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Quantum of Solace

Posted by Bob on November 4th, 2008 under General

Quantum of Solace was Ian Fleming’s one short-story attempt to get out of the James Bond mold.

Why he gave up on it can be seen from the ads for the movie, which start with “James Bond is Back!”

Since everything relates, his message in Quantum of Solace can be applied to the preset day. His theme in this domestic drama as that there is a difference between selfishness and having not a Quantum of concern of the other person. The victimized husband finally reacted totally when the wife showed a merciless which showed not het tiniest bit, a quantum, of concern for him.

The Mantra makes it clear that the establishment has not a quantum of concern for any white feelings for simple survival. In Quantum of Solace, the real story, you ask yourself if there is ANYTHING the man will not and smile while he’s taking it. But when the worm turns is absolutely without mercy.

I was reading an editorial quoted in This Week where the writer pointed out that America’s disasters today come from the fact that American leadership on all sides has no feeling, not a quantum of solace, for other people’s feelings of IDENTITY.

America today GENIUNELY cannot understand how Iraqis feel invaded. America is doing all the Wordist things, Freedom, Democracy, economic betterment, but the ground feeling there is that simply that Iraqis want us OUT.

Absolutely no previous group of humans or of social animal would have any trouble understanding the Iraqi point of view. Like Fleming’s real Quantum of Solace, this is one of those observations that is so obvious it is hard to get. To sell the movie, you forget the point and just yell “James Bond!”

That editorial made the point that American has not a quantum of concern for people’s IDENTITY. It is exactly like the rejection of ALL supply and demand that wrecked the Soviet Union. You cannot be totally blind to a basic reality and run a society.

Or a foreign policy.

This factor is enormously important. We find it impossible to believe that our leadership can have NO concept of loyalty in human beings, the reality that an Arab could reject Love, Brotherhood, Democracy and Prosperity just to be ruled by his OWN prejudices and superstitions of his OWN people.

What is important to BUGS is for us to realize that the new generation is not being tricky. It has a real, a genuine blind spot.

  1. #1 by Dave on 11/04/2008 - 11:44 am

    We’re just getting to the end of a long night.

    The dawn will reveal a barricaded America and a political environment that is fully consonant with it.

    Political Correctness now embraces “5-year plans” labeled Energy Independence that all factions endorse as a veil for increased taxation in Government’s desperate attempt to steal everything there is to steal. That’s state, local, and Federal government combined. All levels all equally preposterous.

    Talk about no quantum of solace. Do you realize that our politicians really believe that endless funding exists? They think they can fund anything without limit. And they actually con themselves into believing that innovation in energy will replace IT as the economic driver. They are now in “rabbit out of a hat” mode.

    Not a chance. The energy innovation will come, but it will mean nothing, in the same way Soviet dam projects meant nothing.

    Those that can make a difference have already taken their balls, bats, and mitts, and left the game.There is no choice with Government as completely out of hand as the one we have got.

    I have enough direct contact with the Government regulators to know that they are insane. There is no other explanation for them. It is true insanity.

    The boundary has been crossed where those responsible for compliance have thrown up their hands. There is no way to comply with insanity.

    We are in a corner. There must be revolution.

  2. #2 by backbaygrouch4 on 11/04/2008 - 2:11 pm

    The rulers of America have slender connections with the general population. There are multiple reasons for this. One stands out unmentioned.

    The size of the country is simply too big. Three hundred million souls cannot be governed as a republic with democratic inputs. The size creates too much consolidation of decision making. The same reason that socialism could not work in the Soviet is in play. Supply and demand economies allow for gazillions of autonomous adjustments. Politburos cannot handle this. Ditto, political decisions. Socialism is a great system if you keep the population under five hundred.

    Accountability gets lost in large institutions. In a village the moderator who takes a $50 backhander from the company that sells the folks their first traffic light will get his life destroyed for his stupidity. In New York City a $100 million could go missing and no one would know it was ever there in the first place.

    At the nation’s founding a Congressman represented about 50,000 people. Today that number is approaching 700,000. A man elected by that many is in truth answerable to no one. Neither technological developments in communication nor the growth of organized lobbying groups offsets the shear bulk of humanity. Those factors can be deemed two way streets They add and diminish. Decreasing the size of the districts will not help because the increased size of the Congress will abate further the influence of the individual members and the ability of their constituents to pin responsibility on them.

    In brief there is too much distance between ruler and ruled. The existence of a problem does not mean there is a solution, for, as is said in many Te Deums, “We are mourning and weeping in the valley of tears.” That is the human condition.

  3. #3 by Simmons on 11/04/2008 - 2:43 pm

    Bob what you describe is precisely what jews have been accused of, no human feelings for others. I’m sure AFKAN could step in here now about how a small religious sect always proseltyzes universalist mumbo jumbo for the masses while saving real human idendtity for themselves as their religion commands them to do.

  4. #4 by Simmons on 11/04/2008 - 3:18 pm

    Sociopath means by definition aggressively anti-social where as these kids are passive to a fault. If this means anything to the Mantra crew I do not know.

  5. #5 by Simmons on 11/04/2008 - 4:11 pm

    More ramblings excuse me. Passive-aggressive behavior this stands out now that I think about it and my dealings with people who are voting Obama. I also believe passive-aggressive behavior at times can manifest itself down the road as the most bizarre pathological behaviors. So maybe we could compare the anti-white whites to kids who start out by pulling the wings off of insects before they graducate up the ladder. The victim cults show P-A behavior with their screeching even if it crosses into physical aggression.

  6. #6 by AFKANNow on 11/04/2008 - 4:28 pm

    A New Dawn.

    Bob has it right; applying the example to the practice of Judaism as a Racial organizing system, what we see from Governance/”The System” is exactly what one would expect from a system that has been designed, and developed, over the course of a century, to destroy the Creative Race, the Competent Race, the White Race.

    I remember when I wa taught the Lotka-Volterra equations; essentially, they describe predator/prey interaction, and are usually described in one sentence:

    “How many sheep can the wolves eat before the wolves begin to starve?”

    If the polls are remotely correct, Governance will have, literally one unifying theme – the destruction of all that makes America anything other than Mexic, with snow, with large pockets of Africans IN America, all united around the themes of revenge, the hatred of the ugly for the beautiful, the incompetent for the gifted and talented.

    There is not the beginning of a Quantum of Solace for the White Race; there is only seething hatred, which motivates feelings of revenge even unto destruction of the status quo that made the highest standard of living possible, in America, for people who hated America.

    THIS is the moment for the Children of the Sixties.

    I want to wish them congratulations for winning the matter for Form – elected Governance – while losing the matter of Substance – the unique Creative Gifts that the White Race offers, and – this is what wins First Prize – can sustain, and even improve upon.

    It is all well and good for the White Nationalists Community, soon to become the Racially Conscious Community, to blame “the Jews.”

    They ignored the primacy of Judaism as an organizing social principle, and will pay dearly for that misunderstanding.

    They allowed themselves to be gelded into being pure Wordists, and then were played for fools by being relentlessly rational, with the relentlessly irrational, rather like sheep arguing with wolves:

    “If you eat all of us, you will starve, too! What you are doing makes no sense!”

    It doesn’t make sense, to the sheep; it makes perfect sense, to the wolf, who does not share the Mindset of the sheep.

    The keys to overcoming the Jews have been there all along; just organize a parallel Racial Nation WITHIN the host nation, that does not directly challenge the State.

    The same institutional model used by them could easily be used by us; home schooling, for example.

    Too much work for us, I guess.

    EVERY Jew is taught to see him or her self in that manner, and they are taught it is their Divine Right to Rule Over All Other Life on the planet.

    I do all in my power to insure my Nephews look at the world, not as “consumers” and “voters,” but as The Living Foundation Of A New Nation.

    DAMN, but they have perfect posture, and walk forward like predators seeking “prey,” which I define as anything that stops them from fulfilling their Racial Destiny.

    This requires them consciously identifying with, and making choices in favor of, their Race.

    This requires them becoming The Living Foundation of a New Nation, starting with the Racially Conscious Community.

    FOCUS and DISCIPLINE – two of the hallmarks of the Culture of Judaism – are their watchwords.

    And there is not a Quantum of Solace to be found in their souls for our Eternal Racial Enemies.

