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Posted by Bob on June 4th, 2008 under General

The Oxford and Cambridge tradition of forcing students (and their teachers) to rigorously defend everything they do and say is a matter that is central to the cause of freedom.

Of course, the British government for the past two generations has done everything it can to interfere and dampen the traditions of Oxford and Cambridge because continuing the traditions of freedom is the last thing the government and the academics want.

People today do not realize that the whole system was different before WWII. There weren’t any “required courses” and “distribution requirements” in the liberal arts colleges.

Liberal Arts degrees were conferred on the basis of examinations, in the interests of real standards. In contrast, unlike today, anybody who could pay the tuition could gain admittance to a professional school.

Today, the entire rigor is in the professional schools because that is where your ticket gets punched for entry into the rackets. But the professional schools have slowly slid downward in standards precisely because of the rackets and their self-interested business agendas. A lot of important fundamentals have been lost to agendas related to how the professional schools are funded.

Robert Whitaker has done some great posts on interrogation, fascinating stuff. But today, in general, few are aware how interested tyranny is in burying the culture where your opinions and actions are expected to be able to withstand genuine interrogation.

For several generations all mainstream political debate has been carried out on a phony basis. Debates where the candidates’ positions are subject to true interrogatories are not allowed. Proof of the tyranny we suffer.

There is one rule governing everything in our universities, our courts, our legislatures, and in our executive administrations, NO REAL ACCOUNTIBILTY is permitted for any of the participants in the game. Accordingly, no one is expected to have to defend him or herself against a genuine interrogation.

This is a major reason why people become mentally sloppy in a tyranny. Everything is based upon your status and organizational rank and the medals that have been pinned on you.

In our universities, most “graduates” don’t even realize that mutual and skilled interrogations should be the pillar of what real education is. Mommy Professor hates the notion that she should be subject to interrogation from her students, and conversely, her students hate the notion that their fat-assed opinions should be subject real inquiry.

In our current system, both parties have an excuse for avoiding the issue.

All of that is off the table in our system. In fact, it is mostly off the table in the Ox-Bridge system too.

  1. #1 by mderpelding on 06/04/2008 - 6:37 pm

    This post makes me think that I have falsely interpreted some of Bob’s writing.

    I have always thought that the biggest problem in the modern world is that too many people make their livings on bullshit. And that they control our lives.
    On our nickel.

    Not on how the bullshit is produced and refined.

    Merry Olde England bullshit begat Yankee bullshit.

    Throw in some Germanic bullshit and John Dewey with the Yankee bullshit and you get the truly modern bullshit in PC America. And the holy PhD.

    All not worth a plugged nickel.

    Oh, and in the interest of diversity, I shouldn’t exclude Jewish bullshit, arguably the finest bullshit on the planet.

    Now however, I finally understand.

    One must not discriminate between bullshit and reality, but between different kinds of bullshit.

    Reality be damned.

    It’s all bullshit.

    Uh-Oh…I’ve become post-modern.

  2. #2 by Tim on 06/04/2008 - 7:00 pm


    That is one damn funny post.

    “One must not discriminate between bullshit and reality, but between different kinds of bullshit.”

  3. #3 by Pain on 06/04/2008 - 7:05 pm

    And the holy PhD.

    All not worth a plugged nickel.

    Two class clowns from my old high school got their PhDs in “Leadership.” Not any particular kind of leadership, just leadership. The program was online and by mail, and they had their picture taken in full doctoral robes and regalia outside their local Ruby Tuesday’s. Another smart kid from high school did the same thing in “Church Missions” from another brand new “university” that awards degrees through online questionnaires and mail-in tests. Then he plastered Dr. ** all over his blog and in his reviews for diet books. Doctorates don’t cost that much. I think you can get a genu-wine Irish nobility for about $500, too, and you could have your picture taken outside your favorite food joint next to the paper certifying you are a real baron of Wee Williker.

  4. #4 by shari on 06/04/2008 - 8:23 pm

    There is also bullshit that doesn’t do much harm, if any, and bullshit that does enormous harm.

  5. #5 by AFKANNow on 06/04/2008 - 9:47 pm

    in reply to Dave:

    you wrote:

    In our universities, most “graduates” don’t even realize that mutual and skilled interrogations should be the pillar of what real education is. Mommy Professor hates the notion that she should be subject to interrogation from her students, and conversely, her students hate the notion that their fat-assed opinions should be subject real inquiry.

    In our current system, both parties have an excuse for avoiding the issue.

    in reply:
    The emotional foundation – the source of their actions – of the equalitarians is envy, pure and simple.

    They KNOW they aren’t up to dealing with the True Elite.

    This is the motivation of the fanatic Obama supporters,and the issue now is right out of “Atlas Shrugged.”

    I have argued They Who Rule don’t want a Republican NEAR the White House until the prairie fire of the credit collapse is burnt out, and no greater diversion could be found than a Faithful Colored Companion in the White House.

    If you saw the Obama Speech last night, you saw nothing less than the full power of the desire for revenge coming forth, and gaining momentum.

    Think “French Revolution” type anger.

    I’ll bet nobody in the crowd had a degree in anything other than a new-style social studies course – Women’s “Studies,” you get the idea – or the Diplomate for the New Mandarins, the law degree.

    The REAL Economy that is supporting this incredible sense of entitlement, and feelings of revenge, is literally imploding before their very eyes…

    And they don’t see it!

    What they will do is “Blame McCain,” which will not do one thing positive for anyone.

    My God!

    Talk about the Children of the Sixties!

    They hated America, and they decided to destroy America.

    Well, it looks like…

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