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Posted by Bob on July 10th, 2010 under Coaching Session, Comment Responses, History

Senator Edward M. Kennedy offered to work in close concert with high level Soviet officials to sabotage President Ronald Reagan’s re-election efforts and to arrange for congenial American press coverage of General Secretary Yuri Andropov, according to a 1983 KGB document.

Specifically, Kennedy offered to have “representatives of the largest television companies in the U.S. contact Y.V. Andropov for an invitation to Moscow for the interview.” The idea here would be for the Soviet leader to make an end run around Reagan with a direct appeal to the American people.

Kennedy suggested that Walter Cronkite, Barbara Walters and Elton Raul, the president of the board of directors for ABC, be considered for the interviews with Andropov in Moscow. He also asked the KGB to consider having “lower level Soviet officials, particularly the military” take part in television interviews inside the U.S. where they could convey peaceful intentions.

BBG had been a bit quiet. He didn’t back me up on remembering the old gun control debate I mentioned. But surely he remembered the all-out push from the left as the USSR was going down.

It was the Nuclear Freeze Movement. What Kennedy called Star Wars was the last nail in the coffin of the USSR. At that point, all the USSR had in the world was its nuclear arsenal. Reagan announced he was going to set up a defense against it.

What all of us knew was that the USSR had stolen every iota of its nuclear technology. Even Sputnik was sent up on missiles we had in our warehouses. That was in 1958, when the CIA was announcing that the Russian economy was barreling forward.

Thirty years later it was common knowledge that it was a total and stupid failure. All it had to call itself a Superpower was its missiles. Its submarines were sinking out of sheer incompetence. A nuclear defense system, or even the possibility of one, made the USSR’s Superpower status look ridiculous.

Reagan knew this. In fact, to show how clearly he knew it, the whole nuclear defense idea was developed in a conference he had with science fiction writers.

The entire left OPENLY came out in howling protest against it, in the same words used by the Soviet leadership. There was no longer any secret about how desperate the left was to save Communist rule.

In fact, this campaign ended the highly successful Superman movie series. The last Superman movie had the Man of Steel Himself enforcing the nuclear freeze. Even for movie audiences, that piece of propaganda was just too blatant.

Kennedy’s people had been marching with the Viet Cong flag in the 1960s.

About everybody McCarthy said was a Communist is now found on the KGB list of American agents. Anybody finding an old Nazi list of agents working with them would be front page news today.

Actually, just as Kennedy’s people were on the streets with Viet Cong flags and Hanoi Jane was shooting down imaginary US planes in Hanoi, many of the people so loudly defended by liberals in the 1950s announced that they WERE Communists in the 1960s, when that was the thing to be.

The only reason some of the people on the McCarthyite lists haven’t been discovered is because no one spends time going through the enormous KGB lists.

Now imagine that we suddenly discovered huge Gestapo lists of Americans working with the Nazis seventy years ago. The entire world media would be there in a rush.

The left does this and we don’t. That’s because leftists are pros.

That is why I keep trying to tell you that as the Mantra takes hold, DO NOT let bygones be bygones. Every company and every fortune must be investigated. Those whose money came from companies who pushed white genocide should be fined.

Above all, there should NO STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS on this.

If you have not learned how the anti-whites have used guilt to ram the most incredible agenda in history down our throats, turn yourself in at the nearest retarded home.

If they are waking up in a cold sweat at night fearing what their limousine liberal grandfathers did that could have the IRS at their doors in the morning, they will be going out of their way to make sure the suicidal urge whites are cursed with is FOUGHT AGAINST.

MAKE THEM PAY or the disease will come again.

  1. #1 by Lord Nelson on 07/10/2010 - 7:49 am

    I don’t think people really understand just how important this point is. We need to start taking the attempted genocide of our people seriously.

  2. #2 by Tim on 07/10/2010 - 11:01 am

    “If they are waking up in a cold sweat at night fearing what their limousine liberal grandfathers did that could have the IRS at their doors in the morning, they will be going out of their way to make sure the suicidal urge whites are cursed with is FOUGHT AGAINST.”

    I do not understand the IRS angle? What am I missing on this one? You are saying the traitors are going to switch sides and fight against our suicidal urges to keep themselves out of trouble?


    Or are you saying they will always fight us forever and they must be made an example of.
    And the best way to make an example of them and their families is to make them PAY, PAY and PAY some more…..then when everyone wants to forget we will make them PAY, PAY and PAY AGAIN.

    I do understand WHY they MUST PAY and keep PAYING. I can see some of them switching sides to save their tails. However, some of these “parties” are too entrenched in White Genocide to ever switch sides.

    I actually think their entrenchment is GOOD for BUGS long term. They are wedded to their position. They will not be able to say:”it was just the Jews”. That dog ain’t going to hunt. And THEY know it.

    WE WILL LEAVE NO STONE UNTURNED. And WE will keep turning over stones a 1000 years from now or longer. We want a whole industry committed to “discovery” in regards to guilty parties. ALL GUILTY PARTIES….

  3. #3 by Dave on 07/10/2010 - 12:26 pm

    The insistence on a reckoning is a litmus test of Mantra thinking.

    At the very moment we shed the delusion that the depredations and injuries that have been inflicted upon us are tolerable and can be endured, and that they mean anything but ruin, is the moment we become capable of perceiving an emissary, residing in the shadows, guardian to a secret storehouse of weapons.

    These are not the kind of weapons some dumb cop reading this blog might think they are.

    These are weapons available only to the bondsman, whose every effort at escape increases his misery and tighten his bonds.