    I’ve got to find a Latin primer, and find the translation for “By Any Means Necessary.”

    Lots of work to do.

  7. #7 by AFKANNow on 11/04/2008 - 4:53 pm

    in reply to Dave:

    I’d like to address your points, and add a few that I think are relevant.

    you wrote:

    Talk about no quantum of solace. Do you realize that our politicians really believe that endless funding exists? They think they can fund anything without limit. And they actually con themselves into believing that innovation in energy will replace IT as the economic driver. They are now in “rabbit out of a hat” mode.

    in reply:
    This is a much stronger point than you realize.

    The “Energy Revolution” they seek can not replace IT as an economic driver, as it is simply shifting sources, rather than Creating what our Economies can Create, which is discontinuous technologies, that become the foundation of new economic orderings.

    In short, they offer “more of the same,” in new packaging.

    Look at the economic horror of the ethanol subsidies – the ethanol plants are already looking at Chapter 11!

    In the meanwhile, the IT Revolution will continue, and it is moving into the biological space; already, the technology is THERE to put the equivalent of gates into cells – “Bioinformatics” is now looking into the biocosm for computing power.

    THIS is just getting started, but it is going full tilt in Shanghai, where they are working without apology on the DNA for Homo Novus.

    If they follow it thought, the next century will see us looking at something like the apes looking at the Monolith in 2001.

    Certainly, well before then, we will have Entities walking the Earth in human bodies, but which will not be “human.”

    you wrote:

    Not a chance. The energy innovation will come, but it will mean nothing, in the same way Soviet dam projects meant nothing.

    in reply:
    I’ve seen one piece after another on this, and they all assume pure Continuity; it’s all simply substitution, like substituting caulking your house for imported oil.

    They see pollution as Evil, and attempt to “get rid of pollution” by turning off the Industrial System.

    The Smart Guys see pollution as information of a wasteful process, and work their solutions back from that, enhancing the economy by adding value to the economic process itself.

    you wrote:

    Those that can make a difference have already taken their balls, bats, and mitts, and left the game.There is no choice with Government as completely out of hand as the one we have got.

    I have enough direct contact with the Government regulators to know that they are insane. There is no other explanation for them. It is true insanity.

    The boundary has been crossed where those responsible for compliance have thrown up their hands. There is no way to comply with insanity.

    in reply:
    Government agencies tend to be self-referencing, and cast a blind eye to anything outside their immediate purview, with the except of the social transformation agencies, which attempt to remake the world outside of them, into a mirror what is is inside of them.

    I think the IMF’s coming to town will make the official end of the status quo, in so many ways. They will do to us what they do to Second and Third World nations, as malinvestment – tax favored policies for construction, for example – is shifted out of the economic system.

    (Now that the election is over, incidentally, note that DTCC seems able to set up a market for the more exotic financial instruments.)

    There is economic and political insanity on a scale that will soon, all too soon, make honest speaking in public the act of a madman.

    you wrote:

    We are in a corner. There must be revolution.

    in reply:
    There will be some form of “revolution,” but I think it will usefully adopt the Form of White Christians who have had enough with being lied to, by all parties, and held in open contempt, by all other Races.

    It will take the ultimate Form of a New Nation, within the geographical confines of the United States (for now), and will involve the formation of Racially Conscious Communities.

    At the end of it all, Covington’s Northwest Republic Analytical Model seems all the more valid, as time marches on.

  8. #8 by Simmons on 11/05/2008 - 1:42 am

    Pardon me AFKAN but will your nephews be able to resist the passive-aggressive behavior of the destroyers and parasites? It is a quandry raising moral children one way to show mercy and compassion and then tell them to disregard some of those that show a need for it, namely any group that votes Democratic. Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” has resurfaced lately and I remember reading that one of them was for the radical to take advantage of the “judeo-christian ethic” (I’m sure he only meant christian).

    Personally it is not hard for me to resist because I am a cold existentialist who can interview and rate a person with dispassionate objectivity, but I’m a small percentage of our race in type.

  9. #9 by Dave on 11/05/2008 - 3:32 am

    If you say that our American leadership on all sides has no feelings, not a quantum of solace, for OUR feelings of IDENTITY, it seems to me that is just another way of saying God has taken us to his breast and given us the opportunity, for what value does OUR IDENTITY have if it is acquired without cost to our very own selves in the here and now?

    That’s why I don’t want our American leadership to have a quantum of solace for my white identity. That’s business that ***I*** will attend to without their help.

    One just needs to understand how things actually come around in life.

  10. #10 by backbaygrouch4 on 11/05/2008 - 4:24 am

    The governing elite no only does not have empathy for our identity, it is actively promoting its destruction. It values other identities. I have no martyr complex. Government has never been a neutral entity. That is pie in the sky thinking. The government will be with us or against us. It will not be above the fray.

    “It is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope… Gentlemen may cry, peace, peace, but there is no peace” – Patrick Henry March 23, 1775 to the House of Burgesses of Virginia.

    Either you control the government or it destroys you. It is malignant. It has to be contained. It cannot be ignored. It is a voracious parasite that cannot be eliminated. It can only be isolated.

  11. #11 by Dave on 11/05/2008 - 1:43 pm


    The bearing of a people is prior to government. That is why the government has ceased attempts to further regulate America’s firearms markets.

    BW has it right. Politicians today are sociopaths and I have enough personal contact with politicians to know that BW is right.

    I wish our side would realize how weak this makes our politicians. Sociopaths are easy to defeat precisely because they are blind to moral order.

    And moral order is wrapped into personal bearing, a fulcrum for the exercise of real power.

  12. #12 by AFKANNow on 11/05/2008 - 7:10 pm

    in reply to Simmons:

    Thanks for a very useful observation.

    It has been the focus of no small amount of concern.

    you wrote:

    Pardon me AFKAN but will your nephews be able to resist the passive-aggressive behavior of the destroyers and parasites? It is a quandry raising moral children one way to show mercy and compassion and then tell them to disregard some of those that show a need for it, namely any group that votes Democratic.

    in reply:
    That is a real “In The World But Not Of It” issue, and they began to develop their own answer to it this morning.

    I came down stairs, and they were watching – and watching – and watching – a bit from “The Dark Knight” where The Joker, in jail, is being interviewed by The Batman.

    There are the words they and I discussed today:

    The Joker said, to The Batman, “To them, you’re just a freak…like me!”

    There was more, but it was a wonderful soliloquy on how they are the one group you can discriminate against in what America has become.

    The Joker continued, saying that, when the people he was defending were done with him, they would throw him away.

    It really is quite good, and it’s available on YouTube.

    What qualities of The Joker do I want for me Nephews?

    The absolute, total Awareness that Race is the primary organizing model or dealing with a world that is committing the functional equivalent of suicide, and will destroy them, and their dreams, without remorse.

    What is the only Mindset needed to deal with this?

    It is the Mindset of the Conqueror, masked with the diplomatic facade of the Superior – an Ambassador from the BEST of the Next America.

    you wrote:

    Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” has resurfaced lately and I remember reading that one of them was for the radical to take advantage of the “judeo-christian ethic” (I’m sure he only meant christian).

    in reply:
    People tend to miss the big Point of Alinsky, an he actually spelled it out in “Rules.”

    That point is this:

    There is only Power – pure, wonderful Power – and there are no Rules that YOU have to follow, because once you have Power, you can rewrite all of the Rules to suit you.

    In short, the Rules really apply only to the sheep, the cattle, the goyim, the Inferiors.

    Don’t kid yourself.

    “Rules” just became Scripture to a New Generation.


    you wrote:

    Personally it is not hard for me to resist because I am a cold existentialist who can interview and rate a person with dispassionate objectivity, but I’m a small percentage of our race in type.

    in reply:
    The blind “Christian” compassion has pretty much been burnt out of them.

    They see it as a simple manipulation tool, designed to keep them focused on everything but the one thing that matters.

    I’ll be discussing Galt’s Speech from “Atlas Shrugged” with them, to help them realize the depth of the animosity their Racial Enemies feel towards them.

    Remember, all they are doing will be focused on them becoming members of the First Parliament of the Northwest Republic.

    Racial LEADERS, fulfilling RACIAL Covenants.

    And, as for the idea of the Democrats being “kinder and gentler,” just go to YouTube and see the Black Panthers – with truncheons! – acting as “security” at a Philadelphia voting place.

