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Lord Nelson

Posted by Bob on September 10th, 2007 under Coaching Session

I would like to talk about a disturbing new trend, and how it shows the need to keep using the mantra:

We all know that in any war strategy and tactics continue to evolve, but I have been shocked to notice comments in the main stream media that almost sound like they have been taken from mein kampf. (But with NO racial context)

There was a debate a few weeks ago on BBC radio 4 about helping UK children from disadvantaged areas to do better at school, and every lefty professor agreed that you cant expect kids from poor families to perform as well as kids from middle class families because they had inherited their parents inferior genes.

I could not believe my ears, and this is one example of many I have noticed.

As I write this, it is being reported on the TV news that scientists at York university have developed a program to tell if a child has genetic defects by studying the shape of its face. Try to imagine this being reported in a positive way just a few years ago.

We are dealing with an enemy that has infinite resources and it appears they realize that after 40+ years of the standard guilt trip, compassion, and Utopian melting pot type propaganda, people are getting fatigued and are ready for something different.
It must be embarrassing for the establishment after decades of preaching the “Utopian Multi Cult Paradise” to see the growing threat of homegrown Muslim terrorists and Black crime stats.
And so you can expect a subtle change from multi cult paradise, to (FAKE) eugenic or Nitsche type propaganda in the future.
There may even be an announcement in the MSM that the multi cult has OFFICIALLY, failed.
But the usual suspects who imposed it will be relentlessly preaching the new ideology.
You can expect in the near future, our mommy professors to be preaching eugenics and survival of the fittest like never before.
The TV. along with every other establishment mouthpiece will be banging out the message 24/7 of how the generations of poor Whites have had their chance and failed. And that they must be replaced or mixed with the cream of the third world in order to effect a healthier and happier world, and create a kind of coffee coloured Ubermensch or Master Race.

Of course this exciting U-turn in accepted and respectable beliefs, will share two things with the old:

1. It will apply to ALL, White countries, and ONLY, to White countries

2. And the real purpose will have remained unchanged.

Having thought about this, I really don’t think the architects of our destruction have anywhere else to go. And soon the social constructs (White Antis) will be parroting the new ideology as if it was their own idea. Many will believe it really was.

But its interesting how the same old mantra deals with this new type propaganda just as easily as it did with the old.
Its because the mantra ignores the bait put down by our enemies and gets straight to basics.
The mantra simply points the spotlight on what its really all about:

The ongoing program of GENOCIDE against the White race.


What you are describing is NEORACISM, which is what I figured would be coming down the line soon.

  1. #1 by Ian Santiago on 09/10/2007 - 12:07 pm

    In a similar vein, the following article is a real eye opener. it would explain why I am so brilliant, what with my blue Galician Spanish eyes and all. 🙂

    I see a sea change on the horizon and my recent trip to Europe has made me even more wildly optimistic than I was before. I hope that this blog does not become infected with the corrosive pessimism of Stormfront.

    Why blue-eyed boys (and girls) are so brilliant
    Scientists discover what may have made Stephen Hawking – and Lily Cole – so intelligent

    By BEN CLERKIN – More by this author »

    Last updated at 11:33am on 20th August 2007

    Comments (49)

    The colour of your eyes could determine your achievements in life, say scientists.

    They claim those with blue eyes are more likely to sparkle academically than those with brown.

    They are more intelligent and gain more qualifications because they study more effectively and perform better in exams

    Viva La Raza Blanca!!

  2. #2 by Lord Nelson on 09/10/2007 - 12:35 pm


    Damn it Coach.

    Here I am reveling in my remarkable intelligence and gifted hindsight.

    And you have not only thought of it already, but have even coined it with the perfect name: (NEORACISM)

    If your ego wasn’t big enough already, I would tell you what a spookley smart guy you are!

  3. #3 by Alan B on 09/10/2007 - 7:38 pm

    Great observation, imagine the politically correct establishment labling all whites who resist multicultrialism genetic defectives based on facial features. Try as they may this facial approach will fail if we attack it with common sense, “The Mantra”. Facial labling does not explain why white nations and only white nations are forced to import millions of non white immigrants, this is genocide against the white race. “Its the survival of the white race, lay off the face stupid”, maybe we can use this as a slogan.

  4. #4 by John on 09/10/2007 - 8:34 pm

    Excellent point! If we were a race of ugly morons should we then wish for our destruction.

  5. #5 by richard on 09/11/2007 - 7:56 am

    The rise of ‘neoracism’ which I remember Bob predicting some time ago, is further proof of our ultimate victory. The establishment is clinging onto the back of a very hungry tiger.

  6. #6 by shari on 09/11/2007 - 9:32 am

    Neoracism would be an open admission that genocideing the whites is the goal. The mantra would deal with the new type racism even more because the cover of “equality” would be thrown off.

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