsoever, while denying even that the most important matter of Substance – RACE – even exists, even for them.

I notice my NIFWIC friends – Naive Flag-Waving Conservatives – getting all worked up over “Right-To-Life” Constitutional Amendments, even as the correlation of economic forces that make us a great nation slowly slip away.

People seem to redouble their efforts in the pursuit of “safe” symbolic goals, while scrupulously ignoring the rot in their own communities, even in their own homes.

I suspect they KNOW, on some level, that things are much worse than they dare accept, so they practice denial games to avoid facing these unpleasant truths.

The greatest denial game they play is the denial of RACE; first, that RACE even exists (for them), and second, that RACE is the Living Bridge between Family and Culture.

My family has pretty much disowned me, and that’s fine; I address each and every issue – personal, familial, communal, and societal – in the Light of RACE, First, Foremost, Forever, and can AT LEAST state that I am not stuck in the hole they are digging for themselves.

We must be what we want the world to become, and THAT is a tremendous challenge; it is also where all of the positive opportunities for growth are.

But first, you must be willing to allow the Mind to accept the evidence of the Senses before you, and then, you must be willing to act on the Truth, taking the smallest steps in the right direction, and the right direction is RACE.

To help them understand this, I describe RACE paraphrasing Sailer’s definition – a tremendous extended Family.

DAMN these idiots, and their safe, comfortable talk of “Burning The Flag” Constitutional Amendments, and “Right To Life” Constitutional Amendments.

  1. #1 by Pain on 08/05/2007 - 1:21 pm

    It’s funny how they use “race does not exist” to justify white genocide. Call them on it. Say: “You are trying to hide the crime of white genocide by pretending there are no white people! I am real, and I do not want to be genocided.”

    Essentially their argument is the same as catching a naughty child red-handed with your wallet in his hands. You say: “Give me back my wallet!” He says: “What wallet, I don’t see any wallet” as he waves it in your face.

    Anyone who holds your wallet while claiming there is no wallet, is stealing it. Anyone who says he cannot see the white race with his own eyes, is GENOCIDING whites.

    Tell the genocider: “By denying the obvious, you confess a crime!

    The race-criminal is flooding ALL white countries and ONLY white countries with the Third World…

    (Put Mantra here.)

  2. #2 by Hardric on 08/05/2007 - 1:27 pm

    There are some people of whom you can simply say you like the way they think. They give you fascinating insights into how the world works, and what they say is, well, what I would say if I could express myself half as well as they do.

    Robert Whitaker is one of those, which is why I love to read what he writes. Afkan is another. There are more, certainly, and to all of you I express my sincere appreciation.

  3. #3 by Ian Santiago on 08/05/2007 - 1:59 pm


    You are correct, conservatives are worse than useless, we need revolutionaries. Any political/economic system not grounded in racial nationalism is just a rudderless ship.

    The following articles are worth reading:

    Viva la Raza Blanca!!

  4. #4 by shari on 08/05/2007 - 2:06 pm

    My appreciation too! And to Pain, Dave, Tim, Sysop, Simmons…can’t think of all who say things worth saying. My older son is visiting this weekend. I gave him my copy of Why Johnny can’t Think about six months ago and it’s had a real impact on him. So that much is gratifying in this ongoing concern.

  5. #5 by Mark on 08/05/2007 - 5:17 pm

    Ian Santiago you are a godsend — I appreciate each and every one of your posts.

    Bob, I had a stray thought fly into my head — not unusual for someone as empty headed as I am I suppose. I was thinking how ironic it is that a third of the population has fallen for the 911 conspiracy, blaming the US Government and Mossad as having something to do with the attacks, but with one million more times evidence staring them in the face they go about denying that there is a concerted effort to genocide the white race. You can’t watch the news, a sit-com, nascar, go to church, or listen to music without having the anti-white message shoved down your throat. Yet people ignore, deny, or just plain turn off their brains to the murdering that goes on in the name of political correctness.

  6. #6 by AFKAN on 08/06/2007 - 12:35 am

    In reply to all:

    Thanks for the nice words.

    In reply to Ian Santiago:

    The common Mindset of the Prussian system were men who carried in their souls the fire of true revolutionaries; the Leibnizian Revolution moved forward in all sectors of society, as the true Leadership all had a common perspective on how everything needed to be transformed, and how to transform it.

    This worked so well that, in my opinion, this formed the inspiration for the Progressive Movement in America; Teddy Roosevelt would have been right at home in Prussia during this time.

    Remember, the term “Socialist” simply means redistributionist, with government control of most of the economic and political system. This should be contrasted with “Communism,” which is simply (1) the purely Talmudic form of government, and (2) State Capitalism, where the people (outside the “Elite”) are property.

    Look at the power of the Mindset of the Prussian Leadership, and see how they transformed EVERY sector of their society in accordance with this Vision.

    From the unification of the Germanies, the rise of the Germany as the first scientific/industrial power, the transformation of the entire education system in support of these goals (particular praise goes to the intensely meritocratic NAPOLA system of NSDAP Germany, where the children of the working class could have the same elite schooling as the children of the Junkers – the excellent film “Before the Fall” shows some of what this was like), the limits to internal growth through food supplies (calling Mr. Bismarck!), and yet, above all, the mastery of what Buckminster Fuller called “The Machine Tool Principle.”

