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Flat Earth Philosophy

Posted by Bob on July 14th, 2010 under Coaching Session

Wordism cannot allow freedom of speech because Wordism is based on a particular set of opinions. That is what Wordism IS. Discussion of differing opinions makes a Wordist society unstable.

A society based on loyalty to race can allow freedom speech. But it cannot allow freedom of LOYALTY. In America before the Slave Generation a person whose basic outlook was a hatred of his own kind was considered sick. Now it is considered the highest morality.

That is because we are now a Wordist society.

Ardrey destroyed the whole basis of Wordist society in African Genesis. His basic thesis is disputed, but the points he made about natural behavior destroyed he Rousseau’s view of the world forever.

The idea that animals have no property, no borders, no wars, no territory and no class system would be laughed at by any literate person today. But our society is based on those exact premises.

The right set of words will unite all mankind. The right of words will remove class distinctions. The right set of words will remove borders. The right set of words will end conflict. Every debate is about the right words we should use to reach those ends.

It follows from these outdated premises that America has nothing to do with the people who happen to be here. What America is All About is American Principles.

Principle is the code word of Wordism.

As Ardrey pointed out, loyalties in all social animals are complex, and man’s is the most complex of all. He described a normal man from Georgia in the 1960s, who would have loyalty to his state, his country, his race, his family, his college football team, his high school team, and on and on and on.

Wordism says a human being should have NONE of the feelings a social animal is born with. He is only interested in Principles.

Our society is based on ideas that are as dead as a Flat Earth.

When you suppress any instinct it comes out another way. Whites are not indifferent to their own race, they can’t be. So whites HATE their own race. There is every bit as much awareness of race today as there ever was. In fact white countries that never thought of race before are now obsessed with it.

So the first question is, why is our entire world view based on assumptions that died two generations ago?

  1. #1 by Dave on 07/14/2010 - 10:23 am

    Robert Whitaker furnishes insight that undermines prevailing orthodoxy with a thoroughness that you will hear nowhere else.

    A prevailing orthodoxy is a trend of long duration that is wrought by tyranny, and is a form of mass surrender that conditions the public unawares.

    AFKAN nailed the process perfectly when he said, “They draw the lines, and then paint within them.”

    There is nothing more exciting than to be able to stand against the dominant prevailing orthodoxy with sure and steady feet.

    There is not an intellectual on earth today that can do this, with the exception of Robert Whitaker.

    It is a rarity in history that this is ever done successfully, and Robert Whitaker’s thought and writings are the first real success since the prevailing orthodoxy of race equality and race mixing became dominant in Europe, South Africa, and the Anglo Saxon countries with the tyranny that fell upon us in the aftermath of WWI. Furthermore, Robert Whitaker furnishes this success holistically and comprehensively completely outfitted with a sound and cautious approach for identifying the enemy and with strategy and tactics for use against the enemy.

    When you take Robert Whitaker’s thought and writings in the entirety of their breadth and longitudinal dimension (his entire narrative through time), it is a masterpiece with a completed texture. There is no part of his painting that has been left undone. Its texture is whole and unassailable, rising from the right of the white race to persist through descent and from the settled law of the world prohibiting genocide and the suborning of genocide, while through numerous chronicles and essays, he exposes tyranny in its myriad manifestations and depredations, more holistically and thoroughly than even George Orwell.

    The object of a real master is to furnish the texture requisite to enable others to perceive reality accurately and to do so thoroughly and comprehensively. The minds that are capable of this are few and far between. This kind of a mind does not “stand on the shoulders of others”. This kind of mind stands alone. That is very rare.

    Robert Whitaker’s textured thought and writing is an enormous gift of power to those with the brains to see its extraordinary nature and unassailability.

    Robert Whitaker’s writings and oral presentations furnish the signposts required for finding the ascending road to full recovery of our racial bearing, today and tomorrow, and through descent.

    And having recovered our racial bearing, with the irreplaceable help of Robert Whitaker’s successful refutation of the evil, criminal, and unlawful tyranny of our era, we shall never, ever, so cavalierly relinquish it again.

  2. #2 by Simmons on 07/14/2010 - 11:15 am

    In the wimper not a bang category.

    Ask the libkids and their respectable conservative opposition if they believe in the Blank Slate theory. It’s that freaking simple.

    But NO our side when given their two seconds to respond goes off into the details which has consumed their lives while missing the basics.

    If I had one second on FOX’s factor I would tell the blowhard that anti-racism is anti-white and ask him he was a true believer in the Blank Slate.

  3. #3 by SFGrimoir on 07/14/2010 - 3:37 pm


    The blank slate theory.Recent direct hit for me,thanks Bob.

    It was ignored like a bad smell in the elevator.

    The blank slate theory:a program to create the entirely programmable White humano-bot who can be encouraged to be so “anti-racist” it merges into the surrounding non-White genepools with no thought/care for their descendants`genetic future.

    Nothing even to be “denied” there for sane people as it is pretty much the mission statement of their precious “pretend “just” non-pro-White” anti-White PC religion.

    Only denial of the denial……….

  4. #4 by Alan B on 07/14/2010 - 9:26 pm

    Surprise! The Discovery Channel released The results of a DNA sample of King Tut that upset the establishment. King Tut was of European desent. How un-PC of the Discovery Channel.
    One other note. CBS interviewed Conservative country music singer Wylen Gennings last Sunday. The interviewer pointed out the hand gun that Wylen always has out on his coffee table. Wylen picked it up and then said, it is legal and it is not loaded. How PC of Wylen the conservative.

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