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Posted by Bob on March 12th, 2008 under History

Again,“The recent destruction of a dead spy-satellite by a U.S. missile caused talking heads and leaders of other countries to speculate about the reasons. The U.S. maintains that the falling satellite might have caused harm to people and property. Some foreign leaders assert that the U.S. merely used the destruction of the satellite to practice its missile-defense capability.

Or perhaps the U.S. wanted to ensure that the high-technology equipment aboard the satellite would not fall into the hands of others.

No matter the reason, one cannot help but be mighty impressed by the technology—an infrared-detector-guided missile shooting down a fast-moving, cold satellite.”–A new vdare article.

Like I said, our power is simply overwhelming.

BRUTUS is reminding us of MANTRA THINKING here. He is stepping back and reminding us of the reality everybody accepts, and that we need to keep in mind as we counter their bullshit:

White Supremacy is not a political position. White supremacy is the basis of all racial discussion.

Even the Marxist insistence that non-whites cannot be racist is based on the concept that no other race has the ABILITY to be supremacist.

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