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Speaking for Whites: The Beginning

Posted by Bob on July 17th, 2010 under Coaching Session

About a decade ago I pointed out in Whitaker Online that our long political future will be as spokesmen for whites.

People on or side talked only of restoring White Supremacy. This is Temporal Provincialism. Let me give you an example of where their thought was stuck.

Mark Twain would say something like “All people hate noise.” A few pages, to repeat the point, he said “all white people hate noise.”

His assumption that so few non-white people would be reading his book that there was no distinction at all, he was just saying the same thing in a different way. That was a VERY different world, and it isn’t coming back.

Whites were never Supreme in the way that word is used. Non-white countries let the white man set up governments which the white man considered necessary, but the union of what we call Iraq was utterly meaningless to them.

Today’s United Nations is famously a collection of colonial administrations out together by and for the European countries.

Whites were Supreme in the colonial world because they needed the labor and raw materials that were in colonials lands. But those materials were used for purposes the colored man did not understand and a major purpose of the whole exercise was so that European countries could compete with OTHER European countries.

White Supremacy was a term developed to indicate that what we needed came first. But the life of the colonial peoples was not, certainly outside the cities, wrapped up in the white man. The world in which every colored man devoted is entire thought to what whites told him was invented by Marxists.

At least half of the colored world had never SEEN a white man.

To Mark Twain, the white world was THE world, though he groveled over the recent existence of black slavery with the best of them.

White Supremacy is the echo of the Marxist outlook which is now in control. White Supremacy is an expression of the Mankind World View.

But the world in which THEIR White Supremacy ruled never existed. There is and never has been a single world of all races, either for the Marxists and the “Christians” to unite with their respective Holy Writs or for the White Man to rule over.

As a practical practitioner of power, I see what the Marxist, the Christian and the White Supremacists do not see.

I see a people without a voice. That is what any political practitioner looks for.

In the real world of power, White Supremacy makes us not only silly, but powerless.

The South was destroyed by a simple arithmetic change in the American electorate: There were four major parties instead of two in the 1860 election. Lincoln got forty percent of the popular vote, but total towered over each of the others.

Whites have no potential if they keep trying to be the majority in a field of White Supremacy and anti-whites. But, like the Republicans, our position changes entirely if we become the largest and richest minority.

The importance of this simple piece of arithmetic is never mentioned, but it is the most important thing in the world today, just as it was 1860 and at many other times.

We are not Time Provincials. We want to represent whites as whites become inevitably more and more self aware while they become a set of islands in a colored sea.

The entire two generations of Northeastern rule, of Northern industrialists and rail rates set to keep industry out of an impoverished South, began with one small statement: “No more slave states.”

“No more slave states” was as defensive a slogan for the North as the Mantra is for whites today. It did not jump into instant popularity. The Free Soil Party got less than one percent of the vote at its best.

But “No More Slave States” was a radical slogan, one which was clearly used by spokesmen for the North. The Mantra is a now-radical statement of exactly the same kind.

  1. #1 by BGLass on 07/17/2010 - 10:33 am

    On the upside, “VOICE” has been a ridiculously huge category for Marxist, themselves, and all schools teach how necessary this Voice is, which makes it only a matter of time until “The White Voice” becomes a common phrase, which is The White Voice as the world appears from within White Skin, the White Perspective, the White Reality, and the White Voice outside the PROJECTION of the White Voice (meaning the supposed White Voice as it is currently expressed by the Minority-hegemony government, which cannot —not being invested in white reality— really ever express the White Voice at all.)

    The emergence of The White Voice is the most interesting thing happening today, perhaps. And no matter how many “White Studies Programs” try to curtail this snowballing emergence (contain, codify, control, etc.)— it seems they will not be able to do so. They can speak ONLY of mythologized Whiteness that they made up and that, as was said in the post, never existed. The phantom whiteness of somebody else’s imagination.

    When I first started prefacing as many sentences as possible with, “Speaking as a white anglo-saxon protestant…,” or, “From the vantage point of a white anglo-s protestant, which is really all I have to work with since I am one…” I did it as a kid, mostly to amuse myself, since it seemed to startle people so much.

    Discovering what mere WASP-statements did to many adults, especially schoolteachers, (made them go ultra-white-faced, gasp and go speechless)— was my first taste of power. And I’m sure that’s been true for many white kids ever since.

    Now, it seems more commonplace, but still fun. In fact, I would use this sentence even if I were Roman Catholic, just b/c the WASPs have gotten the worst of it, imo, and so it’s more shocking to hear. Like, on t.v. Cavuto will say, “Speaking as an Italian Catholic,” and it just doesn’t have the same punch—white though he is.

    If he said, “Speaking as a white guy…” Well, he still could not do that on t.v. at the moment. That would be more shocking.

  2. #2 by Simmons on 07/17/2010 - 11:24 am

    Let us face the facts a good many people who flock to the cause are little more than MSM trained sock puppets.

    Smart or well read enough to realize there is a problem, but not well read enough to know they are just reading the reflection off the wall of the MSM fire. (Put me in that category two decades ago)

    They think if we would go back to nigger-whippin and praising christ all would be well for blacks and whites.

    Instead the black/jew alliance dabbles in their racial supremcacy aspirations as Big Momma Lib dabbles in his/her sexual submissive fantasies (all white libs have these, read their authors if you don’t believe this), and the AmRenners produce info for their nigger-whippers and christ praisers that only does one thing spurs yet more stupidity on the part of the above libkids.

    \No more anti-white nonsense will be tolerated, NONE.\

  3. #3 by Berserker88 on 07/17/2010 - 9:49 pm

    I remember back when the movie 300 was released some of the msm reviews bashed it as a movie only a white supremacist could like. The only problem was that a lot of people really liked it. The term “white supremacy” in white minds bring forth images of shaved head stomping around in Dr. Martins giving Roman salutes. So it didn’t fit, nobody went fetal and pee’d on themselves. The crowd with the Dr. Martins don’t really care what they’re called. The rest just laughed it off. “Racist” is a lot more subtle, the image mommy professor created looks like an account, or a business man who laughs at a “racist” joke. Its broad with NO real definition. The more its frivolously thrown around the more the question arises what is a “racist” comes to mind. Eventually it will be just as silly as being called a white supremacist

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