Archive for June 7th, 2008

Pain in General Comments


You have to tell us how we can have fun with our new President Obama.

You have to admit he was the natural choice years ago when the deals for the next president were sealed. Since he’s a nigga, the Rockefeller’s can pretend he’s for “change” from the unpopular Bush years, and when he does the same thing that Bush and Clinton did, they can call us all racist for daring to criticize him.

That should silence the respectabibble conservatives and confuse the liberals who think that niggas are their pets. It should also confuse the Third World who think the US is evil only because it is white, and another 100 million alien invaders will apply for amnesty.

A nigga is also reliable since he can be counted on to do what he is told. He won’t know any better. There will also be less to make fun of on David Letterman, since he can actually read the speeches written and displayed for him on the teleprompter.

But Bob, you have to be thinking of more important things, things which most people overlook. We have a fun eight years ahead of us.

The NAACP was over sixty years old when, as the result of an inner rebellion, it elected its first BLACK president.

It’s been utterly toothless ever since.



Preview of Coming Attractions

I got excellent comments on “What We Should Ask Ourselves.”

Each commenter stuck to the subject but looked at it from their own personal worldview.

To induce you to READ THEIR COMMENTS, I give you a preview of each one. You can look for yourself to see how each comes out.

You’ll have to make your own popcorn.

The way I think about this is the difference between risk and uncertainty. Risk can be managed but uncertainty cannot.

Which is why insurers regularly go broke.

There is no way in hell you can ever get rid of uncertainty.

That’s the reason we have leaders and followers. Everybody just bets that the “leader’s” instincts are better.
But the “goal”, this is what separates the white race out. Nonwhites never understand this.
Only white people are driven, literally driven, by the desire to see. And this is what unites us at BUGS.


Chasing goals is an evil of our tired, equalized, overbureaucratised life, not seeing or understanding for its own sake.

This is the core difference between the Western Soul, whose Prime Symbol is the Infinite Plane, and the Rest.

The question of winning or losing seems kind of self indulgent to me.
But fighting for what one believes is true and honorable.

Yes, I have noticed that your way of thinking is indebted to Christianity.


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