    The only “rights” we have are the ones we can enforce.

    I’ll demonstrate that to them when he return Home for Thanksgiving, and they can SEE what the UNENFORCEABLE promises of union jobs, health plans and pension funds are worth.

  13. #13 by Simmons on 11/05/2008 - 8:43 pm

    Today the others stood up for their identity, Obama will be beseiged with such requests to trim back the reach of the empire. On one hand he must listen to non-whites clamor for their race and culture, pacify the white kids who think life is a Benneton commercial and absolutely please the Jews in their livestock operations, good luck to him, not.

    Each day we get the back hand of racial taunting and each day the conscious of white men changes, I’m almost wanting to go back and read Spengler to make sure that is what I’m seeing.

    I serve this up as a small bit of evidence, the League of the South has been milling about for over a decade not saying much that has not been said for a century already. The latest edition of its paper “The Magnolia” addressed the race issue just a couple of steps below the Mantra, and I would say quite directly to the racial taunting aspect of calling every non-submissive white man “racist” (whatever that means). FreeRepublic looks set to break thru some barriers or lose half its members in another purge, could go either way, but I think good leadership on what is permissible to say will make that site useful. We certainly need not go off into the old forms of “muds and kikes.” These are great days if you ask me.

  14. #14 by AFKANNow on 11/06/2008 - 12:46 am

    in reply to Simmons:

    You hit on a major issue that clarifies the opportunities before us.

    you wrote:

    We certainly need not go off into the old forms of “muds and kikes.”

    in reply:
    The old Forms seem to have been all but developed BY our Racial Enemies for THEIR ends, more than ours.

    The problem was, our people saw us as people who spoke the magic words, “It’s the fault of the kikes, and the mud people,” and, over and over, again and again, NOTHING happened for the betterment of our people.

    THAT is a good bit of what passed for “activism,” in the old days.

    We see before us the results of such “activism.”

    How much more effective would we have been if we had adopted a more intelligent approach, defining the issues in terms of what we can do that is better, than in terms of what “they” are doing wrong?

    As I reviewed the works of the late Dr. Sam Francis, you can see him coming around from the “this is what they are doing that is wrong,” to the much more mature, focused and powerful formulation, “this is what we can do for ourselves, regardless of what ‘they’ are doing.”

    This is a compelling issue, from the perspective of real politics.

    This is where the foundation for true, effective power is laid, away from the disempowerment of self-selected victimization to the Mindset of responsibility to the Race, in the fulfillment of a transcendental Racial purpose.

    THAT is what I am doing with my Nephews.

  15. #15 by Dave on 11/06/2008 - 1:16 am


    Ask yourself a basic question about any organization: To what extent do the methods it uses to acquire its funding matter?

    Now ignore this question, and you miss a great deal about the structure of politics.

    But even more important, you miss a great deal about how funding circumscribes what an organization can attain in a moral sense, in the sense of human relations.

    That’s because funding matters. The methods used to acquire it matter.

    Now see this issue for what it is and you will understand why governmentally funded organizations are necessarily weak. That is because the dishonest methods that government uses to fund it activities wreck havoc upon the relations among the people hired to enact those activities. And furthermore, the character of those activities matter not one bit. It can be NASA, the military, the Department of Education, or the welfare office funded by the Department of Health and Human Services.

    It doesn’t matter. The dishonestly acquired funding wrecks everything.

    Relations among the employees and officers never mature. They never ascend to their proper order. Genuine ethics never materialize and there can only be substitutes.

    That is why, for example, a public employee union is in fact a human tragedy. It is a tragedy of stunted relations. People’s lives are ruined in the trajectory. And there is nothing in any of substitutes the Department of Labor can supply, the Fair Labor Standards Act can supply, the whole of the regulations and standards offered by the Equal Opportunity Commission can supply, or anything in the whole body of labor and employment law and regulation , that can in one small measure (to and including the very tiniest of measures) do anything whatsoever to mitigate this tragedy, or to furnish an adequate substitute for the actual mature and ethical relations that are in fact needed. There is no pulling a rabbit out of a hat, all of this exclusively on the account of how things are funded.

    Please read the above paragraph carefully, especially the last sentence. You need to. Because you need to begin to perceive how shallow notions of a “Northwest Republic” really are.

    There is nothing in life that allows us anything but the whole cloth of life. A portion of it will never do. And to get what we need we have to walk the whole of life, the whole thing in its entirety that includes everything that really is and actually true.

    That is what you need to teach your nephews.

    Government can never overcome what makes it weak. And what makes it weak is the dishonest means it is funded, destroying human relations.

    People in the pay of government are not perpetrators, they are victims. That is because everyone in the maw of government becomes a cripple. Everyone.

    And government will never overcome this. Never. That is why no legislator, governor, Congressman, or President is capable of making a speech that is not pathetic. It is not possible for those speeches to be anything but pathetic. Those speeches have to be pathetic as surely and lawfully as gravity itself.

    Understanding what I have just said is important. A “Northwest Republic” can never work. Not a chance.

    The whole idea bears little relation to what actually and truly must be fixed.

  16. #16 by AFKANNow on 11/06/2008 - 2:15 am

    in (thoughtful, very thoughtful) reply to Dave:

    Thanks for the time and effort you put into your post. It directly addresses issues that have been routinely overlooked in the development of viable political and economic entities. I’ll try to do your efforts justice, as I have been thinking about just such issues in my alternative history biography of the late Dr. Sam Francis, for the sake of the Racial efforts of my Nephews.

    you wrote:


    Ask yourself a basic question about any organization: To what extent do the methods it uses to acquire its funding matter?

    Now ignore this question, and you miss a great deal about the structure of politics.

    But even more important, you miss a great deal about how funding circumscribes what an organization can attain in a moral sense, in the sense of human relations.

    That’s because funding matters. The methods used to acquire it matter.

    in reply:
    I could not agree more, because the means used to attain funding tend to define the limits of funding, and organizational effectiveness.

    Hearkening back to “Atlas Shrugged, it is useful to note that the looter’s organizations died early deaths, while, say, the Hanseatic League lasted for centuries.

    There’s a reason for that, and economic systems that organically generate “profits” tend to far outlast pirates and raiders, and rightfully so.

    Incidentally, I understand the Obama Administration wants to *in effect* confiscate the 401K’s, and force them into a government controlled savings plan.

    How long do you think the government will last when it openly adopts the economic policies of Argentina, and how will it cope with the social consequences of those policies?

    “Pirates and raiders,” indeed.

    you wrote:

    Now see this issue for what it is and you will understand why governmentally funded organizations are necessarily weak. That is because the dishonest methods that government uses to fund it activities wreck havoc upon the relations among the people hired to enact those activities. And furthermore, the character of those activities matter not one bit. It can be NASA, the military, the Department of Education, or the welfare office funded by the Department of Health and Human Services.

    It doesn’t matter. The dishonestly acquired funding wrecks everything.

    in reply:
    See above, re 401K’s, and Argentina.

    You know how Kirchner the First led to default, and the appropriation policy og Kirchner the Second will only make things much worse, and much more visible.

    NOW look at the external debt of the major nations, particularly South of our border, and the republics of the Former Soviet Union.

    What does it say about the future>

    Nothing good, and this undermines all of their attempts at “sovereignty.”

    So, your point is correct, and the integrity of it is seen at the level of the nation-state, worldwide.

    Of course, if Obama goes for the 401K’s, then what would that tell us about the true state of the Federal government, as a manager of economic relations?

    That’s right.

    you wrote:

    Relations among the employees and officers never mature. They never ascend to their proper order. Genuine ethics never materialize and there can only be substitutes.

    That is why, for example, a public employee union is in fact a human tragedy. It is a tragedy of stunted relations. People’s lives are ruined in the trajectory. And there is nothing in any of substitutes the Department of Labor can supply, the Fair Labor Standards Act can supply, the whole of the regulations and standards offered by the Equal Opportunity Commission can supply, or anything in the whole body of labor and employment law and regulation , that can in one small measure (to and including the very tiniest of measures) do anything whatsoever to mitigate this tragedy, or to furnish an adequate substitute for the actual mature and ethical relations that are in fact needed. There is no pulling a rabbit out of a hat, all of this exclusively on the account of how things are funded.

    in reply:
    This is why I see the modern corporation as being little different from the modern State. Jay wrote a book about this, called “Management and Machiavelli.”

