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The Special Cost of Being Born American

Posted by Bob on June 13th, 2008 under General

Antonio Fini, in his comment today on my “Mussolini and Perot” thread, made a point I want to address:

“You may be aware Bob that Italy is facing such a population crash of native Italians that a few years back they instituted a right of return program. This permits people like myself, born of Italian grandparents on both sides, to gain Italian citizenship.”

When I took my first course in Political Science in 1957, there were a number of ways one could lose his American citizenship, including:

Joining a foreign army. The main test of this was “wearing a foreign uniform.”

Voting in a foreign election.

Taking foreign citizenship.

The title of this piece derives from the fact that those restriction make no distinction between whether you were born here, so your ONLY citizenship is US, or were naturalized and had dual citizenship, a is routine for Canadians, Brits and especially Israelis.

Woodrow Wilson backed a law that allowed Americans to join allied forces in World War I and declared strict neutrality. His main platform in 1916 was “He Kept Us Out of War.” In 1940 while declaring HIS military neutrality Roosevelt also got in a law that allowed Americans to join the Allies.

Jews today are free to join Israeli armed forces, vote in Israeli elections, and carry Israeli passports, after they were born or naturalized in the US..

This is not a big deal to most Americans, but I wanted Rhodesian citizenship BADLY. I didn’t take it because I guessed that what was ignored in the case of Jews would be enforced when it came to ME if it could be used against me later.

In a civilized war, uniforms make the difference whether you go to a POW camp or get hanged. Ask Major Andre. But where I was, in Latin America and especially Africa, I felt no need to wear one. No one on my side went to a POW camp anyway. But the other restrictions were a PAIN.

About 1990 I went to the Law Library and checked the present state of US citizenship law out carefully. Since I’ve WRITTEN laws, I had a pretty good feel for how law worked, and I was right. The one main provision the courts are still enforcing on non-Jews, at least the ones who don’t choose Israel, is banning American BORN citizens like Antonio from taking another citizenship.

So American residents in Mexico and anyone who takes Italy up on their right of return is taking a big risk acquiring citizenship if they have the wrong politics.

And it is hard to imagine anyone whose opinions are “Wronger” than Finis’.

  1. #1 by Dave on 06/13/2008 - 4:34 pm

    What also has changed besides the expanding “dual citizenships” saga is the oceanic change in the number of foreign nationals residing in America permanently on special classes of visas and on tourist visas that are perpetually renewed.

    The American public is just focusing on the “gray area” immigrants and outright illegals, less than half the whole issue.

    Enforcement of visa requirements is operational and the mechanisms for visibility is improving owing to databases increasingly talking to each other and effective due diligence regarding credit cards, bank accounts, and international money transfer agents (due diligence that today is so awesome George Orwell would turn over in his grave).

    But having said that, it is clear to me the important motive is the government’s clear goal in removing the political concern (of ineffective “identity card” administration) that might hamper the continuing internationalization of the US population.

  2. #2 by AFKANNow on 06/14/2008 - 2:23 am

    in reply to Dave:

    Even as the Southwest moves to the tipping point of being Aztlan in all but name, we still see the same political forces totally unconcerned with the implications of their actions.

    The Jews wanted to insure that America – the great nationalist power – never had the power to insure its own ethnic composition, and went all out to insure a brown American would never pose a threat to cosmopolitan Jews.

    They have all but succeeded, in America as they knew it.

    Again, they have overplayed their hand.

    From my limited reading of the pro-Aztlan websites, (1) the Aztlantists are not concerned that they are turning the Southwest into Northern Mexico, and thus, are destroying the prosperity of the Southwest, (2) they have no love for the Jews whatsoever, and (3) DAMN, but they really hate the Jews’ Faithful Colored Compansions. “Hate” as in “kill them where they stand, so we can have the public housing, and the Affirmative Action jobs.”

    Eventually, the Remnant of us will put together two and two, with a Positive Theory of Race.

    Exciting times ahead!

  3. #3 by Bob on 06/14/2008 - 11:40 am

    My reaction to the two statements above is that they have nothing to do with the piece I wrote.

    IN MY OPINION, never HUMBLE, they belong in General Comments.

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