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Missing the Point, AGAIN

Posted by Bob on December 16th, 2008 under General

What puzzles everybody is EXACTLY what Dave and Pain are fighting about. I think it goes back to when Dave decided to get Wise:

“Acquiring real power in our time is about acquiring the capability to end run the government’s regulatory and tax apparatus in a business sense.”

That is an entirely different world view from the Mantra. The Mantra is a tactic we have tried and it WORKS.

Let’s go back to what I have knocked myself our saying, and when I say it everybody wants to get onto something more general and interesting.

Dave, we do not KNOW whether we want to “acquire power.” If we hammer the Mantra in, it puts everybody in an untenable position. The present acceptance of genocide by whites is the ONLY Final Solution to the Race Problem there is.

We all know that new ideas go through the stages of being heresy, being discouraged and becoming accepted truth. We all of us who have USED the Mantra can see that it is the heresy we need. With the Mantra and with nothing else, we are on way. We have the undeniable heresy we need.

But the point of the Mantra is that it WORKS. It is NOT theorization about controlling the system, which anybody can do. I am fascinated when Dave talks about SALES, because SELLING is what the Mantra is about. But you know damned well, Dave, that the minute you go from sales to how you are going to split the commission, your sales team will be in an uproar.

I, for one, have no idea how this society will try to deal with it when the genocide angle becomes clear. Our advantage is we know how impossible their dilemma will be.

Yes, the most reasonable thing would be to offer us the right to all-white countries.

They can’t offer us this for EXACTLY the same reason that we take it for granted that you cannot have a serious Olympic foot race unless the person representing Sweden is black. One thing no one doubts is that if you have an all-white anything, everyone will eventually demand to be there. That reality killed the Soviet Empire.

As with the Soviet Empire, everybody knows it and no one mentions it.

So all the reasonable discussion of White Nationalism is nonsense. In BUGS, our INCALCULABLE advantage is NOT that we know things like, “Acquiring real power in our time is about acquiring the capability to end run the government’s regulatory and tax apparatus in a business sense.”

That sounds as wise and is as irrelevant as White Nationalism.

We are going to have to bargain, but we have no idea how that bargaining will LOOK. In fact I have gone on at length about how you KNOW the other side wants to bargain. I have talked at length about the subtle signs of filter-down, but everyone wants to talk about some Jewish scandal.

Like Mussolini, we can bullshit on and on and miss the March on Rome.

What we need is what Bismark called Fingerspitzgefuehl, “Finger Tip Feeling.” I try to teach that, but the technique of stopping the spread of Finger Tip Feeling was discussed in Animal Farm. When people asked thought-out questions, Napoleon (Stalin) had the sheep bleet, “Four legs good. Two legs BAAAD!”

There are things I want to explain, but I daren’t because someone will start obsessing.

Fighting over what to do with the world after we conquer it is at least as good as, “Four legs good, two legs BAAD.”

  1. #1 by Pain on 12/16/2008 - 6:56 pm

    Why is it puzzling? I think Tim said it clearly:

    Mantra, Mantra, Mantra

    Everyday – I get pitched a meatball to hit out of the park from this stuff.


    I thought this was stated well. If that doesn’t work, then you have to step it up a notch.

    For a year now, I’ve watched Bob try to stop the meatballs, but some people keep ignoring him. We can either talk about the Mantra, or we can read 45,000-page comments of stream-of-consciousness meatballs.

    I doubt anyone even reads the endless imaginary stream-of-consciousness disputes starting nowhere and ending nowhere – but they take up all the space.

    I would say “boil it down,” but boil down what?

  2. #2 by Pain on 12/16/2008 - 7:10 pm

    This is why when someone invites you into one of these imaginary disputes over nonsense, you say no. Let him get mad. It’s all imaginary anyway.

  3. #3 by Dave on 12/16/2008 - 7:41 pm

    “The present acceptance of genocide by whites is the ONLY Final Solution to the Race Problem there is.”

    There you have it. Permanent controversy. The above quote is a pointer to how the world is actually plumbed.

    And that is what makes the arts of autonomy (the ability to exercise personal power) important. So the question revolves around the arts of autonomy because that is what the Mantra really is, a mechanism for mobilizing autonomy, now frozen in amber through indoctrination by Political Correctness.

    But autonomy (the ability to exercise personal power) doesn’t exist in the ether. It must have an operational manifestation and that is accomplished by luring the best minds and the most capable people into the Mantra.

    And that cannot be done without the hard effort of intelligence gathering. That is what **I** really do.

    You have asked seminar participants to take BUGS to a new level. **I** intend to do that.

