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Simmons is Out There!

Posted by Bob on June 17th, 2008 under General

Pick out one of the bunch for critique, concentrate your fire on that person, but try and do so in an objective way so as to not allow personal feelings turn it into a grudge match. I’ll give a semi-successful example; a guy named Nugent occasionally posts at Liberty Forum and I spotted him instantly as a self selected witch doctor soothsayer for the “Jewish problem” looking to build a small audience who need that kind of thing (kind of like where Duke is right now). I vowed to make that guy useful right to his face so to say since he was in fact nearly useless by trying to be a mommy prof without the endowment. In short I tried to force the concept of the Moot onto him in place of him spewing the esoteric nonsense that requires a low priest to decipher for the children. I doubt we have a Whitakerite with John de Nugent, but there is always hope that a fire was started.

— Simmons

You know what the rule is: we don’t need convert someone into a full BUGS man, we take what you can get us. A kill is better, but a casualty will do.

“a mommy prof without the endowment.”

BUGS is building the set of key expressions UNIQUE TO ITSELF that every successful movement must have.

Our Moot is invaluable of itself. But it REALLY gives me much-needed boost when you tell me tales of your ACTION out there in the field. Prometheus gave me one in the article you are commenting on, and yours was another.

I NEED the boosts I get when I see Lord Nelson and Prometheus and other over in SF practicing their craft on anti-whites and reminding SF members of OUR basics.

Antonio Fini just put a BUGS piece in the Sustains Members section. I was enormously grateful since I am almost always the only one who does that.

The obvious excuse is, “I don’t do that because Bob should have the privilege” Nice try, but no cigar.

“Oh, Lord, what if I put it in when Bob has already put it in, or if I scoop Bob by putting it in?”

In the first place your putting it in too prevents me the continuing embarrassment of looking like n egomaniac whose only purpose is to promote “Bob Blog.” If you put it in, too, it just shows that I am not the only person who thought it was worth SF’s attention.

Putting BUGS pieces into SF would take very little of your effort, but it makes all the difference to me.

This is done so little I faced on Stormfront guy who insisted that I was the only person interested in this BUGS thing.

Our Moot is a heritage we are reinventing. It is critical in itself. But your tales of how you APPLIED our approach in the field and quoting or referring to BUGS pieces in Stormfront and elsewhere give me a boost I NEED.

Help me out, gang!

  1. #1 by Simmons on 06/18/2008 - 10:19 am

    Not that this Nugent guy is not smart he probably outshines me on any IQ test, he was just off track. He probably is over on the SF site’s “jewish problem” threads right now doing pretty much what he has done for years, and all of that fairly innefective.

    What I hammered into him was knock off the mumbo jumbo mommy prof lite and simply ask the jews themselves about their part in our genocide. When he shows back up at LF he will get another earful, and another. The genociders thrived in the shriek and retreat era they will perish like evolutionary losers in the Moot era. Maybe Nugent will show up, at least he knows.

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