Archive for May 29th, 2010

Doctor Agony

My niece recently died of cancer. Her father, a doctor, was very relieved.

She was the only other convert to Catholicism in the family, though we all left the Methodist Church once it became a political party. She attended the Melkite Church where I was baptized. I called her priest and he was there at her deathbed but what he said gave me the shivers.

He talked about how she was out of her pain now. Her father and her priest were both clearly relieved at that.

Even if they decide not to EXTEND your agony, they are not allowed to ease your death. So they “take you off life support.” That’s OK for a coma, but in many other cases they simply allow a conscious patient to suffocate or worse.

Sweet, huh?

A priest online once told that every extra instant of Life was a blessing, even if you were in the last stages of spinal cancer. Nobody SEES this pro-life mentality in action. it’s a throw-back to pre-anesthetic surgery, except back then you were allowed alcohol.

Like circumcision, this is a routine agony inflicted in every hospital. It is not entirely accidental that it is inflicted on the two most helpless groups in our society, the newborn and the terminally ill.

Pro-life demands that a girl carry a rapist’s child and raise it. A mulatto baby has ruined many a white girl’s life.

It is particularly interesting that the pro-life movement is so CRUEL. But they try to shame abortionists by claiming they are the only ones interested in the helpless babies. But helpless people in agony like my niece, they are interested in not in the slightest.

Nowadays when people go to hear Dr. Kevorkian talk about assisted suicide, they are surprised that MOST of what he talks about is actually why white people should UNITE! The man is on parole, and very few parolees of advanced age talk a lot about the crime they were imprisoned for in public.

But it is of interest to me that the man who saw terminal agony and knew he would eventually go to prison for fighting it is now talking about white racial unity.

The media and his audiences are mystified by both those actions on the part of Dr. Death.

One final question, why is Kevorkian called Doctor Death but not one of the hundred million other doctors is called Doctor Agony?