    Now regards to Pain. Pain is not successful enough for me to be interested in him. **My** goal is to get a different class of people interested in the Mantra. That is my real orientation.

  4. #4 by Tim on 12/16/2008 - 9:12 pm

    “We are going to have to bargain, but we have no idea who that bargaining will LOOK. In fact I have gone on at length about how you KNOW the other side wants to bargain. I have talked at length about the subtle signs of filter-down, but everyone wants to talk about some Jewish scandal.”

    “but we have no idea who that bargaining will LOOK.”

    Question: Bob, I am guessing you cut off a word by accident in the above quote? What do you mean?

    Comment: I rarely if ever mention joos on this site. But I could not resist. It is after all the greatest ponzi scheme of all times. He did actually loose zillions of money for charities many of which are zealously anti-white and other charties that just “pro brown” (but what is the difference). Yes, it is stormfrontish.
    Who said I was perfect?

    “There are things I want to explain, but I daren’t because someone will start obsessing.”

    I never obsess. Now I want Christmas early. Don’t put something like that on this blog and not expect someone to “PLEASE EXPLAIN”.

  5. #5 by mderpelding on 12/16/2008 - 10:02 pm

    Does anybody on this site understand what “power” is?

    Power is the ability to force others to do that which you desire, even if that action is against anothers self interest.

    Note GM…the worlds largest corporation with supposed assets in the billions of dollars has to BEG FOR MONEY in the US congress.

    For all of you believers who think that corporations rule the world, ask WHY?

    GM, for all it’s wealth, has no power.

    There is no government penalty for failing to buy a Chevy.


  6. #6 by Prometheus on 12/17/2008 - 1:59 am

    mrpelding, a corporations power only extends to where money can reach. It doesn’t actually have power OVER money.

    A good salesperson has power over the person who controls his own finances.

    Tim says
    “but we have no idea who that bargaining will LOOK.”

    Question: Bob, I am guessing you cut off a word by accident in the above quote? What do you mean?

    Prometheus says : I’m guessing we wont know HOW the bargaining will look.

    I believe thats the point. SF style White Nationalism assumes that we know what will happen and how. This is based on the assumption that there is nothing NEW that can be brought into the struggle which will change everything and throw a spanner in their predictions.

    A point that is made again and again and again on this blog is that our current predictions and extrapolations are based on current knowledge, which always changes.

  7. #7 by Simmons on 12/17/2008 - 10:54 am

    I do believe Bob has mentioned that “our” worth is our predictive power. Now I’m not going to obsess about where the Mantra sales job theory goes or if it becomes a form of practical politics. That would bore me I’m an existentialist and all mass movements bore the living shit out of me. I do know the Mantra is the banana peel placed in front of the tottering fat, blind destroyer of that which I feel the most attachment to, White man’s civ (as far as mass scale goes).

  8. #8 by Dave on 12/17/2008 - 6:41 pm

    “In fact I have gone on at length about how you KNOW the other side wants to bargain.”

    But here is the essential point: Your enemy’s weakness is what you know they will do reliably. Race relations do not have anything do to with bargaining.

    For example, we know that our Black and Mexican population will reliably fail to achieve.

    We also know that the IRS will reliably succeed in exerting its police power.

    These are proven parings that heavily impact the fortunes of whites in America.

    You can’t get rid of facts like these. And knowing things like this is what I am doing to intellectually improve.

    My message is: Never fall victim to your own intellectual devices. The reality of the world will defeat you if you do.

    That’s why Goethe said: “In life, nothing less than everything will do.”

    The world is full of castles made of sand. And full of people like Pain who thinks it matters that he is right.

    But here is the irony: You cannot build a castle of stone unless you learn to gather stones without grasping and instead learn to let go. Now Pain will call this nonsense. And because of this, he will forever be at my advantage without knowing in the slightest why. I am smarter than everyone.

  9. #9 by shari on 12/17/2008 - 8:02 pm

    I think that being smarter than everyone, is not worth swat, by itself.

  10. #10 by AFKANNow on 12/17/2008 - 9:39 pm

    in reply to Dave:

    you wrote, in part:

    I am smarter than everyone.

    in reply:
    One, someone has to be!

    Two, Thank God it’s one of US, and not one of THEM!

  11. #11 by Bob on 12/18/2008 - 1:23 pm

    Tim and Prometheus, shoulda been “how.”


  12. #12 by Pain on 12/18/2008 - 8:42 pm

    The following would have been obvious to anyone a hundred years ago, but after years of indoctrination it is hard for some to get.

