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Sept. 11: The “It’s not Israel!” Campaign

Posted by Bob on September 9th, 2007 under History

On September 12 polls showed that support for Israel had dropped precipitously. Suddenly all those dead nameless Palestinians brought second thoughts, as it became clear that Arabs COULD strike back.

Everybody remembers how practically every American was against the terrorist. But everybody has conveniently forgotten the daily drumbeat of the “It has nothing to do with Israel” campaign. I heard it DAILY, several times a day. Every commentator insisted that the September 11 bombing had nothing to do with American support of Israel, while every Arab, Afghani radical for the bombing or moderate American against it, talked about American support for Israel as the number one cause of the bombings.

When they said that, every interviewer immediately changed the subject.

Every time.

Every day.

“This had nothing to do with American support for Israel.”

“This had nothing to do with American support for Israel.”

“This had nothing to do with American support for Israel.”

“This had nothing to do with American support for Israel.”

“This had nothing to do with American support for Israel.”

“This had nothing to do with American support for Israel.”

HUNDREDS of times.

And I am probably the only American who will remember this, much less MENTION it, on the sixth anniversary.

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