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Sound Bite

Posted by Bob on February 1st, 2008 under Coaching Session

Anti-***WHITES’*** statements are all the same, so I provide a standard reply here. You can save yourself some time by copying and pasting it.The next to last paragraph is the important one and may use some more examples:

I am arguing with a tape recorder.

As I said, you are justifying genocide, not denying it. Hitler would have pointed out, correctly, that Jews were disproportionately behind Communism. You are saying whites have to be done away with because they colonized, and hugely advanced, the third world.

So you AGREE that your demand is genocide. You are for it, and I am against it. But every time you drivel out the same old carp, I point this out, and you never deal with it.

I don’t know if you ever took any arithmetic in school, but fifteen million whites on the African continent is not the same as what you are demanding for the white world.

I am, of course, repeating this once again for readers. Telling you, Mommy Professor’s robot, is like yelling into a chasm. You never say ANYTHING that everybody hasn’t heard a thousand times.

NOBODY has heard the Mantra outside here. It is banned in America and illegal in Europe.

I either overestimated your brain power or you have no intellectual shame at all.

Everything you say is out of the Jerry Ford Phrase Book: All the votes are in the middle of the road, you represent the Present and Future and quote the date, that was old when the hippies said, “This is 1968!!!!” or the aged “Whites are the cancer of history,” in this case colonialists, and must be done away with, which is what you say boils down to, and, of course, the old, old gambit of not touching a statement you can’t deal with and then later declaring that that is “old stuff” you already addressed.

We provide Opposing Views for a REASON. Say something, for God’s sake!

  1. #1 by shari on 02/01/2008 - 1:31 pm

    I read that, in the 60’s, the cry was for white colonialists to go home. Africa for Africans, Asia for Asians. So now, they are starving and hacking each other to bits in former colonies. They are also pouring into every white country and ONLY white countries. So, in places such as Ireland, the Irish are told that they should assimilate because they were discriminated against by the British and Americans. Since they were discriminated against, they should now slit their own throats. Anti-white is the definition of insane.

  2. #2 by BoardAd on 02/01/2008 - 3:26 pm

    There is an excellent comment by lemon on

    Thank you, Shari!

  3. #3 by Simmons on 02/01/2008 - 2:44 pm

    When you are called a “racist” ask if submission is expected or demanded. Races that are allowed by custom to intimidate are dominant those not allowed are submissive. Now I realize most whites are not the arrogant WASP that I am who can get away with demeaning my opponent by patronization, but it can work. Like Bob told me when an anti would finally admits to genocide as policy you then by default assume moral superiority. We are dealing with children (libs) here folks and we as adults are not put on earth to finish their sentences, but to assume the superior dominant position. When you are flummoxed by a ranting child lib post the problem here and I’ll help you deal with them.

  4. #4 by Pain on 02/01/2008 - 3:03 pm

    There is an excellent comment by lemon on

  5. #5 by mderpelding on 02/01/2008 - 8:30 pm

    Isn’t this what you wanted?

    “I am arguing with a tape recorder.”

    Quotes mine.

    All your posters’ agree with you.

    Now you have followers, just like those idiots who throughout history have ceded moral authority of their actions to others who they consider “betters”.

    If we as a people are dying, it is because we have ceased to think for ourselves as men and have instead allowed others to act as adults on our behalf.

    I don’t care how important you consider yourself.
    Our what your credentials are.

    A man thinks for himself.

    Children and slaves rely on others.

  6. #6 by woundednietzsche on 02/02/2008 - 11:15 am

    There are times in life, regardless of how intelligent or independent one is, where it is beneficial or even necessary to lean on the logic/arguments of others that we trust are aligned with ours, which in this case is ending/reversing white genocide. I don’t believe Bob wants to create an army of clones, however he does realize the limitations (experience and depth) of many of us here when it comes to debating the cultists outside the accepted box. Our debates are always waged in arenas where we are outnumbered, so Bob reinforces the need to stick with basic tools that work, so that we are not overwhelmed by their numbers. Taking on individual distracting arguments opens your flanks up to being overwhelmed. We cannot go frontal assault because we do not have a minimum 2/1 advantage to do this. Our opponents go frontal all the time because they have the mental conscripts trained to unthinkingly charge when the whistle is blown. They count on overwhelming with numbers, period. They have no other strategy. We have to flank, we have to take and hold small but vital positions, white genocide being a high ground Bob knows from experience they cannot take if held properly.

    There are times when I feel I am out here on my own, incapable of accepting advice or guidance from any man, and then there are times when I lean hard on those I trust, to regain my bearing, motivation and strength, so that I can move forward again powered by my own logical strength.

    Note, I don’t pretend to speak for Bob, this is my own interpretation of what I hear him saying.

  7. #7 by Simmons on 02/02/2008 - 3:04 pm

    Peld you’re screwing up. Bob is telling us to ask questions. “Why or How is information produced?”, “Are you for genocide?” The right needs to actually question the left’s authority not finish its sentences.

  8. #8 by Pain on 02/02/2008 - 7:29 pm


    Mr. Puddinghead is a real loner: a hermit, a people-hater. No one means anything to him. He despises you and he’s here just to bitch.

    When you get on him, he’s happy because at last he’s been noticed.

  9. #9 by BoardAd on 02/03/2008 - 3:25 pm

  10. #10 by shari on 02/03/2008 - 3:06 pm

    This might cheer Bob. There is a piece on Taki Mag by neo-con John Zmirak call “Rejecting Racialism.” Several, real swordsmen, have cut him to pieces with very mantra thinking, and they don’t forget to say anti-WHITE.

  11. #11 by shari on 02/03/2008 - 6:12 pm

    Nail their hide, on the side, Clyde! Or something like that.

  12. #12 by mderpelding on 02/03/2008 - 6:31 pm

    Some great comments and reactions.

    Look people, our situation is going to get worse before it gets better. We will be a people seperated in need of individuals who can be leaders. That means you must grow up and think for yourselves.

    You had best be able to handle attacks on your authority. And on your person. And whatever else offends your ego.

  13. #13 by shari on 02/03/2008 - 8:36 pm

    Mr. Derpelding, I know how it feels to be isolated. I know it’s hard, if that’s how you feel. But your making it very hard to know if you are serious by doing this.

  14. #14 by Simmons on 02/04/2008 - 2:57 pm

    Zmirak is a mob thinker (new phrase) he simply could not respond to any inquiries into his sham intellectual pretenses. Today I was going to ask him what are the limits and boundaries of “Identity Politics” and if they apply to white men or explicity exclude them.

  15. #15 by Simmons on 02/04/2008 - 7:02 pm

    As a sidenote the Mantra was the last posting on the Zmirak thread. I go easy on that type of “conservative” since they are not the big dog lynch mob leaders like the traitors at NRO or other dog and pony shows like FreeRepublic.

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