    We live in an egoist society. Our ideology, enforced by academia, is Postmodernism, meaning that “my truth is not your truth.” We can no longer make sense to each other because each individual feels he alone knows what’s what. We cannot get along with each other because each thinks he’s it. Look at history. When white man found black Africa, a few missionaries quickly and easily conquered the whole continent because it was splintered into a million warring little factions. Look at a baby. A baby thinks that when he coughs, he can open a door and his mom will come through — he does not separate himself from reality. The weak and simple are egoists.

    This is the egoist:

    (1) He cannot separate reality from himself;
    (2) He cannot really understand other people;
    (3) He cannot communicate to other people;
    (4) He does not care about other people and they do not care about him;
    (5) He is lonely;
    (6) He takes everything personally — he has a weak ego (see below);
    (7) He demands that everyone treat him softly, but he treats others any way he wants;
    (8) He cannot accept any idea for its own merits because it is not his own;
    (9) He respects only power by force;
    (10) He is easily controlled by anyone in a position of power.


    (1) The egoist cannot distinguish reality from himself, because he believes he ’s it. To him, he is or should be the Dictator. He’s God to himself.

    This is why there is an explosion of New Age religious people who believe that they can get rich by thinking good thoughts. And the world is filled with egoists like the Clintons, Obama, and any other politician who wants as much for himself as possible.

    There is no real concept of the right thing to do, because to him the right thing is whatever he sees in his mind or wants for himself.

    (2) He cannot really understand other people, because he feels he is the smartest, and others are IGNUNT. He cannot understand other people, because he is dominated by his own small ego. He cannot understand other people because they are unworthy of him. He cannot escape himself and get inside their heads.

    So in a sense egoism is stupefying, it shrinks the egoist’s ability to think and understand people.

    (3) He cannot communicate to other people because he cannot understand how they think or feel. He cannot communicate to them because he cannot get outside his own small ego.

    But when he fails to make sense, he blames it on his victims, who must be stupid.

    Since there is no standard of anything above himself that he can agree to, he is unintelligible to other people. He cannot agree to a common culture, values system, or ethics and so he cannot even communicate.

    He cannot agree what is really the right thing to do because to him the right thing is whatever mood he is in.

    (4) He does not care about other people because they are not him. They are unworthy of his real concern. There is no advantage to his ego in genuinely caring about them.

    He cannot care about others because it is the right thing to do, since in his mind, only his needs, ideas, and desires are the right things.

    (5) He is all by himself because he likes it that way; but he cannot see that that choice makes him desperately lonely.

    (6) He takes everything personally because the world is his ego. His fantasy is one with his reality. Furthermore, when he meets someone that is clearly smarter than him, he is crushed. His world has collapsed. He realizes loudly that he is NOT smarter than everyone.

    If he at all wanted to do the right thing, then he would have to acknowledge something greater than himself. Then if someone had a better idea than his, or knew something he didn’t, or gave him a constructive criticism – he would say “thanks” for helping him on his quest to do the right thing.

    But since his reality is personal, whenever he encounters a different reality, he becomes angry.

    (7) He demands to be treated softly because his ego is so weak and he thinks it is his right to treat others any way he likes, because his ego is too small to identify with them.

    (8) On one hand he respects power meted out by force, because he wants to do the same. On the other hand, he respects only power by force, because he will never do anything just because it is the right thing to do.

    (9) The egoist is obsessed with “power” because his fantasy is that he is entitled to power and money simply because he wants it – such as the Clintons, Obama, or any other person actually in power. Furthermore the egoist is subservient to power because power can hurt him: he can lose his job, his family may leave etc.

    (10) For those reasons, the egoist is easily controlled. If you control his paycheck or his debts, you can easily get him to do anything you want. But if you lack such power, he reveals the spite he bears toward to everyone including them who control him.

    Egoists do not spread other people’s ideas – because they are not their own. Bob says he wants someone to continue his work, but that cannot ever happen with an egoist – because an egoist would want to be as different from Bob as possible.

    An egoist may loudly call attention to himself, saying that he has spread Bob’s Mantra if he wants something for himself – such as praise for his small ego. But in truth, the egoist cares nothing for Bob or his Mantra.

    Bob, the egoists will never do anything real for you – ever. I think they have driven many good people away. The egoist loves to talk about power because he has a fantasy about it and because he is afraid what someone in power could do to him. Instead, you want people who can recognize what is right no matter what the risk to themselves and will give themselves to help.I like your ideas because they often help explain what the right thing is. However, a race is a group, but egoists hate groups.

    Remember this: an egoist is but one step away from a full sociopath. Maybe I should have called “egoists” spiteful people.

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