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Weapon Words

Posted by Bob on July 1st, 2010 under Coaching Session

I will never forget when the term “politically correct” came in. It was WONDERFUL!

It is hard for you to imagine how it was before that lovely term was accidentally adopted by liberals from Marxists. “Oh, God, the same old leftist crap!” or some other saying had none of the impact that wonderful phrase did.

In two words, one was able to cover a century and a half of leftists repeating the Party Line: Political Correctness. God, leftists got tired of it FAST!

On the Internet you saw endless contradictory explanations of where it came from. It always demonstrated that political correctness was the product of the Giant Right Wing Conspiracy. No leftist had ever said it.

To give you an example you can relate to, political correctness was in the same league with the leftist use of the word “racist!”

Weapon words do a job no amount of argument can perform. I would like for some BUGSTERS to notice some of the weapon words developed in BUGS. In our no child left behind society, Mommy Professor is deadly.

“News and jews” is another invention of a BUGS commenter I grabbed like a gold nugget.

Mommy Professor is deadly because it expresses something everybody knows about but can’t express without a lot of words, like political correctness. It stays with anyone who hears it.

“Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians, White Countries for Everybody” is too long, but it is in the weapon word category.

Multiculture is a weapon word. In one jab, it makes clear that there is nothing multi about this, it is substituting Mommy Professor’s prescribed culture for all the others.

A weapon word is a great discovery. But it must always be a breaking down of the truth. A NEEDED breaking down of the truth. Even racism has a factual basis in slavery, anti-Semitism, colonialism, and so forth.

But as far as I can tell, only here in BUGS have we ever APPRECIATED the genius of weapon words.

Some people tell me there should be some summary of BUGS concepts. I can’t do it. I am horrible at coming up with examples. But some commentators like Dave are careful to repeat our concepts, like temporal provincialism, to keep on topic.

I would appreciate it if you did your best to repeat our weapon words the same way. Let’s use BUGS terminology in BUGS as often as possible.

  1. #1 by backbaygrouch on 07/01/2010 - 7:04 am

    Not sure where it originated but I got it from James Edwards of Cesspool fame: shut up word. It describes a word/phrase used to silence opposition. Talk about Israel’s crimes or Israel Firsters and you’ll be called an antisemite to avoid the issue and change the subject to your implied lack of moral standing. The retort: Your shut up word doesn’t work with me, lets talk facts. It is a good reply to the racism accusation. It gets you back on track and succinctly and accurately exposes the tactic.

  2. #2 by Simmons on 07/01/2010 - 10:32 am

    Millions of dispossesed whites are looking for emancipation from the cult and the cult’s weapon word “racist.”

    But we on the pro-white side have offered them “news and jews”, IQ and crime studies, confederate re-enactment and wordist worship of something written in the 18th century.

    The first group that can offer protection from the cult’s word “racist” will reap untold benefits. When this happens and it will other groups from the respectables will be compelled to join in as if they invented this new found movement (think NRA and self-defense).

  3. #3 by Simmons on 07/01/2010 - 10:48 am

    I ask a question, it of course will be ignored for the exciting news that some jew conspired to be a jerk.

  4. #4 by BGLass on 07/01/2010 - 12:17 pm

    I’ve wondered about shut-up-phrase “hate speech”. Hate Speech v Free Speech, etc. Can’t remember even when I first heard it on the street or on t.v.

    –Other than it being rooted in the Jewish Lashon Hara concept. That was a genuinely religious concept, but here it’s carried over into secular atheistic “communist” rhetoric—where anything that doesn’t serve a particular ethnic monetary interest is “hate”.

    It can also just expose immaturity, I guess— like where people are so narcissistic they truly can’t accommodate that other groups have interests, also, and dealing with them would require genuine negotiation in a more balanced world.

  5. #5 by mimmyjarr on 07/01/2010 - 1:09 pm

    I’m thinking Bob has already given us the antidote to “racism” in “wordism”.

    The message I am getting from BUGS is that infinitely more human suffering can be laid at the doorstep of “wordism”, than will ever be attributed to “racism”.

    Political Correctness is just another “wordism”, and will undoubtedly provoke as much murder and mayhem as its predecessors.

    Meanwhile, “racism” is probably the only thing that has the potential to prevent this catastrophe.

  6. #6 by BGLass on 07/01/2010 - 4:19 pm

    Like all other things, wordisms are not equal. PC is the worst wordism yet, imo, the least compatible with the natural struggle for striving and life, yuck.

  7. #7 by Berserker88 on 07/01/2010 - 4:41 pm

    In debate with anti’s ill usually throw the “racist” charge at them right off. Then if for example we were debating illegals, I would call them racist for advocating the exploitation of 3rd worlders working for minimum wage and dooming them to a life of poverty on the US entitlement system. Then after they defend the charge of racism ill use the MANTRA Then call them on advocating GENOCIDE. When debating a zionist ill drop that they are anti-semetic for not supporting Palestine (arabs are also semetic). To the wordist there is NO clear meaning to ANY word, so if you are sharper than they are THEIR words can mean what YOU want them to.

  8. #8 by shari on 07/01/2010 - 7:41 pm

    I just ignore “racist” of “hater” and point out that what is being promoted is GENOCIDE of an entire race. What do they think happens when whites become a minority every place on the planet? The program of GENOCIDE is no longer even vaguely concealed.

  9. #9 by Simmons on 07/02/2010 - 10:03 am

    88 “anti” is itself a concoction of wordism, IMO.

    It is always anti-white not “anti”, using “anti” is to allow the wordist cockroach an escape.

    I know it sounds a bit sophisticated or cool to use the word “anti”, but it is wholly ineffective.

    It is anti-white.

  10. #10 by Frank on 07/02/2010 - 11:58 am

    Simmons — I did notice your question on the OD thread linked above, and your other comments as well.

    You may recall that a while back there was a “buzz” on OD about the Mantra, BUGS and of course Follow the White Rabbit. But only a few there kept some focus on DOING things in a non-wordist mode.

    BUGS folks seem to be the only “White Advocates” who were probably Zen Masters in a former incarnation.

    They seem to be the only ones capable of wielding the Roshi’s stick to WHACK their audience into another mode of seeing. The Mantra is essentiall a Koan, a little sentence that cannot be gotten around, cannot be re-worded into non-existence. In fact, the word “Koan” means “Little Words”. Sound familiar?

    I’d like to suggest the following link for BUGSers who are hungry for more “technology” to understand what we’re “doing”. I feel there are points in the main article, and the comments too, which might stimulate thinking about explicit techniques for creating and using Mantra, those deadly “little words”.

    I hope you find this rises above “More Wordism”, and stimulates creation of more Word Weapons for White Rabbits. Here’s the link …

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