Archive for March 29th, 2008

Good Old Shaka! 2

Shaka is very useful. If I were to say all this without him, people would accuse me of making a strawman.

This is a useful piece, I will us it to make several points in separate entries.

First, Shaka’s last sentence:

“Hybrid vigor is NOT everything. It’s just ONE thing.”

Once again, Shaka wants Magic, so he BELIEVES in Magic, just like that Magical Border with Mexico.

In the old days, when blights destroyed corn crops, they had no real insecticides. So they cross pollinated different types of corn to get a chance combination that would resist the blight. Most hybrids were just as vulnerable to the blight as the original. But some hybrids were resistant.

They saved the vital corn. This quality was called “hybrid vigor.” Then folks like Shaka heard the term and decided that it meant that every mix displayed a magical quality called “hybrid vigor.”

So Shaka thinks that the mule, a cross between a horse and a donkey, displays “hybrid vigor.” So does a tiger-lion cross. The problem is that they are sterile.

Interbreeding is like mutations. They are almost either a bother or a disaster. Rarely some are fortunate, though no country that mixed white and black was ever fortunate.

Cross breedings also like inbreeding. Inbreeding is illegal, even if the brother and sister are “truly in love.” Inbreeding concentrates traits, both good and bad. The offspring of a brilliant and good-looking brother and sister is overwhelmingly likely to be both brilliant and good-looking. But there are bad recessive traits in almost any gene pool, so a disproportionate fraction of such inbreeding develops bad traits.

Shaka desperately wants to believe that any hybrid gets this Magic “vigor.” So he will go on believing it forever, and he will fight for it forever.

White folks gave up on this hybrid vigor crap a long time ago, thought it was very popular in the 50s, especially among theology students and the like.

No, I am not making this up. I remember theology students were the ones who used this “hybrid vigor” crap to justify miscegenation. Too many people had been raised on or around farms back then and people would laugh out loud at this “hybrid vigor” Magic.

It’s for folks who are allowed to be completely zonked out on religions like Political Correctness.

Originally Posted by ShakaZulu
George W. Bush is white. Does what Bob is saying about whites’ inherent qualities apply to him?
Bill Clinton is white. Does what Bob is saying about whites’ inherent qualities apply to him?
Hillary Clinton is white. Does what Bob is saying about whites’ inherent qualities apply to her?
Jimmy Carter is white. Does what Bob is saying about whites’ inherent qualities apply to him?
Bill Gates is white. Does what Bob is saying about whites’ inherent qualities apply to him? (Gates donated 1 billion dollars specifically to affirmative action college scholarships).
Brittany Spears is white. Does what Bob is saying about whites’ inherent qualities apply to her?
I could go on and one with hundreds more examples but I’m betting you get my point.
Senator Barack Obama’s fundraising forms through February, 2008 are now in to the Federal Election Commission. Obama reports having raised a total of $193,600,733. Much of that money was raised from white donors. Obviously some white people are buying what this particular non-white/part black person is selling. By way of contrast, Ron Paul’s fundraising total through the end of February, 2008 is $34,290,401. While a very respectable total, the candidate of many white nationalists is not in the ballpark with the candidate of multiracialists.
A sale is a sale.
Hybrid vigor is NOT everything. Its just ONE thing.




Good Old Shaka! 1

Shaka is very useful. If I were to say all this without him, people would accuse me of making a strawman

On to Shaka’s other twists and turnings.

It has been truly said that Bill Clinton was America’s first black president. He was riding high when the Lewinsky scandal hit. Newsweek had a huge cover article already set for press when that scandal broke. It was called “The Clinton Style” and talked about how great and popular he was. When the scandal broke, they had to scrap all that work and rewrite the whole issue right before the deadline.

If Clinton had been a black Mayor, it would have been no problem. Andrew Young kept and probably keeps — he is not audited despite O’Reilly’s demands — at least one highly paid mistress on his Rainbow Coalition budget.

Clinton really went Shaka when he started twisting around by defining word like “is.” He was visibly upset when people thought he was guilty of what he was guilty of. He BELIEVED he had never had sex with that woman, just as Shaka would.

Bill Clinton WAS our first black president.

It takes a truly out-of-it group to lose to George W. Bush. Clinton caused Gore to lose in 2000 with his Negroid shanagans. In 2004 the Democrats nominated ANOTHER liberal Democrat from Massachusetts, showing the same kind of brilliance Republicans did when they nominated ANOTHER tired old moderate Republican in 1996.

The whites Shaka mentions don’t run around crowing about “hybrid vigor.”


Originally Posted by ShakaZulu
George W. Bush is white. Does what Bob is saying about whites’ inherent qualities apply to him?
Bill Clinton is white. Does what Bob is saying about whites’ inherent qualities apply to him?
Hillary Clinton is white. Does what Bob is saying about whites’ inherent qualities apply to her?
Jimmy Carter is white. Does what Bob is saying about whites’ inherent qualities apply to him?
Bill Gates is white. Does what Bob is saying about whites’ inherent qualities apply to him? (Gates donated 1 billion dollars specifically to affirmative action college scholarships).
Brittany Spears is white. Does what Bob is saying about whites’ inherent qualities apply to her?
I could go on and one with hundreds more examples but I’m betting you get my point.
Senator Barack Obama’s fundraising forms through February, 2008 are now in to the Federal Election Commission. Obama reports having raised a total of $193,600,733. Much of that money was raised from white donors. Obviously some white people are buying what this particular non-white/part black person is selling. By way of contrast, Ron Paul’s fundraising total through the end of February, 2008 is $34,290,401. While a very respectable total, the candidate of many white nationalists is not in the ballpark with the candidate of multiracialists.
A sale is a sale.
Hybrid vigor is NOT everything. Its just ONE thing.




Lord Nelson and Anti-WHITE

Lord Nelson says:“I am happy to see the term “Anti White” taking hold on SF. Lets make it spread across the whole world.”

It’s important to give Old Bob credit on this one. It shows our method works. I have been slamming people for using the term “anti” and THAT is why anti-white is catching on on SF.

I used the term “anti” myself and FINALLY realized what I was doing and apologized for it on SF. Then, as I advocate, I started hitting “anti” every time I saw it.


I have not seen anybody else once correct anybody on this. But I was alone on the Mantra for a long, long time, too.

But one person can hammer and hammer and hammer and REFUSE to be discouraged and it can be done. I even hammered at Prometheus just now.

As I said, I am not getting sweeter, you are getting better.

But when you slip, Coach is still the same mean old bastard he always was, no one spared.

Prometheus has done a terrific job standing by me and often leading the charge on SF. But he is not spared when I think he slips. Contrary to the whining that has mercifully died down, I do NOT play favorites.

And when I slip, I expect the same treatment.

This is WAR, gang!
