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It is Easier to Argue With Facts Than With Delusions

Posted by Bob on May 1st, 2010 under Coaching Session

Most of what I write consists of “Cut the crap.”

It is now once again official doctrine that race is a myth. It was doctrine that the world was created in six days. Everybody knows that blacks and Hispanics will NEVER get smart people’s jobs without affirmative action.

Nobody would bet anything on this nonsense.

I gave you the example of 83% of my congressman’s district favoring shooting looters.

By the way, it was NOT a conservative district. The Republican Ohio state legislature tried three times to get rid of John by gerrymandering Democrats into his district. An area that had been overwhelmingly Democratic gave John 73 % of the vote in his last election in 1980.

The Ohio legislature was moderate Republican. As I pointed out before, when Bush, Sr. took office he got rid of EVERY SINGLE ONE of the thousands of Reagan appointees. They wanted to get rid of John far more than they wanted to unseat ANY Democrat in congress.

One friend of mine described the Republican Conventions: “Every four years, conservatives go to the convention, get kicked in the teeth and come up smiling.”

When someone asked Nelson Rockefeller if the Eastern Establishment of the Party was solidly behind him, he replied, “I AM the Eastern Republican Establishment.” He was under no illusion about how just how many of these “middle of the roaders” and liberals would EVER identify with the GOP.

But for decades conservatives didn’t get it. They still don’t.

If you will actually LOOK at the voting records of people who get ELECTED to congress, almost none of them are ever in the middle of the road. People normally vote for the incumbent. They have to have a real incentive not to follow this routine.

Everybody knows how heavily voters favor the incumbents. Yet they keep insisting that the only way to get RID of an incumbent is to offer somebody who sounds just like him! That was the strategy that kept the Republicans in the minority in both Houses of Congress for a record forty years, 1955-1995.

But they still say, “The votes are in the middle of the road.” One quick look at the ADA and ACA voting records of congressmen at any time during that forty-year period would show that was nonsense.

But no professional commentator on either side would DARE do that.

Most of what I say is Cut the Crap because most of what we live by is not only untrue, everybody KNOWS it’s not true. But they repeat it as truth.

Today a person who has a brain between his ears and a mouth is considered dangerous.

Moderates stayed in charge of one of the two major parties for generations without any support at all. It was weird watching conservatives trying desperately to compromise with a group of politicians who represented voters who did not exist.

It was Boogey Man stuff. Conservatives would talk at length about “them,” meaning all those millions of “middle-of-the-road” voters in the polls. They ran to compromise with any politician who claimed to represent these mysterious people.

It reminded me of a game where people throw shadows up on a blank screen with their hands. At every Republicans get-together there was the party base and the Ghost.

When we were trying to get the Republicans to appeal to what the media then called “Wallace voters” and later referred to very respectfully as “Reagan Democrats,” I could feel this Ghost. We had a proven ten million and more voters to go after.

They had a myth, the myth Republicanism had been chasing for losing decade after losing decade.

I can tell you from experience that it harder to argue against a myth than it is to debate facts. With facts you have somewhere to START. With facts the other side is not actually delusional.

  1. #1 by Dave on 05/01/2010 - 11:12 am

    Another way of saying this is that elections settle nothing. To have a democracy, an election has to constitute a political settlement. The political factions come to terms for the election cycle and then at the next election fashion another settlement.

    This ceased happening in any meaningful way a long time ago. Representative government has long been dead and we all know why.

    Also, to have a representative government, the legislature must control and actually account for expenditure and hold “the executive branch” accountable for expenditure. What is supposed to happen is Congress authorizes expenditures and then enters into a contract with the executive branch to carry out government activities. That means Congress is supposed to be a contract administrator for government activities, holding the executive branch accountable for breach of contract.

    No such thing happens and without that, there is no means to constrain government activities and without a means to constrain and control government expenditure, there is no representative government.

    Congress is a sham as a representative institution. The “Constitutional role” of Congress is a sham.

  2. #2 by BGLass on 05/01/2010 - 11:42 am

    One time, on the street, a black guy tried to sign me and friends up for voting! Then he was surprised when we laughed our heads off. Nobody had ever asked us to vote before (or since). As kids, we thought voting was just something for blacks, hispanics and jews, b/c that’s what was on t.v. They would fight over whatever taxes were collected by the bank and then “sell” ideas to us sometimes. Occasionally, there would be something about Catholics.

    But we never got why Congress didn’t fight to get back some power. With the bank overshadowing them, they were sort of like a useless appendage still hanging on after a bad bungled operation. One day, we figured they’d either atrophy and fall off, or suddenly, there would be grand announcements that they felt tingling sensations and could start to actually walk again or something. As kids, we felt sorrier for them than most other government people.

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