    Such duplicity – force with charm, if you will – is required to compensate for the inherent lack of integrity in such relationships.

    I think this will lead, in time, to corporations below State size being replaced by cooperatives, with transparent books and clean accounting.

    This will be no less true with financial institutions. Incidentally, you know there are thousands of privately-owned banks in America. Wonder what the big difference is between them and the major banks?

    I suspect the difference is, to a remarkable degree, trust, from the organically developed relationships between borrowers, owners, and lenders.

    you wrote:

    Please read the above paragraph carefully, especially the last sentence. You need to. Because you need to begin to perceive how shallow notions of a “Northwest Republic” really are.

    in reply:
    I use the Northwest Republic as the Analytical Model for how such a nation, organized along the lines of Race as it’s fundamental organizing principle, could be.

    The critical issue – integrity of financing – is implicitly dealt with because this Nation is formed from the foundation of the Nation, which is the Family.

    The incredible process of disintermediation, and removal of potential “misunderstandings” through real transparency, removes the tools, and opportunities, for pirates and raiders.

    The Northwest Republic would look to organizational loans through systems that avoid the inorganic nature of compound interest; various profit (and loss) sharing entities could be set up to avoid the inherently inorganic system of compound interest, and would involve Families in insuring the enterprise was successful.

    ALL without the use or threat of force, and with virtually no chance for duplicity.

    It would bring new meaning to the term “private banking!”

    There is nothing in life that allows us anything but the whole cloth of life. A portion of it will never do. And to get what we need we have to walk the whole of life, the whole thing in its entirety that includes everything that really is and actually true.

    That is what you need to teach your nephews.

    in reply:
    Most men lead lives of quiet desperation, because they made the socially approved, personally wrong choice many years ago, and have become so encumbered with various responsibilities, that they are trapped into being, literally, the New Serfs, in the Soft Tyranny of a New Feudal Order.

    I am doing all in my power to insure my Nephews do not make THAT mistake.

    you wrote:

    Government can never overcome what makes it weak. And what makes it weak is the dishonest means it is funded, destroying human relations.

    People in the pay of government are not perpetrators, they are victims. That is because everyone in the maw of government becomes a cripple. Everyone.

    And government will never overcome this. Never. That is why no legislator, governor, Congressman, or President is capable of making a speech that is not pathetic. It is not possible for those speeches to be anything but pathetic. Those speeches have to be pathetic as surely and lawfully as gravity itself.

    in reply:
    I could not agree more.

    Please understand me when I tell you that this particular Moment of “America” is all but over in all but name.

    The revolution will come, as the System tries desperately to keep its center going, even if it is at the direct expense of the peripheral organs.

    The peripheral organs will see the State as being less and less valid, save for a few fundamental purposes, if those.

    you wrote:

    Understanding what I have just said is important. A “Northwest Republic” can never work. Not a chance.

    The whole idea bears little relation to what actually and truly must be fixed.

    in reply:
    I am not so much concerned about the actual Form adopted by the Northwest Republic as I am by the Northwest Republic as an analytical model for the organic development of a Racial Homeland, with Race as the foremost organizing principle for the society.

    Modern information technology has increased the effective span of control by magnitudes, while disintermediating so many government functions, as well as the need for the people who perform those functions.

    Again, my Nephews are developing into Adult Masculinity in a social order that is openly hostile to such people.

    If their rise matches the decline of America As We Know It, then I can only hope that America’s sunset, is the sunrise of what could – and perhaps, should – become the Northwest Republic.

    Tonight, we shall review “Galt’s Speech,” and why it matters so very much.

    Perhaps I have misunderstood your criticism of the Northwest Republic Analytical Model, and I welcome further discussion.

    I am only going to get one chance at helping my Nephews to become part of the Meritocratic Aristocracy of a new Nation, so I have to get it right!

    Thank you.

  17. #17 by Prometheus on 11/06/2008 - 2:48 am

    AFKAN said “The Joker continued, saying that, when the people he was defending were done with him, they would throw him away.”

    I remember that part of the movie and it made me think of the seminar.

    Some people I noted on various forums were perplexed as to why blacks would vote for Obama, as if they really couldn’t understand why non-whites would chose colour over ability.

    They keep telling us we need to be ‘colourblind’, but being colourblind is a disability. It means you can’t see what is plainly obvious to others. Someone who can’t see colour, no matter how hard you explain it to them, will not understand how red and green are different and won’t understand why you can see the figure 8 amongst the dots.

    White people today just can’t see identity politics emerging. The fact that blacks overwhelmingly supported Obama for no reason other than than the fact he is black is the elephant in the room they just don’t know how to describe.

  18. #18 by AFKANNow on 11/06/2008 - 6:08 pm

    in reply to Prometheus:

    I wrote:

    AFKAN said “The Joker continued, saying that, when the people he was defending were done with him, they would throw him away.”

    you replied:

    I remember that part of the movie and it made me think of the seminar.

    Some people I noted on various forums were perplexed as to why blacks would vote for Obama, as if they really couldn’t understand why non-whites would chose colour over ability.

    They keep telling us we need to be ‘colourblind’, but being colourblind is a disability. It means you can’t see what is plainly obvious to others. Someone who can’t see colour, no matter how hard you explain it to them, will not understand how red and green are different and won’t understand why you can see the figure 8 amongst the dots.

    in reply:
    Good point.

    Did you see the part where they accepted their Racial Enemy’s Wordist framing of the situation?

    Not the clear speaking, openly honest, issue of Race, but, rather, the soft facade of “colour?”

    Of course, they can speak, and act, Racially all day long, with government support.

    you wrote:

    White people today just can’t see identity politics emerging. The fact that blacks overwhelmingly supported Obama for no reason other than than the fact he is black is the elephant in the room they just don’t know how to describe.

    in reply:
    I think white people “see identity politics emerging,” but have been indoctrinated to actually SUPPORT their Racial Enemies.

    In short, they actively support their Racial Enemies, and mask this with misplaced compassion.

    I think the New Left won, and, this time, will not relinquish power gracefully, if at all.

    The joyous, savage attacks of the McCain people – Republican Party Past – against Sarah Palin – the candidate from Whitelandia – tells me the Republicans, after the illegals have been made legal, and have brought their families across the border, will end the Republican Party as anything other than a token Southern rump party – kind of like the BNP, if you think about it.

    That ties it back to Mantra thinking, my Nephews, and The Joker’s soliloquy in “The Dark Knight.”

    I told them that, when all is said and done, The Joker speaks directly in terms a Nietzschean would feel right at home with.

    “The pastors, and the youth pastors, at the Churches you have been attending will support you as long as it benefits them; the minute you are of no use to them (and, right now, they are of a LOT of “use” to them), they will cast you aside. This moment will come to be organically, as you get better and better at what you do, and eclipse them. There are two ways to deal with that moment:

    One, grow a “branch” church from their “root” church, or;

    Two, form a new church, based on a new model of Christian Community.”

    Option Two lends itself to the Northwest Republic Analytical Model fairly well.

    To make all of this work, they will have to see themselves, not as the “freak” they will be defined as, but as the Lights unto The World of a New Social Order, which will seem as “freak(ish)” to their peers as Edison, Ford, and Fuller did, to their peers.

    Above all, they now accept these two Ideas wholeleartedly:

    One, there is no “Home” to go back to, and

    Two, you must define all social issues in the Light of Race, and Culture.

    Remember this – the two extremes of excellence in Gotham City – what the White Race had allowed Gotham City to become – were The Batman, and The Joker.

    “Freaks,” to a man.

    THAT is the test of social decay; when the best of the White Race in terms of successful efforts, Men of pure, raw, disciplined excellence, are seen as “freak(ish).”

    Incidentally, Jungians should note that The Batman was the master of pure technology, while The Joker was the master of finding the weaknesses of people, and manipulating that, to his ends.

  19. #19 by Dave on 11/06/2008 - 9:15 pm


    On your point about at the New Left: “I think the New Left won, and, this time, will not relinquish power gracefully, if at all.”

    Here’s a quote that gets to the heart of the very real panic that is now and is going to continue to be in the driver’s seat, “How do you kick start a 747?”

