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Traitor’s Always Have SOMETHING BETTER

Posted by Bob on May 7th, 2010 under Coaching Session

Once again, this is as obvious as MSNBC’s banner on the Arizona law, “Arizona Makes Illegal Immigration a Crime.” No one noticed that by definition, something illegal IS a crime.

So someone was stumped when they were pointing out white genocide and the traitor answered, “There are some things that are more important.”

Just as with illegal means a crime, this is tautological. All traitors have to say that something is more important than loyalty. But a Pro-Life race traitor will go to pieces if you say there is something more important than Life.

A Communist will go to pieces if you say there are some things more important than income redistribution.

A psychopath will rage if he is sentenced to be punished for hurting someone else. Ted Bundy was absolutely eloquent about how the world was persecuting him.

Someone with no sense of loyalty or gratitude whatsoever is called a sociopath. There is supposed to be a difference between a sociopath and a psychopath, who is without any empathy at all. The person who says “There is something more important” is making no sacrifice.

Anyone who can see a beautiful blond and a black man together is missing something in his makeup. It is sort of like the Victorian attitude toward sex, a man pretended to have no lust at all, but homosexuality was REALLY forbidden. So you were supposed to have the RIGHT lack of lust.

I believe that people who claim they have no such feelings are often telling the truth. They are sociopaths or, in many cases, those guys have no concern whatever about what a GIRL does.

Or they are just that far gone.

The problem with a traitor’s Something Special is that he has a few other Something Specials. He REALLY doesn’t care, and you can find that out in the most abrupt and critical places.

Society is a entirely a matter of prejudices. When a person can justify not caring, he loses those basic outlooks we count on to be a society. The World War II Veteran whose father would have resisted criminals says he is TRAINED, he KNOWS YOU Can’t Fight City Hall.

He is scared, so he suddenly believes in A Government of Law and Not of Men. Which phrase is as funny as that MSNBC banner nobody saw through. It is impossible for there to be a law which is not the opinion of men, not to be enforced by men.

The Greatest Generation is just saying that “We the People” is not Law . They want lawyers in dresses who have political influence enough to be appointed as judges to tell the people what to do.

As Trucker Roy says, everybody looks down on lawyers and everybody knows politicians are crooked. But combine the two and put on a dress and you have A Government of Laws and Not of Men.

Rule by lawyers in dresses is one of those things that is “something better” than loyalty or gut feelings.

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