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Posted by Bob on February 15th, 2008 under History

RE: Ain’t Compassion great?

Here is compassion, as practiced by fools, in action.
Find 10 starving African Aborigines.
Feed them so they can produce 100 African Aborigines.
Find 100 starving African Aborigines.
Feed them so they can produce 1000 African Aborigines.
Repeat until the pyramid scheme collapses, at which time you can rail against “world hunger.”

Ain’t bleeding hearts brilliant?

  1. #1 by Dave on 02/15/2008 - 2:17 pm


    You have hit at the very core of what is really happening in the world today.

    Our fate is driven by ignorance and ignorance is just another word for lack of sources of visibility about the future. Hence, the rising tide of squalor everywhere.

    One source of visibility about the future has been given by BW: RACE MATTERS. That’s why BW’s predictions on politics have been and will continue to be spot on.

    But another critical source of visibility about the future is being impeded by the fact that our computers are so damn primitive.

    The human mind cannot perceive chains of dynamic causality unaided by tools. This is why all the religious morons out there cannot perceive that giving aid to black Africans doesn’t help matters at all. Our minds are hardwired to perceive statically, leaving us in a great state of ignorance. For example, we were never able to directly perceive the development of a rose before time-lapse photography. And in order to accurately perceive something, it must be looked at directly.

    This is why chaos mathematics (advanced statistics based upon chaos theory and not stochastic theory) is only a stepping-stone to where we need to be. Chaos mathematics is a work around, an attempt to perceive dynamic chains of causality despite our present primitive computers. It is an attempt to perceive indirectly what could be perceived directly if our computers were powerful enough to model the world visually in three dimensions with animation (the dynamic fourth dimension) thrown in.

    Today, even our most powerful computers take hours just to complete one second of three-dimensional time-lapse animation. This is also the reason our financial markets are so screwed up. With such large sums of money at stake, how can Wall Street screw up so bad? The reason is that the “quants” Wall Street hires from Stanford, Harvard, Wheaton, etc., don’t have powerful enough computers to get them where they need to be.

    Profound new knowledge has been recently discovered. But today is no different than the past. It takes decades, sometimes centuries, for new knowledge to disseminate. For example, stochastic theory was completed with Newton, yet today millions of morons casino gamble (are defrauded) because they lack the most elementary knowledge of stochastic theory, something discovered centuries ago. In contrast, the people defrauding them understand stochastic theory very well.

    An example of recent important new knowledge is Stafford Beer’s discovery of the law of requisite variety in the 1970’s, a very powerful theory about sources of visibility about the future. The law of requisite variety is the most important theoretical foundation to dynamic modeling of chains of causality. It is a powerful and useful explanation of how the world actually works. Yet we spend billions on intelligence agency personnel who are in complete ignorance of the law of requisite variety and don’t know that a huge slice of what happens politically and militarily can be accurately predicted, given the right approach and powerful computers.

    Accordingly, the white man is in a race against his own ignorance. And I believe that white people, the most advanced race, are responsible for the world. Consequently, the racial mess the world is in today is of our own making.

    The morons must be reigned in and important knowledge must be disseminated and acted upon, in government, in the private sector, as a matter of policy.

    And to hell with “compassion”, it is just Wordism. In fact, “compassion” doesn’t mean a damn thing. It is just a placeholder for ignorance.

    I say if you care about matters of the heart, try feeling the tragedy of having evil ignoramuses like Ted Kennedy and John McCain successfully pretending they are our leaders. If that doesn’t give you heartbreak, nothing will.

  2. #2 by Prometheus on 02/15/2008 - 9:10 pm

    and you can always move thousands of them into white neighbourhoods (except yours of course).

    Real compassion is about ending the scenario, putting an END to misery.

    What they practice is just good business. The more starving africans, the better for their enterprise.

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