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Excuses and the Mantra

Posted by Bob on November 16th, 2007 under Coaching Session

I keep getting comments that amount to, “I’m too smart for the Mantra” or “I’ve got my own agenda.”

Basic training is as boring for me as it is for a D.I. To the extent that YOU get discipline, I do not HAVE to keep pounding in the basics. Everybody who does not get the basics thinks he’s too smart for them. Which makes more work for me.

BORING work.

Two other commenters said, respectively, that people keep finding exceptions to the mantra and the mantra is too much at once. Who do you think you’re fooling? It reminds of students who would use the old excuses I used for not giving the right answers or not showing up. I had to explain I had not only hears those excuses, I’d USED them.

The three excuses for failing to have the discipline to use the mantra are transparent, not only to me but to Dave and everybody else her who is serious. Those of us who are in ACTION have no trouble with the “too much at once” or the “exceptions” crap. It’s odd that no one but those with the respective excuses ever run into these problems.

The three excuses cited above cover two simple human motivations: 1) You don’t want to appear average, so you want to make your own argument and look smart, regardless of the effect on the larger struggle, and 2) you have your own agenda.

I don’t mind people breaking a discipline I have no right to impose. I do, however, object to people lying to themselves and to us. We all do that. We all do that all the time. But like other human failings, it should be minimized despite the fact you can never get rid of it. I am not sure I would want to the kind of robot that couldn’t lie to himself or want to deal with such.

But these ARE delusions and excuses. An old warrior can hear those coming out of himself.

  1. #1 by Simmons on 11/16/2007 - 1:27 pm

    Maybe Dave can explain to us how he presents the Mantra to his elite friends?

  2. #2 by AFKAN on 11/16/2007 - 1:55 pm

    Take time and talk with high school teachers, or the human resources people at a serious company, and you will be told what I have been told, and what I have seen, tragically, in the example of my nephews.

    A high school teacher told me, “We are not in the ‘education’ business. We are in the entertainment business, and must organize our entertainment in short bursts, dealing only superficially with an issue for no more than three minutes, and then we switch – like a commercial break – for a minute or two. The parents are happy, the kids get B’s or A’s, and the Administration is happy.”

    ZERO attention span.

    I use the Mantra with the warm-up of the words “White Genocide.”

    Their reaction to THAT phrase tells me if the Mantra has a chance of falling on fertile ground.

    You MUST reach them where they are; they just are not functioning at our level, yet, and may not, for a long time to come.

    Believe me – if you get a negative reaction to “White Genocide,” you are trying to be rational with the irrational.

    That is the surest way to impotence, anger, and madness.

  3. #3 by mderpelding on 11/16/2007 - 7:13 pm


    The phrase that can start a movement.
    Say it in a room. Live.
    The effect is astounding.

  4. #4 by Dave on 11/16/2007 - 7:38 pm


    Let me say first that if there were any group elites more aware of the fact that nonwhites “no can do” it is oil industry insiders. You have no idea of how thoroughly the politics of the oil industry revolves around that very issue. Accordingly, they see the world very realistically.

    What passes for public debate all over the world is truly ridiculous. Only the uninformed respond emotionally to these debates.

    But elites ARE FORCED to respond to these ridiculous debates if they are in any way dependent about public perceptions regarding the sale of their products, or reactions to their development activities. Accordingly, as heavily white dominated as the oil industry is, it takes care not to offend nonwhites for nonwhites purchase gasoline and live in neighborhoods close to their refineries. They also have international diplomacy issues to consider.

    So now I have given you a specimen outline of the sensitivities involved for the oil giants. But let us leave aside the oil industry elites, for they are already quite solidly on Robert Whitaker’s page already, and go to other types of “elites”, say for example, “local command” types.

    Now what I have actually done on several occasions is that I hold up my hand and say, “Challenge”. (I get them to agree to take on a “challenge”.) Then I say, “Let us consider this from a standpoint that in our current environment is strictly forbidden and considered pure heresy, that is let us consider this from a PURELY RACIAL standpoint.”

    Then I say, “Mexico is a very resource rich country, why are Mexicans so poor?” (The response is the usual bullshit). Then I say, “But what if the real cause of Mexican poverty is the Mexicans themselves, that they are simply genetically incapable of self-directed progress and of being equal to white people?” (The response is the usual bullshit).

    Then I say, “Why should the directional flow of population be from Mexico and Latin America into our country? What makes that logical?” (There my respondents tend to stumble a bit). Then I quickly insert, “The Netherlands and Belgium are more crowded than Japan and Taiwan, but nobody is demanding that those countries be integrated with mass immigration. What is going on? Don’t white people have a right to exist?” (Here my respondents have tended to say, “You are indeed speaking heretically”).

    And my response back is, “Yes, I am speaking heretically. I told you my challenge was to look at this from a strictly forbidden standpoint.

    Then the discourse usually gets to where the respondent makes some heartfelt statement about his or her belief that everybody is inherently equal and that whites aren’t really threatened. But so what? That’s throwaway bullshit and what I have really done is leave in my wake an educated person who I have deeply impressed without stumbling into disciplinary violations of organizational standards (because I forewarned them about the nature of the discourse in advance and disciplinary standards regarding speech cannot be invoked in private conversations outside of formal organizational settings in any event).

    We do live in a country where free speech is permitted (outside of formal organizational venues) although there are many bad actors that would like to abolish it.

    I notice the response in their hearts. The mouth says one thing and the heart says another.

    Life is like that, isn’t it?

    Racial loyalty does exist, but it is disconcerting to be hit with the Mantra for the Mantra is evidence of the mounting crises the most aware white people know is transpiring and dread.

  5. #5 by Alan B. on 11/17/2007 - 7:26 am

    Complexity blurs the obvious

    Have us whites become totally blind to the reality that exists around us? One often hears the saying, “Its as obvious as the nose on your face”, yet millions of whites refuse to see the 3rd worlding of their nation, deny the rampant increase in non white violence against whites. The genocide against whites is obvious yet invisable to the sleeping masses, like the phoney war on terror that rquires our mail to be read, our phones tapped, nobody every asks why our boarder with mexico is undefended or why the same swine who want our rights diminished fight to prevent border control, can’t terrorist come across the border to harm us?

  6. #6 by Simmons on 11/17/2007 - 10:45 am

    Thanks Dave very well done, I kind of work the same way except I deal with the triple digit IQ white tube zombies the kind that seek escapism, and they are not “command.” As an aside its my belief that the world is ruled by gangs of men one being the oilman gang, and for some time I thought about joining up with them, but their outward disdain for “Race” (Spenglarian version)ruled that out.

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