Archive for May 3rd, 2010

Help Wanted: New Socrates Needs Platos

In covering the Arizona law allowing cops to check immigration status, MSNBC had a headline, “Arizona Law Declares Illegal Immigration a Crime.”

BoardAd sent it to me without comment. But he is aware that he could have sent it to no one else without comment.

A crime is defined as doing something illegal. You may steal two cents as a misdemeanor, but is still a crime. But most people can’t think that way. Try sneaking into Mexico and see if it’s not a crime.

But I don’t think ANYBODY else would see the joke. Even Truck Roy took an explanation to get it.

BASICS. I work on basic the way Euclid worked on his logic. I don’t settle for “coming up with” an argument that wins a debate. I work at it and work at it and USE it until I can make the person I am talking to see how RIDICULOUS he is. He is not wrong on a POINT, he is doing pathological thinking.

You can hear Truck’s interview with me when he announces it. But I need HEIRS, people who THINK like me. I can’t afford to just laugh when some woman in a salon where I waited for my wife said, in the middle of her $500 hair job, “Looks don’t matter.”

It is a standard line, “looks don’t matter.” So standard that even in a salon no one sees it as funny.

And for me, the humor is running out. I got to get to my freezer or wherever the Lord puts me and I don’t want to leave behind a world of NOTHING BUT Pod People.

It would be nice to have others who can get the joke at the first line. It took me DECADES to develop this, so “I‘m just not smart like Bob” is NOT an excuse. I could have been understood, if not agreed with, by almost every literate American before WWII.

All crimes are illegal, gang!

Traitors are not hypocrites, gang. No one is more sincere than a traitor. He thinks that Jesus was Wise because Jesus told people to hurt themselves. Today’s race sincere is as sincere as the Trappist who treated himself the way no one would treat the lowest slave in the name “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

If a Medieval Trappist monk did unto another the way he did unto himself the other wouldn’t live a week.

Today’s treason morality is not radical. A person today who is Catholic immediately says something bad about Catholics, a Protestant talks down Protestant, and above all, a white wants his kind off the face of the earth.

This is not radicalism. This is the Medieval Trappism that the Trappists have now rejected.

If you make the other person see himself that way you can help them and us. But repeating “arguments” is a dead end.

Don’t expect to win. INTRODUCE them to THINKING.

The Mantra has taken so long to sink in that I have little time left to get people doing the thinking, sort of like Newton not being able to get around to gravity.

A lot of other people could have understood me before the Great Slave Generation came along. But THINKING, real thinking, is always rare.
