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Porch Talk and the Youth Culture

Posted by Bob on May 15th, 2010 under Coaching Session

The next person who comforts me with the words. “You’re only as old as you feel,“ I am going sucker punch.

I am an old Southerner. This makes me a complete alien to the Youth Culture. I have gained many years and much experience and that is one reason I presume to speak.

It makes me SICK to see someone older trying to fit in with the young folks, to be cool, to use the lingo. It reminds me of a transvestite.

In fact it only recently occurred to me that almost nobody today would call his statements “porch talk,” because that means he is definitely older. I suppose they’d be rappin’ with the other young folks, as young as they feel.

The world NEEDS older folks. You don’t hand down your experience and your culture by acting like it’s the same thing every young person hears regularly from other young people. Why the hell would they want to hear a bad imitation of their friends?

BGlass was a little put out with me when I described her as he. I also had no idea that she was so young. Neither makes any difference. In this case, though I am loathe to admit it, I am really not prejudiced. BGlass impresses the hell out of me, and would do so if she was a 50-year-old he.

Most of the people who talk endlessly about “reaching the young people” have the sort of exchange with young people that I have with BGlass and the relatively aged BoardAd. In BUGS you make sense or you don’t.

To me, being older is a QUALIFICATION, not a handicap. There are a lot of things an older person can tell you that a younger person can’t. There’s damned little that an older person who is trying to be hip can say that would be worth a young person’s time to listen to.

I don’t know if SF still has a photograph section any more. I thought it was a wonderful defiance of the Thought Police. I would also comment on the pretty girls. Several people, male and female, enjoyed my jokes.

I said, “I LOVE Stormfront! Where else can an old man drool over pictures of pretty girls and get COMPLIMENTED for it?”

I was raised in a society where old folks had a place, a very GOOD place, a very HONORED place. In a society, I mean in a REAL society, we have always been a critical, indispensable part of the continuum. I can’t think of it any other way, and I’m glad of that.

It must be AWFUL to think that every year you live makes you less qualified to Fit In. I am being one of the old folks I admired and listened to on the porch, and it is an honor.

  1. #1 by backbaygrouch4 on 05/15/2010 - 7:17 am

    After you sucker punch the fool cur and he’s laying on the ground, helpless, could you do me a favor? Kick him a few times, will you?.

    Got a haircut yesterday, the spring shearing. Winter’s beard went last week. Always hated haircuts, but now more than ever. The silver is just fine, but the thinning disconcerts me. It hurts. I liked my hair. But it is not coming back. A pine box looks more enticing than shoe polish drizzling down my brow mingled with the sweat from summer’s heat, or a silly wig, or, worst of all, the checkerboard look of “Plugs” Biden. The gentle patina of decrepitude makes more sense than waging a losing war with Nature.

    If you think about it that is what we are doing here at BUGS. The government is constantly waging war with Nature. Races are different but some fool curs in Washington have decided that billions should be spent in Education on the premise that different test results must be the result of Racism rather than Nature. Extend this across a multitude of programs, public and private, and you will grasp what we are up against: the denial of Nature.

    While content to toddle down to the dock along the shore of the river Styx and hand an obol over to Charon, I intend to rage against the malice of those who would make me and mine the last of a line. The weapon is the Mantra. Post it.

  2. #2 by shari on 05/15/2010 - 8:47 am

    “Making sense” is the key whether young or old. There has been too little of that, for WAY TOO LONG. It’s going to be a lot of fun,when making sense comes back in style.

  3. #3 by BGLass on 05/15/2010 - 10:33 am

    A main stumbling block to America responding is attitudes about who’s “empowered” to speak. Who is legitimate, authorized? For Americans, one better have something to say, and get “the real lay of the land” before doing riots. Age matters.

    Deluded mouthpieces Speaking Out and destroying the things designed to save them look stupid, and seem dangerous in the way that stupid people are dangerous. Like the hispanic on t.v. who thinks “White Imperialists” should be killed, even though banker-funded foundations created La Raza on whose authority he is standing. So, isn’t he the Imperialist? Just one more colonist, paid for by Big Money?–and shouldn’t SOMEBODY point out that, in reality, they don’t DO Cinco de Mayo IN Mexico? Isn’t it xenophobic not to know that–or what?

    For some generationals, calling the hispanic on this would disable his “choice,” and in a way, he’s then lost to Satan, b/c he didn’t take it upon himself to get right with God and correct himself. But in the real world, Jews don’t have a Jesus. And your Jesus isn’t my Jesus. And atheists only know the material world.

    So, Old Protestants might as well talk. And they actually have things to say. I’m probably older than Mr. Whitaker thinks, but younger than when he’d still respect me. A lady never says, but it’s clear that accusations against us will never end. New populations will be imported to hate us forever.

    When asked about HIS authority, his NAME, God says, “I am that I am.” That always cracked me up, as it doesn’t get more legitimate than that. And we are in His image.

    New voices are emerging it seems– voices of white children of affirmative action who have never spoken, but who are reaching their prime, even as the non-white children of affirmative action take positions assured by Johnson’s new policies after Kennedy’s passing. Hopefully, America won’t become the first country to lose true freedoms irrecoverably out of sheer politeness, noblesse oblige, or confusion about the true psychiatric hardware of other populations.

  4. #4 by shari on 05/15/2010 - 1:29 pm

    Backbay, I didn’t know men back east grew winter beards! They do out west. A few years ago we were at a New years brunch. Every man there had a beard,except the guy from North Carolina. My husband puts a lot of whitener in his.

  5. #5 by Berserker88 on 05/15/2010 - 8:46 pm

    The one thing that I think everyone missed here is that the old man being hip is no more of a transvestite than the young “hip” person. The only difference between the two is some grey hairs and a few crows feet. I’m sure I could sit on a porch with anyone here on BUGS and have a great time just talking, regardless of age. Age and experience really only count for people who actually THINK. And hipsters are hipsters because they are TOLD what to think. An old hipster and a young hipster are “too cool” to sit and just talk. Idiocy doesn’t have a monopoly on any generation, but I’m sure every BUGSer believes it has one on their generation.

  6. #6 by Alan B on 05/17/2010 - 2:25 am

    The White Youth Culture is Wordism for modern Black ghetto culture.
    Todays White youth have no culture, unless you consider Rap, MTV, Feminism, Political Correctness and Muti-culturalism culture. Todays White youth culture is not reality but a carefully sculptured myth perpetrated by TV, our PC schools, Hollywood and the myth that Whites are all racist so to identify anything with anything white is evil.
    The White youth culture walks around with their ass crack hanging out, they play ganster rap, they use language like Bro and Sister, talk trash and exibit a thugery attitude as a means to gain respect. I just described my neighbor, he is 25, raised by mommy, he is emotionally feminant and has his little feelings hurt easily. My White Wigger neighbor kid needed me to show him how to change a car tire last year. White Wigger lives with grandma who is broke and has a bum knee. White Wigger lets grandma mow the yard, he mooches her food and pays her nothing in rent. But he is a real man, his fat butt crack hanging out and gangster rap music is proof of it.

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