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Money, Not Lives

Posted by Bob on July 12th, 2010 under Coaching Session

Fining race traitors’ fortunes keeps up the punishment and provides its own incentive.

We could even give some of the heirs a chance to make up for what was done to get their inheritance, to some extent. I don’t want to bankrupt those who were not in on the actual crime, but no one should benefit from their forebears without paying out of that sum for their crimes.

I do not want to live in any kind of police state. I doubt that Kennedy wanted to live in a Communist state. I would have stayed out of World War II. The disastrous policy was fighting Hitler and allying with Stalin.

You don’t have to be Communist to be pro-Communist. They used to describe a Communist as “a liberal in a hurry.” Liberals used the Communist Threat exactly the way they use the Holocaust today, to argue that if we didn’t give blacks all they wanted they would go Communist.

The South would have been in a lot better bargaining position against integration if the Nazis had ruled Europe.

The Genius Conspiracy buffs never take this into account. Ted Kennedy’s father was Ambassador to Great Britain and he openly praised the Nazis. He was a right-winger and he thought that would push the whole world to the right.

As a man who made a lot of his fortune selling liquor during Prohibition, Papa Kennedy certainly had no use for a police state of any kind. It was strictly politics.

At the end of World War II, the only loudly anti-Communist voices were those of democratic socialists.

The American right was not really anti-Communist for a couple of years after the War. Their leaders like Robert Taft wanted a return to Normalcy. They wanted the United States to get out of foreign affairs. Their leader in this in the Senate, Vandenberg, famously changed sides after a couple of years when he saw the Communist threat.

So, in this forgotten period of history, why was it the democratic socialists who were fervently anti-Communist and the Taftites who wanted no involvement? That violates all the rules historical amateurs have set up.

The American right did not see the Soviets as a threat. After all, it was couple of years before Roosevelt’s agreement at Yalta to give half of Europe to Stalin became reality. For a couple of years after Castro took over anybody who said Castro was a Communist was ridiculed.

That is forgotten now. The accusations that Roosevelt had given Eastern Europe to Stalin were considered near treasonous. That is forgotten now. The desperate all-out effort to save the Soviet Union with a Nuclear Freeze is forgotten now.

Robert Taft was not pro-Communist. He just did not see the USSR as something we should deal with. The War was over. We should come home.

So why were social democrats so loudly anti-Communist?

Because the social democrats believed that revolution worldwide was on its way. They were social democrats because they believed that. So the choice was between a democratic socialist world or a Stalinist world.

To understand this odd anti-Communism on the left and isolationism on the right, you have to have NOTICED it. Then you have to have some idea about how real people think without building a Conspiracy around it.

A world view based on Conspiracy is a form of Wordism. You start out with good observations, get caught up in them, and then everything has to be squeezed into a fantasy world where everything has to fit inside your Book.

To put it bluntly, a Wordist is a nut.

Many times when the South was being invaded by Federal troops I wished fervently that Hitler was still in Berlin. But I never had the slightest wish to live UNDER him.

Most of the people who used swastikas on Stormfront never spent a single day under an authoritarian, much less a totalitarian, regime.

One the other hand, Mommy Professor WANTS Communism, because he think people like him rule it.

He wouldn’t last a week.

None of this fits into a Conspiracy Book. To deal with reality, it helps not to be nut.

  1. #1 by backbaygrouch on 07/12/2010 - 7:00 am

    Engineers built nuclear plants and weapons. They were on the way to doing so with or without elegant theories, not a one of which has proven to be flawless, developed by several theorists. Only one man is given credit for this, however, for having written a paper, conveniently without footnotes contrary to all professional practice. He is hailed as the greatest genius of all ages. Einstein. [You can figure out why the media harps on him and not the other more important figures yourself.]

    But in fact the man was exceptionally stupid, this great genius stenciled on t-shirts. He forever involved himself in all sorts of fashionable communist causes. He was a dedicated Stalinist to his death. He never saw the light. He missed Stalin’s crimes and could not figure out that Mommy Professor cannot run an economy, or a two man shoe stand for that matter.

    Einstein hated capitalism and loved communism. He pleaded for Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, the spies who enabled the Soviets atomic bomb. He didn’t think a Jew owed any loyalty to America by virtue of being a citizen of this country

    But why did this ultra Wordist choose to live in America and not the USSR? The man was stupid, but not that stupid. The smartest of our opponents is stupid. They are duplicitous. They are sociopaths. Do not be impressed by their media bestowed reputations.

  2. #2 by shari on 07/12/2010 - 8:23 am

    It would actually do the heirs of race traitors a favor, to make them earn an honest living, rather than have the ill gotten gains of their fathers. I think that some would even feel relieved,if they had nothing to do with the anti-white treason themselves.

  3. #3 by seriouswon on 07/12/2010 - 8:40 am

    haha Shari…they can work off their traitor-guilt.

  4. #4 by shari on 07/12/2010 - 12:22 pm

    Yes! I was thinking of some smaller fry that I know. On the other hand, there is this picture of Roman Polanski, with a haughty look, and the headlines “Swiss won’t extradite to US” It made me hope that not ALL die in their beds.

  5. #5 by BGLass on 07/12/2010 - 12:33 pm

    Idk. It’s virtually impossible to work outside the system. In that way, everyone is compromised, and the moreso, in a sense, the more one pursues positions of any consequence, in attempts to position themselves to ACTUALLY DO something. Youth seem to feel very unsupported in this regard; in order not to become traitors, they feel they must become cashiers checking out people buying coffees as that becomes the only honest work. Of course, some traitorisms are much more obvious. But where it begins and ends can be a question.

    I knew a childless liberal in a city making good money on that perspective, who would worry over her extended family, wondering how on earth they could have a FUTURE. Her nieces and nephews were religious fundmentalists and just wanted to get married and have lots and lots of kids. They saw HER as totally futureless.

    In reality, both senses of the future are needed— the biological kinship group the kids saw, AND a position in society, growing the group that auntie saw. The biological trumps, as without that there is nothing, though.

    The liberal’s siblings, also, both had lots of kids, one produced nearly quadruple the replacement rate. But the auntie thought she was creating networks where the kids would have a place to earn a living. That’s how she construed the word “future.”

    Her actions (anti-white liberal cultural production) were destroying the very thing she sought to preserve, but her motivations were to preserve a financial living for her family in the current system— a system she could not see beyond, nor every imagine ever being overturned, or ever imagine an alternative emerging in reality.

    Thought reform and re-education might help cases s/a this.

  6. #6 by SFGrimoir on 07/12/2010 - 7:53 pm


    “To deal with reality, it helps not to be nut.”

    Miss Ted Bundy is now refusing to understand the English language after I brought up your point Re: Communism and it`s relation to White genocide responsibility-avoidance:



    “You don`t have to be a Communist to be pro-Communist.

    You don`t have to be a nazi to be pro-Nazi.

    And finally,you don`t have to be a “card-carrying” White genocidist to be pro-White genocide.

    It is simply the current dominant cultural set-up in White countries from the establishment down to street level.”

    Sweet Pea:

    “Why do you continue to speak in code?”


    “How is that post in ANY way cryptic?

    What bit(s) of it can you not immediately understand simply at face value?

    More reality denial from Sweet Pea.”

  7. #7 by shari on 07/12/2010 - 10:13 pm

    Bglass, Motive matters. Motive is what I think we all will answer for, not what we did, so much.

  8. #8 by Epiphany on 08/19/2010 - 6:54 am

    The whole idea of Communism,
    I do suspect, was a fraud.
    The Communists enver cared
    about the plight of the
    Workers, at all!

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