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What I Want Us to Be

Posted by Bob on November 7th, 2007 under Coaching Session

Responses to the article below, “Tim: Traitors, the Denazification Approach” provide a very useful example of how I want you to look at things I write and life in general.

Lord Nelson and mderpelding got the point.

My entire real emphasis here was on providing a threat that would realistic bother the other side, especially the ones we need. You see, we are4 involved in a REAL fight here, not a theoretical exercise.

After all these years of ineffectiveness, this is almost impossible for our people to realize.

So on your side we envision a great torchlight Parade of Victory when everybody suddenly becomes Awakened. So it is very, very unusual for somebody to actually pay any attention to what I am actually talking about.

Look at it from the point of view of someone TODAY who is on the other side. They talk a lot about Nazi Suppression and Holocaust, but they talk about precisely they don’t take it seriously. As Isawi pointed out, today’s social scientists, like today’s generals, are fighting the last war.

Meanwhile, what is the REAL nightmare that could scare them today? It is the one we are familiar with: a group of activitists who get paid to hunt them down for the rest of our lives. That is VERY realistic. It will PAY MONETY. It will end when it stops paying money to go back and get somebody for what they did for white genocide in our age.

In other words, it will never end, and we have the example before us from the other side.

It is not a torchlight parade, it is realistic. Only a fool or a conservative would fail to use such a vehicle. It tells them what will happen if a group takes over that does not have William Buckley’s inferiority complex and groveling attitude toward those we are fighting.

It is in short 1 )probable, 2) workable and 3) common sense.

The comments on it from our side were entirely predictable:

1) Denazification BAD. BAD people did.

2) It is ridiculous for people in our hopeless position to talk about the results of victory… ALL IS LOST! and that is what we should be talking about,

3) Bob is not talking about JUSTICE. The sound of chest beating drowns out the rest, but it boils down to we should deport then or hold them morally responsible or some such muck.

I am looking for tactics which will 1) encourage or side and 2) is obviously realistic and therefore scary to our opponents. In the mass of predictable comments here and on Stormfront, that point was totally lost from the word Go.

  1. #1 by Hardric on 11/07/2007 - 12:05 pm

    I haven’t missed this concept, Mr Whitaker.

    It’s one of your best.
    Which is saying a hell of a lot.

  2. #2 by danerebor on 11/07/2007 - 10:21 pm

    (resending, my first try got cut off)
    Some ideas…

    1.Demand “political fairness”. If non-whites can have their own racially exclusive organizations, lands, etc., then so can whites. It gets around the programming that whites have been given to dislike “hatred” and instead works on their own natural inclination to respect fairness.

    Don’t play the anti-white game of “white bad, black good” by saying “black bad, white good.” Instead say “if black can, then so can white.” “Where’s the hatred in fairness?” That sort of thing.

    2. Mentioned here before, focus on ‘family’. You can also use the comparison, “just because I have a responsibility to take care of my own family, doesn’t mean that I hate other people.” The same holds true for race.

    3. Work to cut funding to universities/ anti-white seminaries. Discredit them as a waste of tax dollars.

    4. Someone very close to me recently got denounced in public by the ARA. The police later arrested at least one of them, because he was wearing a mask in public. In Virginia, that’s a felony. That could be another way to get some anti-whites off the streets.

    5. The biggest nightmare for anti-whites would be a steep economic downturn in western nations. At least in the U.S., the main reason why white people don’t speak up more nowadays is for fear of losing their job. But if they’re already unemployed, what do they have to lose? Looks like that may be happening already…

  3. #3 by AFKAN on 11/08/2007 - 1:38 am

    Virtually all of the WN2/M community has been engaged in fighting yesterday’s battles, over and over, without resolution.

    I suspect this is because they chose the safe, falsely remembered yesterday, to the very real, painful opportunities masked as challenges of tomorrow.

    I have heard the inane ramblings of those who have favored taking Granpa’s old squirrel and challenging the most powerful military force in the history of the world.

    This is simply another excuse for them to do nothing until The Revolution comes, at which time they will rush to the head of the victory parade.

