I cannot forget the quote in Godfather II about the old man who sponsored the Cuba operation:
“He’s been dying of the same heart attack for twenty years.” The Godfather finally had to have the old bastard shot.
BoardAd is, LITERALLY, a lifesaver. He is so much in charge he seldom gets any mention. SysOps, who did BoardAd’s job before and for whom BoardAd took over, was also a literal lifesaver. My whining should be called leveling with you.
It is true that my doctors worried about my taking on this burden, on and on. But it is also true that people who have heart attacks commonly live longer than those who do NOT take care of themselves after age 60.
I am not crying on your shoulder. I am asking for help and you are delivering.
My health has improved greatly since you started pitching in. I am very useful to you, but it is also critical that I don’t perform the old man’s trick of standing in the way. So I delegate, and I tell you why it is CRITICAL both to the cause and to my health that I delegate.
This approach meets Bob’s Requirement Number One:
I hope to remain useful for two more decades, but I refuse to be your Buddha or your Guru. I have said it before and let me say it again: A manager who does NOT find people BETTER than he is is a FAILURE.
This may be one of the most important lessons I teach here.
#1 by Sys Op on 11/23/2007 - 1:06 pm
You’re on Bob…
and right on!
#2 by BoardAd on 11/23/2007 - 4:49 pm
Thanks Bob!
I’m glad that your health is getting better and that you gave me a chance here.
It’s a pleasure to work for you.
#3 by AFKAN on 11/23/2007 - 5:06 pm
An idea:
You might want to consider two ideas:
One, you can run wordpress off your own website, instead of just wp’s.
Two, you might want to consider running a parallel blog in blogger; Bob could just post to the “warm” back-up of blogger.
Three, thanks for all you do. This is an educational experience for all of us, in all meanings of the word.
#4 by BoardAd on 11/23/2007 - 5:21 pm
The blog is not hosted on wordpress.com, it is a directory of the WOL site hosted on lunarpages.com
We have daily back up’s of the blog, the rare temporary outage doesn’t justify another blog to maintain.
#5 by Lord Nelson on 11/23/2007 - 5:20 pm
I have always prided myself on having no influences in the way I see the world. And yet these last few months I have noticed that I have started thinking of myself as a Whitakerite!
Thats a compliment. And I have a feeling you are going to be around for a lot longer than you realize.
#6 by AFKAN on 11/23/2007 - 6:37 pm
Thanks for the heads-up!
#7 by AFKAN on 11/23/2007 - 8:58 pm
Useful, excellent free tool Camtasia Studio 3:
Free registration for Camtasia Studio 3:
They offer to upgrade you to Camtasia Studio 5 for half-price, but right now, half price is twice what I can afford.
Camtasia Studio for FREE seems the best idea of all.
Hope you can use this in furthering The Work.
#8 by Bob on 11/24/2007 - 10:41 am
SysOps, what a relief!
You have been so quiet I thought you might have tuned us out since you delegated.
#9 by Bob on 11/24/2007 - 11:07 am
SysOps picked you.
You and she will pick the next vict …
I mean, you are the ones who will decide upon whom to confer this opportunity if and when you decide to.