    Thinking about this is why I can’t sleep at night. The Left in America has never confronted a situation like this because what they have counted on for the past 100 years is now gone and will not return, and that is the ability to get themselves out of their perennial kleptomaniac jams by depreciating the currency (while simultaneously rescuing confidence in it through an expanding economy.) This time they either have to suffer an appreciated currency with all the ruin that entails or they will have to suffer the complete and utter destruction of the currency with the equal ruin.

    There is no “middle” anymore. The “middle” has become entirely too corrupt.

    The “respectables” are in a fit of denial. They just can’t accept the truth that a reckoning of real justice is upon them.

    Instead, these fools believe they can pull it off again.

    And what scares me, really scares me, is that I know that this game of currency depreciation that has been played ever since 1933 is really and truly over and nobody is coming to grips with it.

    How do you kick start a 747?

    I think that is an epitaph for the Left and their “respectable” brethren, written in an ocean of suffering. Their bag of tricks is empty. And there is nothing in the offing to refill the bag. No substitute tricks wait off stage.

    The Left isn’t in any position to sustain attacks. In fact, their position is as weak as it has ever been.

    And I agree they will not relinquish power gracefully. Their exit will be anything but graceful. It is going to be bone crunching, it is going to be terrifying, and a lot of people will have their lives forever ruined in the trauma.

    The Left will leave town on its knees wailing and begging for mercy.

    747’s can’t be kick started.

  20. #20 by AFKANNow on 11/06/2008 - 11:05 pm

    in reply to Dave:

    You’ve hit on an issue that ties together many themes that have been addressed here. I’d like to address your concerns, and then try to place them in what I see as the Prime Scenario – the “PrimeLine,” as we called it back in the day.

    And, believe me, this all ties directly into Race.

    you wrote:


    On your point about at the New Left: “I think the New Left won, and, this time, will not relinquish power gracefully, if at all.”

    Here’s a quote that gets to the heart of the very real panic that is now and is going to continue to be in the driver’s seat, “How do you kick start a 747?”

    in reply:
    Short answer – you can’t.

    Longer answer – people who try believe in magic, and still can’t.

    I have continually used the example of Eddie Willers, pulling wildly at levers and switches on the Taggart “Comet,” pride of the Taggart Transcontinental fleet, to no avail. The last we see of him is his laying in helpless despair in the headlight of the Taggart “Comet,” alone and abandoned in the Arizona desert. Implicitly, the light is fading, and the Raiders are coming…

    Can’t kickstart a train, either, much less a railroad.

    you wrote:

    Thinking about this is why I can’t sleep at night. The Left in America has never confronted a situation like this because what they have counted on for the past 100 years is now gone and will not return, and that is the ability to get themselves out of their perennial kleptomaniac jams by depreciating the currency (while simultaneously rescuing confidence in it through an expanding economy.) This time they either have to suffer an appreciated currency with all the ruin that entails or they will have to suffer the complete and utter destruction of the currency with the equal ruin.

    in reply:
    I’d like to address this in a larger context you addressed earlier, when you asked, “What happens when the unit of measure is itself corrupted beyond use?”

    I listed the Bloomberg ID for the 10 year treasury CDS, something that I never thought I would see in my lifetime. As a younger man, it thought of treasuries as as did the patrons of the Albert Hall, who bought hundred year seat subscriptions, so confident were they in the purchasing power of the British Pound.

    As I look at the external debt of various countries expressed as a percentage of GDP, and the cost of even carrying the extant debt, I realize what happens in Great Depressions.

    Kirchner just appropriated all of the private pensions in Argentina; I suspect this will be happening here with 401K accounts, and my, won’t THAT be exciting?

    The question is, “Where can they go?”

    The answer is simple.

    They won’t be allowed to go anywhere.

    You sound like a Man of the World, and you can see where this is leading.

    The Argentine bond crisis of the Eighties threatened to ruin the American banking system. Creative accountants went to work, economic growth and targeted investing did its work, and, about a DECADE later, everyone was made more of less whole.

    The use of that option to deal with our own bad paper is forever foreclosed to us, in any meaningful sense of the term.

    “Currency ruin?”


    This is what has taken me so long to accept.

    The Children of the Sixties can not imagine, and will not accept, the implications of the current debts and deficits, and what they mean for us, and them.

    They can not perceive, and will not accept, that the very unit of measure can be debased, and perverted.

    You’ve seen the enormous “flexibility” that is available to pension accounting; what will the SPGG do when THAT little merry-go-round stops?

    The list continues, so, back to the Greater Issues.

    you wrote:

    There is no “middle” anymore. The “middle” has become entirely too corrupt.

    in reply:
    The robust and expanding middle – as is “middle” class – is the necessary foundation for democratic governments to remain as long as they have.

    The corruption of the “middle” came from their accepting the terms and definitions of their Racial Enemies.


    “As they sow,…”

    you wrote:

    The “respectables” are in a fit of denial. They just can’t accept the truth that a reckoning of real justice is upon them.

    Instead, these fools believe they can pull it off again.

    in reply:
    In their minds, they have every good reason to.

    The largee issue is, they never bothered to look behind the mirror, and see how the magic tricks worked, and who ultimately paid for them.

    you wrote:

    And what scares me, really scares me, is that I know that this game of currency depreciation that has been played ever since 1933 is really and truly over and nobody is coming to grips with it.

    in reply:
    What we called “Bretton Woods” was simple the political recognition of the economic reality.

    When the yen carry trade started to unwind about a year and a half ago, nobody in the American media noticed it.

    Funny thing – the real estate financial market picked up on it straight away.

    That China and Japan seem almost to act as One with external trade issues with the US, particularly with exchange rates, seems to have escaped all of us.

    That the Chinese central bank began to order more reserves for their banks at the same time seems to have skipped the notice of people who watch Jim Cramer, and do what he says, and not what he does.

    Wait until, until the cover of the IMF ordering it, the SEC removes all naked shorts, imposing a same-day settlement rule, and strictly enforces the 157 “mark to market” across the system, and watch as the 747 becomes magically transformed into a bicycle.

    Well, they can CERTAINLY kick-start that!

    Of course, this implies a LOT of “de-leveraging,” perhaps lowering the average standard of living in America rather dramatically, in a rather short period of time.

    you wrote:

    How do you kick start a 747?

    I think that is an epitaph for the Left and their “respectable” brethren, written in an ocean of suffering. Their bag of tricks is empty. And there is nothing in the offing to refill the bag. No substitute tricks wait off stage.

    The Left isn’t in any position to sustain attacks. In fact, their position is as weak as it has ever been.

    in reply:
    The Smart Republicans knew Obama would be left with the functional equivalent of a liquidation sale.

    They can only gloat as he tries to face the fact that the FM’s were simply market making hedge funds, and were about as regulated as hedge funds; this, in a time when hedge fund are rapidly going out of business.

    You CAN”T kick-start THAT 747!

    “But wait! There’s more!”

    you wrote:

    And I agree they will not relinquish power gracefully. Their exit will be anything but graceful. It is going to be bone crunching, it is going to be terrifying, and a lot of people will have their lives forever ruined in the trauma.

    The Left will leave town on its knees wailing and begging for mercy.

    in reply:
    Here we must disagree.

    The Left will NEVER leave town.

    William Ayres will continue to be a leading light of the “educational” establishment, and Bernadette Dohrn will continue to teach law school, and Angela Davis will continue to teach university.

    The Left will NEVER leave town.

    What happens when they have near-total power, for too long?

    Look at the ruins of what was Detroit.

    The LEFT will NEVER accept responsibility; they believe it is OUR fault for not acting “appropriately,” and they by God will REMAIN in power unti WE make their Wordist fantasies the Reality.

    Only the White Race makes Civilization possible; while not sufficient, it is certainly necessary.

    you wrote:

    747’s can’t be kick started.

    in reply:
    I think the answer is to look to the Rebuilding, the New Renaissance, of Western Civilization in America.

    This will be the work of generations, which MUST be raised in an atmosphere of Racial Awareness, and Personal Duty to the Racial Manifest Destiny.

    That’s what I dedicate the rest of my life to doing, with my Nephews.

    As motivation, every night, just before I go to bed, I reread the section in “Atlas Shrugged” dealing with the Taggart “Comet,” stranded on the Arizona prairie.