    The foundational Mindset was carried in their heart, reflecting the fire in the souls.

    I think the Progressive Movement developed as the American version of this system, as well as the only possible counterbalance to it; in turn, our first targets as we walked the path to Empire were the declining Empires, notably Spain, in the New World, and the Far East.

    Note that the foremost exponent of this in public was the remarkably well-read and well-educated Theodore Roosevelt, who looked at Eurasia from a very deep strategic perspective. He was, perhaps, ideally qualified to broker the peace treaty ending the Russo-Japanese War.

    Yet, certain things had to happen to make the Progressive Movement possible; for instance, America had to neutralize the South’s ability to block internal improvements, and the taxation measures needed to make them possible. This, more than the issue of slavery, was why the South, as historically organized, had to go; you simply could not compete with what smart people saw developing in Prussia, and this was before Bismarck took over as Prime Minister of Prussia. The South’s Constitutional power to block “internal improvements” meant the South was in the way, and had to be “reformed.”

    And “reformed” it was, with the Fourteenth Amendment vesting citizenship in the Country, and not the State…

    As Germany moved into high gear, America had to transform itself, and this was too important to be left to a vote of “the people,” particularly when “the people” were doing well, as landed farmers, and small businessmen, now organizing into larger business structures following the shift in industrial organization encouraged by the Civil War.

    In turn, the Progressives always looked to Prussia, and the United Germanies, and proceeded to adopt and adapt such of their institutions as they could.

    Now, look at the unique depth of education and training of Theodore Roosevelt, groomed to go to Hsrvard when admission to Harvard was based not merely on social class, but also on a meritocratic series of exams based on a knowledge of the Classical World; you had to KNOW Latin, and you had to be able to discuss, at length, how Rome developed, fell, and was transformed.

    Take men who saw the Western world in such terms, and could see what the new technological system was beginning to do in terms of transforming the world, and how the issue of Prussian supremacy of Europe was all but inevitable.

    Think Rhodes established the Rhodes Scholarships, at least in part, as a British counterweight to German supremacy in Europe? Remember, “Germany” began out of a common customs union. Think this concept could be extended to all of Europe, which would gladly join with the technological and industrial superpower Germany was becoming?

    Think the Progressives saw this?

    That is, in part, our challenge; to develop the Mindset of what we need to become the New Progressives, in a world which is vastly overcrowded, is running against the absolute limits to growth (fresh water is the first of these), and faces the decline of all of Mankind, in a Race to the Bottom.

    This, then, is our challenge: the develop the New Progressives, and with them, the foundation of the Meritocratic Aristocracy to lead on the other side of What Is To Come.

    And, the Foundation of all activities MUST look to the touchstone of RACE as the Living Bridge between Family and Culture, with Family as the microcosm of RACE, and RACE as the macrocosm of Family.

    Anyone feel like rereading a biography of Theodore Roosevelt in THIS Light?

    And now you know, in part, why I have been paying for judo lessons for my nephews…


  7. #7 by Simmons on 08/06/2007 - 11:05 am

    The book is “Hunting Trips of A Ranchman & The Wilderness Hunter”,
    two books actually, usually combined when sold commercially. Also in his time christianity had been for some time feminized and sold on emotion and TR advocated a return to a masculine muscular version. That did not happen of course but we got the beginnings of a conservation ethic. What I see in TR is a Germanic man returning to his biology and trying to escape the grip of addle headed christianity.

  8. #8 by Dave on 08/06/2007 - 11:47 am


    This is a great piece you wrote because few Americans realize how thoroughly America was influenced Germany’s rise after the Civil War. And to what great extent today we enjoy the benefits or this influence and suffer from the unintended consequences.

    Remember, it was “Prussian System” that wrote the book on how to protect academics from their funders by inventing the concept of “academic freedom”. That allowed great innovation and the dumping of tradition but also academics took to it like ducks to water because it insulated them from the “out of pocket test” of the free market and from any real challenge from their own students. It has taken the Internet to get rid of this system.

    Or course the Prussian emphasis on standardized testing and merit paid huge dividends (and still does in the United States especially) only to be squandered in the peonization of teachers’ personal power over curriculum and standards of student admittance and discipline. We are at the extreme tail end of the degenerate component of the standardized testing and merit system in the United States right now as teachers have no personal power whatsoever under it.

    But there is also what BW calls “the Sauron problem” that the Prussians in their genius could never come to terms with (putting all your eggs in one basket and too much trust in two-timing leaders politically) and Germany heavily paid the price on that score more so than America.

    This “Sauron problem” fascinates me. I see replicated yet again with the triumph of Hamas in Palestine and I am getting more respect for how the Israeli’s play it because it is likely that Hamas’s eventual triumph in both Gaza and the West Bank will result in a whole new lease on life for the occupation. It is a real lesson for us.

  9. #9 by Simmons on 08/06/2007 - 12:43 pm

    The only thing the Israelis play well is the “Chicken Run.” Or Jew Jabber “the blank slate” theory of humanity meets the grinding wheel of reality in the pesthole of mankind the ME, and the Jews blink, skeedaddle back to the protection of the whiteman. But thankfully for the Jews they have the Sobrans and Dukes of the world to remind the populace of Jewish power. Thankfully we have BW who with force of whiteman’s logic that will if applied be like the Sword of Damocles (spelling?)to the knots of wordism of the day.

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