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For a Teacher, More is not Better

Posted by Bob on November 22nd, 2007 under Coaching Session

Z is concentrating on my radio broadcasts, and is getting a lot out of them. He asks me to do more.

But it was also Z who EXPLAINED why I don’t:

“As Bob has pointed out, he can’t teach advanced calculus if you don’t know the multiplication tables. Maybe you should go learn the multiplication tables first, before you attend class here? Go to Stormfront and ask these questions, this will only distract us.”

One major reason I don’t do more is because I have to keep reteaching the basics. I am a teacher. I have to keep hammering away at the Mantra, but definitely not because if is fun for me to do so. You think YOU are bored hearing about it? Try it from my end!

It is like a priest who, after forty years of hearing confessions, secretly wishes that SOMEBODY would come up with one novel sin! Every time a lot of comments go by WITHOUT repeating and extending on the BASICS, I have to go back again. There is no way for me to know, by some psychic means, that you really mean to go from the basics.

I have a lifetime of experience fighting from the basic training, and teaching how to do it. I have spent hundreds of hours prepping congressmen and candidates and senators and the rest for critical debates and testimony in important hearings. I have heard, “Yes, Bob, PLEASE don’t say that again, I will REMEMBER that point.” I have then sat there watching C-Span as they missed the opportunity to make the point that would have cinched it. The perfect opportunity is lost.

You’ve been in that position. How many times has somebody said that they will remember something critical to the point where they asked you to stop repeating it, and then totally forgotten it when the crunch came?

The Mantra is just a good example of this. How many times, after ramming the point home, did a Roman centurion listen to a soldier list the steps for battle and forget throwing the pilum?

I am here because I am good at this. I am here because I got PAID for this.

There are a lot more basics than the Mantra. There is “Heresy!” But if you forget the Mantra, you will surely forget the follow-up. Most important, you cannot argue sticking to the LOGIC of the Mantra. When someone gets off on why white countries deserve immigration because of colonialism, you must not answer THAT. You must reply, “You are JUSTIFYING GENOCIDE.”

There is room for though and variation, but it must be VARIATION FROM THE BASICS.

I would LOVE to be able to go on into new things with new broadcasts, but every time you seem to be wandering, I have to go back again. This is not disrespect for you. I have had to do this with everybody right up to President Reagan and my hero and mentor John Ashbrook.

This is why, in Western Civilizations, fields of study are called DISCIPLINES. They are not disciplines in places where an “intellectual” is someone who dribbles nonsense that sounds good. Intellectualism is not free association. In a serious discussion, if you wander off into clichés the way they do in the East, you will be laughed at. That is why, as Back Bay Grouch pointed out, sociology is a joke.

Anyone I think is qualified to be here should be insulted if I let you off the hook.

Many, many times I am ready to write something that interests me and might interest you, but someone is back off a side dribble. So with a deep sigh I go off to bring the wandering sheep back into the fold.

What a good teacher teaches depends on the students. I cannot put in new stuff until you absorb the old and make this a DISCIPLINE.

Tighten it up, gang, and I can have more fun.

  1. #1 by Z on 11/23/2007 - 7:25 pm

    I was watching a Thanksgiving Day show on the history channel. It was about the Pilgrims landing at Plymouth Rock. It had a reenactment showing the Europeans coming to an empty Indian village and finding some corn buried in a dirt mound. Next to that dirt mound was another mound with the bones of a dead Indian in it. I thought that it was strange that the food supply was kept near the remains of the dead but since I’ve been told that Indian “culture” is superior to anything that the Europeans had every thought up, I guess its not for me to judge?

    Anyway, after showing the Euros finding the corn, some “Indian culture specialist” type of a person explained that “this corn was probably a family’s food supply for half a year.” The purpose was to imply that the Europeans had “stole” from the very advanced Indians. And this was very unacceptable, despite the starving condition of the Whites.

    Of course, then I realized that this show was a White Supremacist show. You see, stariving or not, Europeans are expected to grow their own corn the minute they get there. Non-whites however, are given a pass when they steal TVs or Beer during a flood in New Orleans. These same specialists, scream when people criticize non-whites as they steal during the riots in LA.

    The reason for this is simple, White supremacy. Liberals and Respectable Conservatives don’t expect as much from non-whites as they do out of Whites. If you’re White, you can sail across the Atlantic and when you get to North America, are expected nothing less than full civilization. If you’re non-white, you’re expected to take part in Marchin, Lootin, and Killin (MLK) activities anytime the social order breaks down. This, my friends, is true White Supremacy.

    This has been a Thanksgiving Special, brought to you by Z.

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