    That is what the American System will become, well within my lifetime.

    I then look in on my Nephews, and think, “What must I do, NOW, to insure you aren’t left on the ‘Comet’ that America will become?”

    I think on that in almost every spare moment.

  21. #21 by shari on 11/07/2008 - 9:43 am

    I don’t know if I have any bussiness saying this, but I’m going to. I really think that you guys worry TOO MUCH. There might still be a battle ahead but the “foggy” time is behind us. I think that we’ll get to USE the mantra and it will make sense to many. And Afkan, it’s possible you could go overboard and end up driving your nephews nuts. Hope not!

  22. #22 by Dave on 11/07/2008 - 11:46 am


    Maybe you’re right about the Left never leaving town. After all, the biggest lie out there is that the Great Depression ever ended.

    Also, WW II has not really ended.

    But few people get this because they don’t understand the institutional accumulations that transpire in forward linear time. Instead, they think that what they see on PBS is real.

    But to reply to Shari, I don’t believe in the possibility of peace. Structurally, it can’t happen, so I don’t think I worry too much.

    I’m not religious, but one my favorite T-shirts has a picture of the crucifixion on it. The caption reads, “If you’re OK and I’m OK, why this?”

    Try getting the Left and their respectable brethren to understand that.

  23. #23 by shari on 11/07/2008 - 12:25 pm

    I know. I don’t think peace is possible with this system either. But it’s always a good idea to make sober assessments of one’s self, I think, lest you crack up.

  24. #24 by Dave on 11/07/2008 - 6:27 pm


    I just love Mark’s brilliant line: “Those who own the present own the Future. Those who own the present NEVER have any serious relationship to what is really going to happen.”

    You can’t get an assessment more sober than that, both on the micro and macro levels.

    On a personal level in my day-to-day life, I am onsides about the same percentage of time Stan Laurel is onsides in those Laurel and Hardy comedies.

    That’s why I try to remind myself often as I can of the true meaning of enlightenment: “Lighten up!”

  25. #25 by AFKANNow on 11/07/2008 - 11:42 pm

    in reply to shari:

    Thanks for your concern about my Nephews.

    Some thoughts in reply:

    I agree you can worry “too much,” and that’s why I focus my “worry” into positive action, and the guide posts are Race and Culture.

    Virtually all of my activities are aimed at removing their excuses for being anything less than exemplars for the Family, and the Race.

    As long as the “worry” is channeled into positive activity, I am at peace.

  26. #26 by AFKANNow on 11/07/2008 - 11:52 pm

    in reply to Dave:

    you wrote:


    Maybe you’re right about the Left never leaving town. After all, the biggest lie out there is that the Great Depression ever ended.

    Also, WW II has not really ended.

    But few people get this because they don’t understand the institutional accumulations that transpire in forward linear time. Instead, they think that what they see on PBS is real.

    in reply:
    Good point.

    The Left is not at all concerning with a common body of factual knowledge.

    Their ONLY concern is Control – pure and simple, by any means necessary.

    Lies, and various priesthoods, are a lot more effective than military force.

    you wrote:

    But to reply to Shari, I don’t believe in the possibility of peace. Structurally, it can’t happen, so I don’t think I worry too much.

    I’m not religious, but one my favorite T-shirts has a picture of the crucifixion on it. The caption reads, “If you’re OK and I’m OK, why this?”

    Try getting the Left and their respectable brethren to understand that.

    in reply:
    Not only do I not believe in the “structure of peace,” I have seen, back Home, how quickly the economic situation can resemble a collapse function.

    The anger the people should feel is masked by tranquilizers; I noted the ABC Store is doing a land office business.

    That anger SHOULD be harnessed in positive, constructive manners to transform the situation before them, by transforming their thinking.

    Not going to happen.

    Incidentally, color television is damn near the equivalent of circuses, for the men, and soma, for the women.

  27. #27 by Dave on 11/09/2008 - 2:20 am


    It is very important to make a distinction.

    Business interests heavily manipulate the public. That is color TV, for example.

    But those manipulations do not have outsized consequences. I am not saying they don’t have critical and important consequences. I am saying they don’t have outsized consequences.

    Compare that to the consequences of the coercive decisions of government, decisions given the imprimatur of law. This is particularly true of those decisions regarding the monetary system and finance of the real economy.

    As a result of core decisions in money and finance, a whole trajectory of unintended and compulsive phenomena transpire that have huge outsized consequences, a chain of falling dominoes that have a life cycle of their own, sucking the whole of society into a political and organizational vortex that nobody planned or intended.

    For example, it has been approximately 100 years since government overthrew the late 19th century system of trade and business finance by introducing the Federal Currency Note/Treasury Note twins that became the core earning assets of the banking system replacing the role trade acceptances.

    This ensconced government to the role of having to finance society’s wage bill because in overthrowing the trade acceptance system it became (a consequence that was entirely unintended) the only entity capable of financing large commercial requirements. Banks restructured away from provisioning business credit via trade acceptances simply because they were end-run by the tsunami of new earning assets insured and showered upon them by government).

    That is what really caused the economy of private sector cones erupting around spigots of Federal spending that we know today. But this was never intended by government to happen. It was simply clueless that its decisions would effect banking practices to the extant of restructuring the entire economy and having this consequence.

    The Federal Currency Note/Treasury Note system is now dying and nobody is coming to grips with it. Huge structural unemployment is erupting and its welfare underpinnings can no longer be financed.

    The only way business is going to be restarted is keiretsu associations that will have to self-finance industrial and commercial trade credit by forming their own proprietary clearing and settlement systems using the Internet and XML.

    Sheer necessity will compel business to do it. Business must provision their own commercial and trade credit completely outside of the banking system and settle obligations using something other (units of a basket of commodities from a commodity fund for example) than government issued currency.

    That is because the government issued currency is rapidly becoming no good. It can’t finance wages. It can’t finance welfare.

    The Federal Currency Note /Treasury Note twins are no longer capable of playing the role nobody planned or intended them to play in any event.

    75 years from now people will view them as antiquities, a puzzling curiosity from the past. They will ask themselves, how did society ever function on such a harebrained system that engendered so much unnecessary risk?

    Our nonwhite populations are clueless as to how marginal they are to the current system. They have absolutely no idea what is really going on and what really transpired in the past to give rise to the current system. And more importantly, they are utterly blind to their own irrelevancy.

    There is no way our nonwhites can play the current system successfully because nobody, regardless of the color of their skin, can play the current system successfully. IT IS DYING. That is all there is to it.

  28. #28 by Prometheus on 11/09/2008 - 6:23 am

    To make all of this work, they will have to see themselves, not as the “freak” they will be defined as, but as the Lights unto The World of a New Social Order, which will seem as “freak(ish)” to their peers as Edison, Ford, and Fuller did, to their peers.

    Above all, they now accept these two Ideas wholeleartedly:

    One, there is no “Home” to go back to, and

    Two, you must define all social issues in the Light of Race, and Culture.

    Remember this – the two extremes of excellence in Gotham City – what the White Race had allowed Gotham City to become – were The Batman, and The Joker.

    “Freaks,” to a man.

    I haven’t thought of what the Joker has said as being Nietzchean, but I do see it now.

    The freaks win out in the end. What you can’t compete with, you must destroy to come out on top.

    This is why whites are such an intolerable presence, our mere existance shows that coloureds, and the world they create is not like ours.

    So as you stated, achievement, self discipline, even civilisation itself becomes ‘freakish’.

    Note how white people talk of ‘reverting’ to a dark age, as if without their wordist religion that is the natural state of whites.

  29. #29 by AFKANNow on 11/09/2008 - 7:37 pm

    in reply to Prometheus:
    I see “Civilization” as being a Process, more than a point in time and place, and this requires an ability to think abstractly, with intellectual integrity, and the ability to delay gratification for decades, and even centuries.

    We have become the high point of “Civilization” at this time, even as we face insurmountable opportunities. Thus, for example, far better models of what America COULD become can be seen in the examples of Singapore, and Switzerland.

    The common theme of all Obama supporters are people who hate the White Race, in abstract, and White People, in particular – even while the White Race makes their very quality of life possible.

