Archive for June 13th, 2008

The Luv Cult, Another Product of the “Christian” – Political Correctness Coalition

“Being in Love” is a PC Cult mantra.

OJ Simpson or Tiger Woods would never LOOK at a girl who looked like their daughters with blond women. But that makes no difference. Why?

The kids’ problem with their looks is not OJ’s or Tiger’s moral concern.

I quote, “All that matters is that they are ‘IN LOVE.’”

The “Christian” take on this is the same with some more words:

“Screw the kids. All that matters is that, at the moment, the parents are “in love” AND a guy in a dress says the right words over their union.

The loons who keep repeating the Traditional Values mantra also insist that the basic problem of our society is that no one takes responsibility for his actins.

But they all agree that if you are “in love” and the guy in the dress says the words, you get a pass on all responsibility



Simmons Develops His “Shriek and Retreat” Theme

Racial PC is profitable for some whites who have learned to sell off their destiny piece by piece. Take the Uber “Respectable” Limbaugh for instance. Decades ago the white man went to the moon and it looked like a linear path for space exploration and as important its spin off tech, but nowadays even the most self important white men want gadgets just like children and savages, meaning toys for Limbaugh to play with like an arrested development adolescent. Even the tech Dave likes to remind us of “supercomputers” will probably be hogged as a database to log porn tastes for the “consumers.”

I don’t think anyone believes racial PC, but of course that question is never asked instead we get shriek and retreat just as we devolve to the level of the savage.

Till the white man puts aside the shriek and retreat our devolution is all but secured. It’s quite frankly so easy to defeat the white/jewish libs and their FCCs that only a respectable could fail to see how. Only the white man asks the Question or conducts the Moot that is our secret. Take Buchanan, he was debating some jew on TV with the usual shriek and retreat but he was being his usual ineffective self when out of frustration he asked the Jew, “Why can’t white men vote their interests as a race?” The Jew, who had never been anything more than a priest of received knowledge, was speechless and subordinate, but I’ll bet Pat being respectable missed that important signal.
Its so easy.


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Shari: “Don’t Discount Pat Buchanan” and the Idea Chain 06/12/08 – The ‘Good War’ and the Terrible Peace I wouldn’t discount Pat Buchanan. He sounds more like a man who doesn’t intend to waste his final years.

— Shari

I don’t. But I have meant to write this before. It’s WORK because it’s so hard to explain to most people.

Some people in hard core politics remain thin-skinned. They are the ones like the Clintons who are establishment operatives and are used to being cuddled from all respectable sides. When Bill Clinton caught it for Lewinsky and lately with Obama he went to pieces.

Pasty-line support saved him the first time. After taking on another establishment operative, Obama, he’s looked upon as an old kook.

I jump all over Pat but he has had that before. I’ve criticized YOU more than I ever bothered with Clinton.

Charles Krauthammer was just favorably quoted in the liberal “This Week” as pointing out that, now that the USSR has fallen, socialists have become environmentalists. If you haven’t seen me say that over and over you haven’t been reading BUGS.

As I have said many, many times, I put my ideas here and expect them to be USED. I call it The Idea Chain.

On the other hand one of my functions is to criticize those who DO make a difference. I don’t jump on a standard and packaged establishment operative the way I do Pat Buchanan. I also don’t spend my life criticizing the spelling of incurably retarded children.

I was a senior staffer. I got PAID to notice what my boss did wrong more than what he did right. I was nicer to people who PAID me, but the same rule applies.


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AFKAN and General Comments

I now check General Comments every time I come here. GC was last used by AFKAN to deliver a lecture on “Movement Past” on June 5. I asked him to expand on that in GC and he promises more.

AFKAN is aware that this is what GC is FOR. I think his writing needs tightening up and a rewrite but his grammar and spelling is fine so he must take some effort with it. He is not getting paid for this so he is doing a good job in the right place.

GC is being tried as one more step in making BUGS go along without me. GC is where you would introduce new INSIGHTS on OUR approach as I try to do here in the first page — I don’t know the technical term–almost daily.

It may be that, since you have learned the game of Staying on Message, you can cover your insights by commenting on what I say and using my statements as a springboard. For a political pro, anything can be turned to those ends. When I put YOUR comments up front here, I get as many responses as I do to my own stuff, which means you are already doing this job.

So GC may be of limited use the way I thought of it. I may use a few of AFKAN’s quotes up here as a Preview of Coming Attractions to get people to look at his full piece.

We’re adaptable. At least GC can be here when you want to delve into something that you cannot or don’t want to go to the effort to get published elsewhere. It won’t be the first time I have found that something I invented for one use turned out to be just the thing for another.

The whole history of science is filled with great ideas that the originator did not realize could be great for an entirely different purpose for the one he envisioned. Ben Franklin insisted to his dying day that electricity was useless.


Nobody has DONE what we are doing before, so I can’t tell whether the silence in GC just shows you have learned to play the game so well you don’t need it.

The Ole Perfesser is no more sure EXACTLY how our new electricity should go than anybody else.


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The Special Cost of Being Born American

Antonio Fini, in his comment today on my “Mussolini and Perot” thread, made a point I want to address:

“You may be aware Bob that Italy is facing such a population crash of native Italians that a few years back they instituted a right of return program. This permits people like myself, born of Italian grandparents on both sides, to gain Italian citizenship.”

When I took my first course in Political Science in 1957, there were a number of ways one could lose his American citizenship, including:

Joining a foreign army. The main test of this was “wearing a foreign uniform.”

Voting in a foreign election.

Taking foreign citizenship.

The title of this piece derives from the fact that those restriction make no distinction between whether you were born here, so your ONLY citizenship is US, or were naturalized and had dual citizenship, a is routine for Canadians, Brits and especially Israelis.

Woodrow Wilson backed a law that allowed Americans to join allied forces in World War I and declared strict neutrality. His main platform in 1916 was “He Kept Us Out of War.” In 1940 while declaring HIS military neutrality Roosevelt also got in a law that allowed Americans to join the Allies.

Jews today are free to join Israeli armed forces, vote in Israeli elections, and carry Israeli passports, after they were born or naturalized in the US..

This is not a big deal to most Americans, but I wanted Rhodesian citizenship BADLY. I didn’t take it because I guessed that what was ignored in the case of Jews would be enforced when it came to ME if it could be used against me later.

In a civilized war, uniforms make the difference whether you go to a POW camp or get hanged. Ask Major Andre. But where I was, in Latin America and especially Africa, I felt no need to wear one. No one on my side went to a POW camp anyway. But the other restrictions were a PAIN.

About 1990 I went to the Law Library and checked the present state of US citizenship law out carefully. Since I’ve WRITTEN laws, I had a pretty good feel for how law worked, and I was right. The one main provision the courts are still enforcing on non-Jews, at least the ones who don’t choose Israel, is banning American BORN citizens like Antonio from taking another citizenship.

So American residents in Mexico and anyone who takes Italy up on their right of return is taking a big risk acquiring citizenship if they have the wrong politics.

And it is hard to imagine anyone whose opinions are “Wronger” than Finis’.