    The dark skinned world better watch their backs, because they have taken far too much for granted.

    And the anti-white whites shall reap what they have sown.

    No one, no matter how far removed shall be allowed to be a beneficiary of the depredations and injuries we have suffered. The “IRS angle” simply anticipates the day the police start working for us. Accordingly, Tim, the explanation you are looking for is that justice demands our enemies pay in perpetuity, and also the securing of our posterity demands our enemies pay in perpetuity.

    Again, no one, no matter how far removed, shall be allowed to be a beneficiary of the depredations and injuries we have suffered.

  4. #4 by Simmons on 07/10/2010 - 3:20 pm

    The Soviet cult went from dominating the imaginations of the world’s masses to the memory hole in a small time frame. Not even Team B respectables and Jerry Ford could save it.

    Cults fall apart upon insistent questioning, the Soviet cult being no exception.

    In the good news department one wing of the CofCC has tried to interview people from the SPLC, of course the SPLC backed out.

    Cults fall apart at insistent questioning. Mantra questions which assign responsibility kills cults.

  5. #5 by backbaygrouch on 07/10/2010 - 3:34 pm

    Out enemies are leaving a paper trail. Their own writings will be our greatest source of information about the who what , where, when, why and how of their attempted genocide of Whites.

    The WSJ today ran a piece by a not too bright Zionist hack, Paul Berman, about how, [gasp], during the 30s and 40s some Palestinians cooperated with, [double gasp], Der Fuhrer. For a laugh I pointed out that Zionists, most notably the World Jewish Congress, did too.

    The comment attracted only two things – insane, slanderous hysteria and dead silence. There was no reasoned response or denial. The source of the information is a book by a NYC red diaper baby Jew, available free online at a hardcore communist website. It is Lenni Brenner’s, Zionism in the Age of the Dictators.

    The point is: Know thy enemy. Why? Because only he can and will tell you all his secrets.

  6. #6 by Scrivener on 07/10/2010 - 7:02 pm

    The only reason some of the people on the McCarthyite lists haven’t been discovered is because no one spends time going through the enormous KGB lists.

    Now imagine that we suddenly discovered huge Gestapo lists of Americans working with the Nazis seventy years ago. The entire world media would be there in a rush.

    The left does this and we don’t. That’s because leftists are pros.

    Back when I was still having my head turned this way and that by conventional politics, and thinking Wordist thoughts, I began to notice something.

    Republicans don’t DO anything. They say the right words at election time, and they make hard stands on issues that don’t matter a whole lot (although the recent Supreme Court ruling favoring gun-ownership nation-wide is a notable exception), and pass a lot of nice little laws that, while being nice, don’t amount to much in the long run.

    But by and large, what I noticed is that they never undid any of the anti-American garbage instituted by the political left over the years even though they campaigned as right-wingers.

    Why on earth, I wondered, did they not do the thing that the people who put them in office obviously wanted–push back against the imperialism of the Left?

    The Republicans, while claiming to be against the left, never drew a hard line, or made any serious attempt to push back. Not even then when had everything.

    They always made grand gestures about wanting to play nice. They wanted to forgive and forget. They wanted to bind themselves with high standards of conduct (like voluntary term limits) that the other side would never follow. And even though they realized it hurt them, they did it because “it’s the right thing to do.”

    Guess what? When you don’t have the will or the power to enforce the rules on the other side, they will simply break the rules and walk all over you.

    I realized that either Republicans were stupid, or that they didn’t want to make progress for the main constituents. Either way, they are just place holders. They just mark time, preserving the status quo until the Left again has a majority and can start pushing their hard line further Left again.

    This makes them dangerous (as Bob says of all respectibles), because they act as a pressure release valve. They are nothing more than a SAFTY FEATURE of the Left’s culture and race destroying political apparatus.

    When the real Americans get a bellyfull of the anti-Americanism of the left, they put Republicans in office in record numbers. It, or course, has little effect except to waste the political energy of Americans who, after a few years of not seeing any substantive promises fulfilled, get disillusioned and allow the Left to come back to power and push their agenda once more.

    Without a Republican party or other equivalent, Americans would be forced to resort to practical politics and collectively force governmental change.

    Republicans are dangerous because they play nice and don’t push back. They wouldn’t dream of using the Left’s tactics on them. They should. But because they don’t, as Bob suggests, WE should.

    They don’t play nice, neither should we. Don’t give them an inch. Call them on their bad acts. Don’t be worried about maintaining good relations with them. As Bob says, they’re psychopaths. They want nothing less than the genocide of our race. We can be magnanimous in victory. We haven’t won yet. Republicans and other respectables either don’t understand this, or they PLAN to lose.

    Our enemies are leaving a paper trail. Their own writings will be our greatest source of information about the who what , where, when, why and how of their attempted genocide of Whites.

    Our greatest advantage is that they truly believe that they are in an unassailable position and that they are absolutely convinced of their own righteousness.

    People like that don’t watch what they say because they can’t imagine that they might be wrong, or that someone could use their words against them.

    Such people will openly brag about their crimes and expect to be praised for them. All we have to do is sit back and take notes. It’s a prosecutor’s dream-come-true.

  7. #7 by Alan B on 07/11/2010 - 8:53 pm

    To destroy the left and the anti-white white cult requires one simple thing, real leadership. We have the army, the tea parties are testimate to that, notice how media can not demonize the movement enough. The tea parties are anti open borders, predominently white, the left points this out, yet, the tea partiers fail to take notice. One strong leader with the right message, (Mantra) could start a pro white avalanche.

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