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Shari, Hardric, and THE WHOLE POINT

Posted by Bob on September 9th, 2007 under Comment Responses

Shari replies to woundednietzsche below, saying,

Perhaps “guilt” might have been a hook early on, but now it seems like it’s sheer vanity that props up anti-white, political correctness. Our paper loves stories about those “making a contribution.” Young woman in Senegal, teacher in Kashmir, international celebrations in grade schools, on and on. Inevitable, it’s “very smart” doing well, or from a doing well family, individuals that are featured. You HAVE to be sort of doing well to do these things. Otherwise you are full time occupied with just keeping your own boat afloat.
I’m afraid that I don’t know anyone who seems concerned with being marginalized or losing a comfortable position because of conscience. They seem convinced that they are very fine people. Where’s the guilt?

Hardric replies:

There’s guilt and then there’s fear.
I was talking to someone on the phone and when I eschewed the BS and spoke frankly, I sensed some fear and panic in their voice. I wasn’t even using crude language, just calling a spade a spade.


Shari makes a good point and misses the BIG one, which is exactly what I expect. From my best. Yes, guilt WAS the motivating factor, but no longer. That is a good OBSERVATION. But there is where Shari and the rest of the best of my people here STOPS.

Hardric replies,

“I was talking to someone on the phone AND WHENI ESCHEWED THE bullshit and spoke frankly, I sensed some fear and panic in their voice. I wasn’t even using crude language, just calling a spade a spade.”


In Europe in the middle of the nineteenth century, company after company demonstrated the superiority of the new steel cannon. Men died by the thousands in the field because the military would not adopt the new guns. Generals said, “Wars are fought with BRONZE cannons.”

In my last book I discuss Doctor Semmelweis, who discovered that thousands of women were dying in agony because doctors wouldn’t wash their hands in a carbolic acid solution before delivering babies. They went straight from dissection to delivery.

Semmelweis’s campaign went on his whole life, and he died in a madhouse. I read about this at age thirteen in a 1952 best-seller called The Cry and the Covenant. I was ALREADY realizing what Semmelweis faced.

I was ready for college when I got there at age sixteen. I was not the least bit surprised at what sadistic dunces ran the place.

Semmelweis died screaming, “Wash your Goddamned HANDS!”

And I will die screaming “Use the goddamned MANTRA!”

The doctors said, “But washing your hands is embarrassing and the novelty done wore clean of it,” though in the kind of language that didn’t show they were inbred retards.
Hardric’s point, and the point of this blog is that the Mantra WORKS. The point of the people who actually worried about winning wars was that steel cannon WORKED. Semmelweis’s point was that washing one’s hands didn’t just save the mother, it didn’t just save the child, it saved them both from an AGONIZING death.

I am obsessive: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

As long as we do not use the Mantra and related points like “Heresy,” the other side will be riding high. Hardric kicks their feet out from under them. I kick their feet out from under them.
Nobody NOTICES. The big deal is a copy and paste South African bitch site. The point is that what others are doing has NOT worked. Let’s blubber over that. Let’s obsess on that.
But for God’s sake, let’s not notice what puts THEM on the DEFENSIVE.

Andfor God’s sake, above all, let’s keep the Mantra and the rest of ur effective weapons number 45 out of list of 40 priorities.

WE have a LIFE, you know!

  1. #1 by Lord Nelson on 09/10/2007 - 11:13 am

    I would like to talk about a disturbing new trend, and how it shows the need to keep using the mantra:

    We all know that in any war, strategy and tactics continue to evolve, but I have been shocked to notice comments in the main stream media that almost sound like they have been taken from mein kampf. (But with NO racial context)

    There was a debate a few weeks ago on BBC radio 4 about helping UK children from disadvantaged White areas to do better at school, and every lefty professor agreed that you cant expect kids from poor families to perform as well as kids from middle class families because they had inherited their parents inferior genes.

    I could not believe my ears, and this is one example of many I have noticed.

    As I write this, it is being reported on the TV news that scientists at UCL university have developed a program to tell if a child has genetic defects by studying the shape of its face. Try to imagine this being reported in a positive way just a few years ago.

    We are dealing with an enemy that has infinite resources and it appears they have realized that after 40 plus years of the standard guilt trip, compassion, and Utopian melting pot type propaganda, people are getting fatigued and are crying out for something different.

    It must be embarrassing for the establishment after decades of preaching the “Utopian Multi Cult Paradise” to see the growing threat of homegrown Muslim terrorists and Black crime stats.
    And so you can expect a subtle change from “multi cult paradise” to (FAKE) eugenic or Nietzsche type propaganda in the future.
    There may even be an announcement in the MSM that the multi cult has OFFICIALLY, failed.
    But the usual suspects who imposed it will be relentlessly preaching the new ideology, as if the old had nothing to do with them.
    You can expect in the near future, that our mommy professors will be preaching eugenics and survival of the fittest like never before.
    And the TV. along with every other establishment mouthpiece will be banging out the message 24/7 of how the generations of poor Whites have had their chance and failed. And that they must be replaced or mixed with the cream of the third world in order to effect a healthier and happier world, and create a kind of coffee coloured Ubermensch or Master Race.

    Of course this incredible U-turn in accepted and respectable beliefs, will share two things with the old:

    1. It will apply to ALL, White countries, and ONLY, to White countries

    2. And the real purpose will have remained unchanged.

    Having thought about this, I really don’t think the architects of our destruction have anywhere else to go. And soon the social constructs (White Antis) will be parroting the new ideology as if it was their own idea. Many of them will believe it really was.

    But its interesting how the same old mantra deals with this new type propaganda just as easily as it did with the old.
    Its because the mantra ignores the bait put down by our enemies and gets straight to basics.
    The mantra simply points the spotlight on what its really all about:

    The ongoing program of GENOCIDE against the White race.

    Be aware that the goal posts maybe moving.

    Different ideology, Same sick bullshit idea!

  2. #2 by Tony Danton on 09/11/2007 - 7:45 pm

    Not to get off point but remember that childbed fever did not present a serious threat until births began being routinely brought into hospitals. At that time there was no medical advantage to it since caesarian sections were very risky indeed, so much so that they killed more than half the mothers.

    Moving the site of normal childbirth back to the home is an essential piece to any future program designed to increase the birth of White babies.

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