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Dave: Our Destiny is OUR Destiny

Posted by Bob on June 12th, 2008 under General

It isn’t so much that whites have been lied to and betrayed as a tide has swept us out to sea.

The very essence of Political Correctness in racial matters is nonwhites laying claim to a destiny that in fact resides within the genes of the white race.

Pain or Simmons or another commenter said this insight: “Nonwhites confuse form and function”, going on to paint the image of a “redskin” obtaining the strength of the buffalo by way of his buffalo robe.

Correspondingly, Cadillac has built some business on its “niggermobile” to service the conceits of inner city coloreds in the drug trade. It never occurs to the criminal driving one that to the white man the Cadillac technology is quite trivial.

I just give this example to point out that the colored man is participating in a destiny not of his own making. And he never sees the irony of his conceits (his claim of equality) from the point of view of the loss of his indigenous (in this case, African) tongue. He can’t, for he has forgotten HIS OWN tongue entirely.

Try understanding how hard this is on nonwhites. That is why they rage against our insensitivity to their pain. And how can they not lay claim to what WE have bestowed upon them? They literally have nowhere to go.

So leave aside the impossibility of it all. OUR destiny is OUR destiny. It isn’t shared, nor could it be. That was never in the cards and it never will be.

— Dave

  1. #1 by Simmons on 06/12/2008 - 11:55 am

    That had to be Pain, maybe AFKAN. Racial PC is profitable for some whites who have learned to sell off their destiny piece by piece. Take the Uber “Respectable” Limbaugh for instance. Decades ago the white man went to the moon and it looked like a linear path for space exploration and as important its spin off tech, but nowadays even the most self important white men want gadgets just like children and savages, meaning toys for Limbaugh to play with like an arrested development adolescent. Even the tech Dave likes to remind us of “supercomputers” will probably be hogged as a database to log porn tastes for the “consumers.”

    I don’t think anyone believes racial PC, but of course that question is never asked instead we get shriek and retreat just as we devolve to the level of the savage.

    Till the white man puts aside the shriek and retreat our devolution is all but secured. Its quite frankly so easy to defeat the white/jewish libs and their FCCs that only a respectable could fail to see how. Only the white man asks the Question or conducts the Moot that is our secret. Take Buchanan he was debating some jew on TV with the usual shriek and retreat but he was being his usual innefective self when out of frustration he asked the jew “why can’t white men vote their interests as a race?” The Jew never one to be anything more than a priest of received knowledge was speechless, and subordinate, but I’ll bet Pat being respectable missed that important signal.
    Its so easy

  2. #2 by AFKANNow on 06/12/2008 - 4:39 pm

    No one can rationally argue that the Africans in America are simply those who are ruled by envy, for a world they can not sustain, much less Create, a world that is beyond the comprehension of their jungle savage (immediate) ancestors.

    That is why they try desperately to either attach themselves to us, for destroy us.

    We can do something, about the one; a little something, today, and more of something, in time.

    As for the other, perhaps, one day Real Soon Now, we shall get to return the favor.

    As for motivation, all I have to do is talk to my nephews about the world the public indoctrination system told them was there, all facts to the contrary.

    So much work to do, and, for the most part, we have focused on everything but the one thing that truly matters – a Positive Theory of Race.

    The time and resources we have wasted truly amaze me…

  3. #3 by Dave on 06/12/2008 - 7:04 pm

    Most of the mainstream people like Limbaugh and Buchanan do not yet smell the stress of PCs sunset, regardless of what they say. Both men are far too comfortable.

    But a row developed the other day between Clint Eastwood and Spike Lee about blacks having anything to do with America’s Pacific Theater victory in WWII.

    We all know how PC Clint Eastwood is and Eastwood publicly told Lee to shut his yap, while Lee responded that “he ain’t a slave”.

    You can blame this on Eastwood’s old age as Lee did, or on the symptoms of the race stress represented by Obama’s nomination victory. I think it is about the stress.

    BW has been very prescient about this.

  4. #4 by AFKANNow on 06/12/2008 - 10:40 pm

    in reply to Dave:

    Lee always learned from his father to generate publicity, and challenging Eastwood, a jazz fan who did a movie on Parker, on not being black enough is a sign the Negro has overreached himself.

    What I like is this:

    Eastwood did NOT back down, did NOT do the ritual apology, and looks every inch the calm, confident White Patriarch dealing with the shoeshine boy who has “issues.”

    Eastwood has nothing but support from the White community, and the Faithful Colored Companions have no idea what just happened.

    Nothing new about that!

  5. #5 by shari on 06/13/2008 - 11:43 am 06/12/08 – The ‘Good War’ and the Terrible Peace I wouldn’t discount Pat Buchanan. He sounds more like a man who doesn’t intend to waste his final years.

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