    I look in the eyes of the (nominally) White women who flood the audience on “Oprah,” and remind my Nephews that Race has a vertical component, as well as a horizontal component. I also remind them that their War on (White) Men targets them, and what is coming economically will make their Daughters curse them from the breadlines and the soup kitchens.

    There is no hyperbole in that last sentence. (I’ll tie it in into Dave’s remark immediately above.)

    The Levelers imagine they have taken command of the economic and social system. They have, and the end will look a lot more like Zimbabwe than you might think.

    In such a social order, the philosophy of The Joker becomes necessary.

    Trust me on this – if we speak publicly what we believe, we might as well be prepared to be ruthlessly effective Outcasts from the extant social order.

    Perhaps the strongest force in human affairs is the tendency towards the measure of central tendency, the mean. Well, the new mean is in decline, in both relative and absolute terms, and it will require a ruthless dedication – like The Joker – to overcome the decay of the extant social order.

    Above all, keep this in mind:

    The Children of the Sixties hate America so much, they intend for it to commit suicide at their hands, and they will praise themselves for their moral superiority, even as their economy collapses.

    I suspect The Joker’s deeper message to The Batman was this:

    At the end of the day, their social order is a cancer, and will destroy you, because, at the end of the day, “to them, you’re just a freak…like me.”

  30. #30 by AFKANNow on 11/09/2008 - 10:25 pm

    in reply to Dave:
    you wrote:


    It is very important to make a distinction.

    Business interests heavily manipulate the public. That is color TV, for example.

    But those manipulations do not have outsized consequences. I am not saying they don’t have critical and important consequences. I am saying they don’t have outsized consequences.

    Compare that to the consequences of the coercive decisions of government, decisions given the imprimatur of law. This is particularly true of those decisions regarding the monetary system and finance of the real economy.

    As a result of core decisions in money and finance, a whole trajectory of unintended and compulsive phenomena transpire that have huge outsized consequences, a chain of falling dominoes that have a life cycle of their own, sucking the whole of society into a political and organizational vortex that nobody planned or intended.

    in reply:
    True, and we see developments taking place that will reduce America – and the White Race – dramatically.

    You go on to make some points that are much more pertinent than many people realize.

    you wrote:

    For example, it has been approximately 100 years since government overthrew the late 19th century system of trade and business finance by introducing the Federal Currency Note/Treasury Note twins that became the core earning assets of the banking system replacing the role trade acceptances.

    This ensconced government to the role of having to finance society’s wage bill because in overthrowing the trade acceptance system it became (a consequence that was entirely unintended) the only entity capable of financing large commercial requirements. Banks restructured away from provisioning business credit via trade acceptances simply because they were end-run by the tsunami of new earning assets insured and showered upon them by government).

    in reply:
    And, you see the implosion of the financial sector – otherwise known as the “credit” market – in the Banker’s Circular that ordered banks to withdraw TWENTY-FIVE PERCENT of their loans going into the Great Depression.

    This led to a horrific cascade of cross-defaults, and a spiral that led to horrific financial events, particularly at the State level.

    I’ll discuss that directly; it is far more relevant to our situation than anyone dares discuss, much less admit.

    you wrote:

    That is what really caused the economy of private sector cones erupting around spigots of Federal spending that we know today. But this was never intended by government to happen. It was simply clueless that its decisions would effect banking practices to the extant of restructuring the entire economy and having this consequence.

    in reply:
    Here is where I tend to disagree.

    They know pretty much EXACTLY what the net effect of their actions will mean, for them.

    I notice that, even when we offer courses in finance, we don’t offer courses in international financial operations – a subject I wish I had paid a LOT more attention to.

    I have yet to meet a banker who did not want to own the world, and make it pay interest to him.

    I mean that literally.

    you wrote:

    The Federal Currency Note/Treasury Note system is now dying and nobody is coming to grips with it. Huge structural unemployment is erupting and its welfare underpinnings can no longer be financed.

    in reply:
    I recall the very real probability of the USG declaring “force majeure” in 1937, and again, in 1937, on payment of Treasuries.

    Now, we have created tsunamis of what are “near-Treasuries” (FM/FM paper), and the countries we forced to buy it are demanding it be paid, in time and in full, or they will stop rolling it over…

    Everyone seems to be ignoring the tremendous odds of serious municipal bankruptcies (CALIFORNIA?) over the next two years; what will Obama do with such a situation?

    You can guess. and you can guess what it will mean for the USD, and American economic sovereignty.

    If you will look at maps of your larger counties, and then look at maps of them before the First Great Depression, you will see they were merged when the smaller ones went into the constructive equivalent of bankruptcy.

    What might be the functional equivalent of this at the level of the nation?

    Look at the natural resources on “government owned” lands, and imagine their value in challenging economic times.

    I am deadly serious.

    you wrote:

    The only way business is going to be restarted is keiretsu associations that will have to self-finance industrial and commercial trade credit by forming their own proprietary clearing and settlement systems using the Internet and XML.

    in reply:
    I suspect the day is before us where transnational corporations – really, anational corporations with “flags of convenience” – will form the functional equivalent of “house banks,” and work with governments to allow them the functional equivalent of “special drawing rights,” all to be settled in market baskets of commodities, all being truly digital, and requiring Financial XML.

    DTCC could probably knock something like this out in a month, and make it available from Geneva to Shanghai.

    Hell, they probably already have.

    you wrote:

    Sheer necessity will compel business to do it. Business must provision their own commercial and trade credit completely outside of the banking system and settle obligations using something other (units of a basket of commodities from a commodity fund for example) than government issued currency.

    That is because the government issued currency is rapidly becoming no good. It can’t finance wages. It can’t finance welfare.

    in reply:
    In effect, this creates a new feudal society; the one, transnational, and ruthlessly meritocratic, and the other, backwards, and doomed to remain in a state where they are dependent upon the kindness of strangers, and there will be little “kindness” to be had.

    The problem is, all of the “sustainable economy” models really look like a rationalization for a kinder, gentler, “Brave New World,” with the important difference that there is really little need for about 90% of the current population of Humanity.

    I’ve been looking more closely into eugenics developments in genetic research, and I am damn confident that, in a century – the blink of an eye, in the history of Humanity, Homo Novus will look at us as we look at house pets…

    you wrote:

    The Federal Currency Note /Treasury Note twins are no longer capable of playing the role nobody planned or intended them to play in any event.

    75 years from now people will view them as antiquities, a puzzling curiosity from the past. They will ask themselves, how did society ever function on such a harebrained system that engendered so much unnecessary risk?

    in reply:
    I could not agree more, as all of the “risk management” models have totally collapsed, depending as they are on a measure of value that is far too flexible, when it needs to be strong, and far too strong, where it needs to be flexible.

    I suspect the guys meeting at G-20, and some sharpies from DTCC, are already laying out ideas for the new international currencies – for now, a linkage to gold, for international transactions, and, in time, whatever digital currencies DTCC comes up with.

    you wrote:

    Our nonwhite populations are clueless as to how marginal they are to the current system. They have absolutely no idea what is really going on and what really transpired in the past to give rise to the current system. And more importantly, they are utterly blind to their own irrelevancy.

    There is no way our nonwhites can play the current system successfully because nobody, regardless of the color of their skin, can play the current system successfully. IT IS DYING. That is all there is to it.

    in reply:
    That is the deeper issue no one else – other than White people – can DARE face, and that is what can be done when the System as we have known it essentially implodes.

    The “de-leveraging” – deflation on a horrific scale – that is taking place will work to insure governmental stability, as the government gets to redefine “America” to its convenience.

    Amazing things can be done in such times, but the Racial perspective looks to the issue of economic definitions, and asks “what are the new stores of value, the new measures of value, and what are the new values?”

    The system that is dying – that has elected the Children of the Sixties of help it commit the functional equivalent of suicide – reminds me that there have been several Forms of “The United States of America,” from 1776 to 1865, from 1865 to 1933, and from 1933 to, say, 2020.

    Each, you will note, had a different currency, and different economic systems, and systems of governance.

    The new currency will take as many Forms as are needed, and the Great De-Leveraging will force national recessions to manifest as horrific regional depressions. Think “Detroit.” Think “any economic model that depends on cheap fossil fuels.” Think horrific depopulation, by those who can make something for themselves somewhere else.

    Think of America as a layer cake of skills, and competences; over here, Detroit outside RenCen, over there, Silicon Valley, and, in terms of Mindset, Atlas Shrugged’s “Galt’s Gulch.”

