Archive for May 20th, 2010

BBG Calls it “The Multicult”

They call them Adult Movies and Adult Books. But they contain the words the Bad Boys wrote on the bathroom wall when I was in grammar school.

Before multiculturalism a person would be embarrassed if he couldn’t find more than one adjective for a ten-minute tirade.

I wonder how many DIFFERENT adjectives one can find in a ten-minute rap “song?”

And it is just a little bit late to start protecting young people from “bad language.” Especially if you want integration and multi-culturalism. It is not entirely accidental that our obscenity standards collapsed at the same time segregation did.

Ignoring your own cultural rules. That is what multiculturalism IS!

But the Christians say, “Let’s us play like it didn’t happen. And I’m all FOR integration.”

One Christian group considered my last book and was shocked because the word “Bullshit!” was in it. That was what they SAID. The fact is that what they consider Society would have condemned them for it.

That’s the society they are supposed to be defying. The point of the book would be to fortify their delicate little babies for the barrage they will get in college.

They told me they want to send their kids to college but they don’t want them to hear a word like bullshit.

Yea, right.

It HAPPENED, dumbass. Now get with the program. You can’t insist that your children learn Black Culture and come back unfamiliar with a harmless term like bullshit.

After, what IS multiculturalism? A culture involves DISAPPROVAL of some things. The Multicult calls that bigotry.

For example, some years ago a “totally radical” convention was sponsored by Gays and Lesbians. They invited everybody who had been shunned by the Dominant Culture. Apparently they invited people on the basis of their being denounced for sex practices, and I don’t need to remind a group on the Internet how far out THAT goes.

But the whole thing was almost ruined when they found out that NAMBLA had been invited to send a delegation. They withdrew THAT invitation.


Well, because the North American Man-Boy Love Association was outside the limits.

WHAT limits?

Well, men should not be molesting boys. But what if the boys consent? Well, a child can’t give valid consent. That excuse works fine for someone INSIDE the society which passed those laws, but isn’t the whole point of your gathering a DEFIANCE of all those cultural norms?

Sure, kids in general are different from adults in general, but a lot of kids are smarter than many adults will ever be. We have racism, sexism, speciesism — how can a dog give informed consent to the delegation that was there promoting bestiality?

So isn’t tossing all those under the age of informed consent blatant ageism?

No one in the media asked them that, of course.

You know why the media didn’t bring it up. In a society where the Multicult is Holy Writ to our established PC religion, no one wants to talk about the obvious fact that to accept all cultures involves getting rid of the strictures of your own culture.

That’s what multiculturalism IS.

A bishop recently denounced the Internet because “too free a flow of information leads to cultural relativism.” But that same bishop would insist he is all for multiculturalism.

Maybe PETA and the Society for the promotion of Sex With Animals could get together and tell us how animals consent. It wouldn’t be any more screwed up than what that bishop would have to explain