    The Deep Battle is at the very foundations of our Culture, and THIS requires moving beyond the choices suggested to us by our Racial Enemies, into Creating our own version of the Third Way.

    Our purpose should not be the ineffective pseudo-revolutions praised by so many of our subpotent Racial Brethren.

    OUR purpose must center around Creating the functional equivalent of a Reformation, encouraging a new way of seeing the world, and moving forward with the ideas that will develop, organically, from this foundation.

    Essentially, we must become an Army of Teachers, who develop the Mindset of Warriors.

    Think of the Jesuits in expanding THEIR Mindset into the Second and Third World, over hundreds of years. Then remember that, when the Jesuits entered a new area, the first thing they built was NOT a Church.

    It was a school.

    An Army of Teachers, with the Mindset of Warriors; sort of like well-groomed, polished, contemporary versions of Genghis Khan!

    We MUST learn to place ALL issues in the analytical framework of a Positive Theory of Race.

    The Foundation for that is a Positive Theory of Family.

    This implies common cause with the Ron Paul people, for training in political organization, and, if Dobson forms a Third Party (Oh, GOD! Let this happen!), we can continue to move from Defense to Intelligent Offense.

    This is what I am trying to do with my nephews, and I deeply begrudge that there are only twenty-four hours in a day.

    We are trying to develop the intellectual Foundation for a Cultural Reformation, extending into all sectors of human organization, particularly economics and politics.

    I am starting simply, by using “Family” as the proxy for “Race.”

    I note, without comment, that the functional equivalent of this has worked spectacularly for the Jews, and should work no less spectacularly for us.

    Start where we ARE, and take the responsibility to Be what we want the world to Become, one minute at a time.

    More to follow…

  4. #4 by richard on 11/08/2007 - 7:25 am

    Bob, I don’t know if you’ve seen this, but here’s a sentence from BNP leader Nick Griffin’s latest blog entry –

    Among those students and guests already waiting are Bob Whitaker, an old friend from previous visits and late-night Bourbon sessions, and author of, among other things, the brilliant critique of the liberal indoctrination system ‘Why Johnny Can’t Think’.

  5. #5 by Simmons on 11/08/2007 - 12:16 pm

    The Mantra takes an axe to the assumptions of the Left that we all have grownup with and have up till now been the starting point for all debate. Such as using the word “racist” like they still do at AR and Castefootball. The Mantra is a lever on the white man’s next big leap into inquiry and science. When we reach the point when whites start actually asking what the antis and non-whites think about whites it will be time to schedule a march. That will be the Awakening we await.

  6. #6 by Simmons on 11/08/2007 - 1:15 pm

    A suggestion for Nick Griffin and that is to single out the antis and PC inquisitors to be held responsible for their words and actions. Now it can be a speech’s throwaway line or even the main topic in a speech I’m not an expert in political speechifying. Maybe Bob could craft a sentence or two for Mr. Griffin to use. I write this because I believe there to be a huge market out there for someone to say this.

  7. #7 by shari on 11/08/2007 - 4:15 pm

    I never have thought in terms of a “torchlight parade” I think more in terms of a hellashus air clensing thunderstorm. I think some are going to have to have the snot knocked out of their heads in order to clear their eyeballs. Others have been hit hard by the demoralization process and seem too fragile to face the truth.

    Like Afkan, I have started with my family as a proxy for race. It’s hard because they are in the second catagory. And so I deal with depression and exhaustion, including my own.

    My husband and older son’s eyes are at least half open, but then they’ve got me, don’t they?

    But this puts me in the position of seeming like I’m asking my husband to choose between me and his family. And then there is MY family.

    I’m well aware of this being a fight. I just hope I can have enough energy to last

    Hitting them in their wallets in absolutely justice. I hope I see it.

  8. #8 by Pain on 11/11/2007 - 9:28 pm

    A work in the Pseudepigrapha talks about hunting down the corrupt races of man “unto the ends of the earth.” We can do that to the genociders.

    We need to start calling leftists and their lickspittle conservatives genociders and genocidists.

    Then promise to hunt them down and wipe them out. It’s the Biblical thing to do.

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