Archive for November 6th, 2007
Dave and BoardAd
Posted by Bob in Bob, Coaching Session on 11/06/2007
This is Greek to me, but it is time we started listening to the imperatives of our new leadership.
BoardAd, another of new leaders, took it upon himself to edit the Untrained Eye. I didn’t know that. I don’t NEED to know. The point is he just DID it. That’s what leaders are for.
I do not want to end up like William Pierce, a great man who had no sucessors. I want less unique greatness for Ole Bob and more people who use me as a BEGINNING.
Microsoft made the default file format XML for the Microsoft Office Suite in its new Windows Vista operating system. Few have any clue as to what this means.
But if Microsoft is anything, it is very pragmatically oriented educational institution, aimed encouraging very smart and creative software developers to put their energies into things that make sense.
And if anything makes sense, it makes sense to encourage software developers to learn and enhance the XML application-programming interface. Making XML the default file format for the Microsoft Office Suite encourages this.
XML is revolutionary for it is a platform for expelling all the legal, accounting and auditing and financial clearing pilot fish from our economic system.
The Visa Master Card monopoly will ultimately not survive XML. Neither will the contract lawyers’ bar, the accounting and auditing profession, and a big piece of the finance profession also.
XML will enable business alliances to spontaneously form based upon handshake deals for the sharing of revenues, expenses, and activities concluded and memorialized in the very software code that enacts the clearing and netting of alliance financial obligations. This will be accomplished in a manner that is completely transparent and sound from a fraud prevention and financial accounting perspective while cutting out the rakeoffs from today’s accounting and auditing, financial clearing, and law firm pilot fish.
Visa MasterCard, FedWire, SWIFT, the ACH system, and the Depository Trust Corporation (among others) are going to get some serious competition. A lot of regulators are going to be left with nothing to do.
A whole big swath of administrative, financial, legal, and accounting overhead of enacting business will disappear downward into the technology stack and become completely automated because of XML technology.
The entire nature of business will change because the regulators and today’s financial clearing organizations will be shut out like it or not. The competitive landscape will change from reliance on hard to source technical, accounting, and legal talent to interpretive abilities for the detection of opportunities for adaptive specialization and alliance formation.
The Chinese, Indians, and Japanese cannot even conceive of this emerging landscape. They are still locked into electricity utilities, skyscrapers, freeways, shopping malls, and phone systems with C-level people prancing around with big entourages.
They are perennially behind. They are perennially playing catch-up. They are perennially pretending they are smart while they are actually under-performing.
The darkies, (Mexicans and Blacks), well, they are just lost. Completely lost. The world of today is not accessible to them, let alone the emerging world of tomorrow.
It is just beyond their comprehension. That is all that can be said. Their role can only be kitchen staff, janitors, maids, groundskeepers, and security guards
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session, History on 11/06/2007
Ah, it’s a tough life for Ole Bob!
I took a look at the comments and they are just too damned good for me to decide which ones to feature up here. You can guess how sad that makes me.
One commenter made a suggestion about what should be done, and AFKAN jumped in and talked about how to do it. Don’t tell me what should be done, go for it yourself. I took a lifetime developng what I gave you, but it is yours to build on. In fact, I look forward to the day when you have left me behind as sort of primitive start.
I have told you many times that my glory comes when someone quotes something I said in past years that was either ignored or wildly controversial, usually both in season, and gets the response, “Well, of course! Hell, I can’t believe a grown man said anything that obvious!”
It’s called getting back to sanity, gang.
That’s our job.
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