    In the short term, the de facto merger of America and Mexico, with China controlling their resource colony of Canada, will lower the standard of living in America substantially, and a lot of people have no idea what to do in that situation.

    In the long term, I expect all of the “sustainable economy” models really look like rationalizations for a kinder, gentler, “Brave New World,” with the important difference that there is really little need for about 90% of the current population of Humanity. That is more feasible than many might suspect.

    I’ve been looking more closely into eugenics developments in genetic research, and I am damn confident that, in a century – the blink of an eye, in the history of Humanity, Homo Novus will look at us as we look at house pets…

    Until then, I am forcing my Nephews to try to develop the Mindset that will enable them to survive, and prosper, as members of the “Necessary and Hated Minority” that makes all of the difference.

    Daily, I remind them that they must think in terms of building the Civilization that will allow us to to return “To The Stars,” and they must not be Victims, placed on the altar of Political Correctness.

  31. #31 by Dave on 11/10/2008 - 5:59 pm


    A couple of points. There is not going to be “deleveraging”.

    The socialization of banking system losses will continue in a desperate attempt by the Fed and Treasury to keep banking system leverage from going higher from its current 13 times core capital.

    This is exactly what happened in the 1930s. There never was any deleveraging in the Great Depression. That’s a widely believed urban myth. What happened is what is happening today. The system is suffering huge losses which are socialized by government in order to keep the leverage from going higher. The concept of an “unwinding” is Wordism. It doesn’t and can’t exist in reality. The whole Currency Note/Treasury Note system is a cockroach hotel by its very nature. It has to die.

    The “debt problem” of that era was supposedly solved through currency depreciation which never really played out as it won’t this time. That is exactly how we get killed.

    The huge UST and Agency portfolios held by China, Japan, and the Gulf States are America’s charge for access to our markets.

    They do not want to be forced into reliance on their own currencies on account of the fact that their populatons do not trust them at all and never have, even in Japan.

    It is just that we know they have no reason to trust the US either, but they don’t know that.

  32. #32 by AFKANNow on 11/10/2008 - 10:42 pm

    in reply to Dave:

    I think I’m missing something.

    you wrote:


    A couple of points. There is not going to be “deleveraging”.

    The socialization of banking system losses will continue in a desperate attempt by the Fed and Treasury to keep banking system leverage from going higher from its current 13 times core capital.

    in reply:
    I agree with you concerning the need for the Fed and Treasury to try to increase the stability of the core capital numbers; note that when Bernanke wrote of “price stability,” he meant the “ASSET price stability” of the banking system.

    I still see deflation as “delveraging” in a massive, structural way. Maybe I’m missing something here. I probably am.

    you wrote:

    This is exactly what happened in the 1930s. There never was any deleveraging in the Great Depression. That’s a widely believed urban myth. What happened is what is happening today. The system is suffering huge losses which are socialized by government in order to keep the leverage from going higher.

    in reply:
    I thought the Banker’s Circular pretty much kicked the deflation of the debt – and thus, the money supply – into high gear.

    I see the functional equivalent of this in our time with the implosion of the market for letters of credit; starting at the margin, with the most leveraged, and then slowly moving in, all the while facing tremendous deflation.

    Am I missing something here? Probably!

    I see a developing currency war that will make Smoot-Hawley look like a Sunday picnic.

    you wrote:

    The concept of an “unwinding” is Wordism. It doesn’t and can’t exist in reality. The whole Currency Note/Treasury Note system is a cockroach hotel by its very nature. It has to die.

    in reply:
    I could not agree more, but it is linked to debt instruments of such magnitude as to crippled economic growth, in the aggregate, forever.

    Now, if you think that these instruments were used by an Elite to liquidate their assets at market peaks, while they went offshore until things “straightened out,” then I could understand what is happening, and why.

    I would not agree with it, but I could understand it!

    you wrote:

    The “debt problem” of that era was supposedly solved through currency depreciation which never really played out as it won’t this time. That is exactly how we get killed.

    in reply:
    “Beggar they neighbor” never really worked, as the Mexican Peso “Crisis” of ’94 showed.

    It took us a DECADE to rebuild our banking system from the Argentinian Crisis – and that WAS a crisis – and those amounts were trivial, and our economy was still a powerhouse of underutilized potential, compared to what we are dealing with now.

    THIS, in large part, is why I truly fear for the future of my Nephews.

    you wrote:

    The huge UST and Agency portfolios held by China, Japan, and the Gulf States are America’s charge for access to our markets.

    They do not want to be forced into reliance on their own currencies on account of the fact that their populatons do not trust them at all and never have, even in Japan.

    It is just that we know they have no reason to trust the US either, but they don’t know that.

    in reply:
    I looked at how quickly after World War II we reorganized the Japanese economy along the old zaibatsu model – calling it the zaikai, instead – and was amazed at how we allowed Japan open access to our markets. This did not make sense unless you realize we were subsidizing the Japanese economy to allow it to make certain investments, including the creation of a currency pool that created and sustained the yen carry trade – until about two years ago.

    This example is more relevant to the issue of Race – and a VERY Positive Theory of Race, at that – than many might appreciate.

    I think the zaibatsu and the zaikai represent family-based economic entities, including – and this ties directly into your earlier points – “house” trading companies and “house” banks.

    These were the flexible institutions that served the family-based zaibatsu, and zaikai, and allowed them the flexibility to deal directly with the real economy, the physical economy, on flexible financing terms.

    Controlling the yen/dollar ration certainly helped, as a national strategy, but these tools were placed at the convenience of the family-based zaikai.

    (Am I alone in noticing the logo of the ACURA resembles the battle helmet of the samurai warriors? No.)

    These Institutions were created by extended Familes, to serve the Familes, and the Race.

    I don’t know of any nation more “xenophobic” than the Japanese.

    I think “xenophobe” is another term for “Racist.”

    I see Japan as an example of the Power of Positive Xenophobia!

    As for China and the Gulf States, yes, their having to carry the UST/Agency portfolios are part of the price they must pay to access the US market on such favorable terms, although China and Japan really seem to play well together in the game of international trade – and finance.

    “House” trading companies and “house” banks.

    These guys are READY for what is coming up.

  33. #33 by Simmons on 11/11/2008 - 9:39 am

    Well this thread veered off the tracks, I’ll try to conclude it. I call it the repricing of America, a reverse auction perhaps. Its not that the Asians don’t appreciate our scam, they do, but they would like it to be white centered not be one of financing some Darnell or Jose into a chip board palace that gets HELOCed so some spinners can go on the car wheels. You think the Asians have any respect for the New Diverse America? Yeah I would give the new diverse America money for 30 years at 4.3%, sure, talk about an act of faith.

    Evolution marches on.

  34. #34 by AFKANNow on 11/11/2008 - 1:06 pm

    in reply to Simmons:

    Yes, we are a little bit abstract, but we needed to be.

    The take home message is this:

    The Japanese are intensely devoted to their Race.

    When the financial and economic systems needed to be changed to meet the needs of the Race, they WERE.

    Remember, the zaibatsu were family enterprises, and family is the foundation of the Racial nation.

    Family banks, family trading companies, allowed the family-controlled zaibatsu to survive, and thrive, to the benefit of the family, at the direct expense of Wordist thought.

    Our lesson?

    We can do the same; as the Creative Race, we can do it better.

    Hell, we’ll have to.

  35. #35 by Simmons on 11/12/2008 - 10:55 am

    Our “new generation” reminds me of the Eloi. Certainly the white gentile part is being farmed by the Jewish types even though they themselves have a large problem with their children wanting to be in America picking flowers with the pretty white children. I find them to be Evolutionary dead ends, I simply can find no use for them. I mean how many androgenous wimps does this world need? Where in the world is there a desperate shortage of cubicle sitters who spend their consumer time seeking effeminate status symbols? Give me the movie Fight Cub anyday.

    Well the dawn of reality is here, I personally mark down Sept. 15, 2008 as the day black monolith (2001 Space Odessy) smacked America over the head.

  36. #36 by AFKANNow on 11/12/2008 - 9:43 pm

    in reply to Simmons:

    Good points.

    I’ll address them, and more – much more! – in the “General Discussion” section, where this discussion seems to belong!

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