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It is Written

Posted by Bob on July 21st, 2010 under Coaching Session

The word “progressive” means that one has accomplished what Merlin did, but in more detail and over a longer period. The English language allows to you to “move” in any direction, but “progress,” by definition, is toward a very specific goal.

In the literal sense, to be progressive means you are accepted as a prophet who knows exactly how history is going to turn out. If you accept that Political Correctness is our national religion, you will never question this.

And the fact that this is never questioned demonstrates how totally we have accepted that religion Our idea of religion, faith in things unseen, includes prophets as routinely as a Catholic accepts Mass. That faith includes belief in prophecy.

But since it never occurs to us what our established religion is, we never call it prophecy.

But that is the essence of our established religion. It sees “religion” as something that either agrees with the True Faith or does not. But the essence of Political Correctness is that, unlike “religion,” it needs no faith.

Political Correctness does not say that it is religion. It assumes that every sane or decent person is politically correct, whose job is to chastise and, if necessary, to punish those who stray from the path.

A Politically Correct person believes that “his truth is marching on,” that it will trample out the vineyards where the grapes of wrath — Hate — are stored.

But no one mentions that it would impossible to pass a thread- let alone a camel, between that and religion.

No one simply says, as they did in the old movies, “Father, I am not of your faith.”

Or the equivalent, “I don’t believe you.”

In the case of Eastern Europe, when right and left ask routinely whether Eastern Europe “is ready for immigration yet,” absolutely no one asks WHY Eastern Europe should be “ready” for it.

Everybody takes the reasons for granted and we LET them. Eastern Europe is WHITE, therefore mass immigration and assimilation of nonwhite races is its Inevitable Future.

One does not question the prophecies of one’s established religion. In fact, one is not even AWARE of them. We could use the same words Jesus did for our unthought-of prophecies: “it is Written.”

OUR prophets do not rely on faith. Their words are in the Books and no one questions them. Who could confuse that with a mere religion, a mere opinion?

William Rusher was publisher of National Review from its beginning in 1955, for three decades. It took him twenty of those years to bring back some news from the political front the staff had not heard.

Then it appeared in the New York Times. Once he noticed that he began to see it again and again: “No one at National Review believes anything until it appears in the New York Times.”

In fact, they call the New York Times, “The Medium of Record.” It is absolutely impossible to distinguish that title from Jesus’ words, “It is written.”

But nobody mentions that. In fact, nobody but BUGS even KNOWS that.

The only way to prove that one is truly free from adultery is not to THINK of adultery. The only way to be truly clean of heresy is not to THINK of heresy.

  1. #1 by BGLass on 07/21/2010 - 9:01 am

    Seeing the unconsciously accepted tenants of one’s religion, the never questioned ‘underlying assumptions’ of any belief system, is very difficult.

    PC’s don’t realize they are actually functioning racially, and race hegemony drives all their programs. You could see this when all the t.v. shows announced “we are global now,” without even realizing that —if they demanded American gentile whites see themselves in a global context–that would immediately make American gentile whites into “minorities.” Immediately, gentile whites were “oppressed,” by pc’s own terms, and that, in turn, may have caused the sudden phones ringing in Washington on “immigration,” (importing endless non-white-ness), and people “waking up.”

    Repeatedly, they’ve tried to fix this with the idea that whites can NEVER EVER be a “minority” no matter how small their physical numbers–not even if there is only one single white person left on the entire planet— B/c being a “minority” is a state of mind, a way of being. But that has seemed a hard sell.

    Jews are funniest— in that most of them see themselves as “white.” And yet ALSO as the most oppressed minority on earth. But absolutely no one but them REALLY sees themselves as oppressed, and they cannot accommodate how the other groups see them, in part due to lack of self-reflexive tenants in their own (other underlying religion that is driving their thoughts, so unlike self-other “forgiveness” in the various Christianities).

    They are the ultimate oppressor, (according to others, including some gentile whites), yet the ultimate oppressed, in their own view, and the zenith of the “endangered minority”—ALL AT ONCE, which is a truly impossible position. This leaves them confused, and they can fall back on “the chosen,” idea, simply relying on “I am best,” and most intelligent (and therefore more confused since so much more is going on inside me!)— rather than truly examining these various internal tensions in themselves, or the need to surround themselves with non-white minorities in order to have and retain “power.” (They will chose working with them over highly intelligent gentile whites–so what does that really say about THEM and their competency?)

    I’m no philosopher, but once Marx attached a merely material idea (the want of money as the purpose of life, the “struggle” against each other for “scarce resources” in poverty) to Hegel’s sense of Spirit moving dialectically through the world, causing what we perceive as “history—” they produced probably the ugliest view of man ever, imo. Just animalistic race-based rat groups fighting for one lone crust of bread, with nothing new ever to be made, created or innovated.

    The only strategy for trying to unveil unconscious underlying assumptions that I can find is to repeat the simplest accepted ideas over and over, until one hears them. I wish there were more strategies for this.

  2. #2 by Dave on 07/21/2010 - 10:34 am

    It is destiny that the world remains fractured.

    That is not a religious idea, nor is it prophecy.

    It is simply a no-brainer. It is an easy prediction to make.

    It is the way things are and the way things will remain, and the ways always will be, in the nature of the sun rising in the east and setting in the west, and that sort of thing.

    There is no “progress” in race relations. Such a thing can’t exist and could never exist without killing people off.

    There are a lot of very smart people, who care about important details, who pay attention to their educations, who don’t know about the particular important detail I just described. There is no way to get to “diversity”. It is not doable. It is a dream of a culture and of a world of relations that can’t be.

    Furthermore, it is illegal.

    It is our task at BUGS to inform people of this important detail that they are missing. We have to get their brains to attend to it. Forget about the dumb people. There is nothing that can be done about them. It is the smart people we need to address.

  3. #3 by BGLass on 07/21/2010 - 11:07 am

    Things seemed to run less violently and more productively when mono-racial groups were underwritten by various Christianities and various paganisms.

    The extreme multi-racial model where gentile ethnic European whites are discouraged from, and punished for, interacting among themselves as a group, while an underlying race-based-factionalism is in play for all other groups who are socialized to see whites as an enemy seems to be the least efficient model for everyone involved. (Not to mention genocidal for whites.)

    It really is an unprecedented social structure held in place by fear and violence.

  4. #4 by Simmons on 07/21/2010 - 11:57 am

    Taylor was interviewed by a right leaning newspaper recently and the comments thread is half taken up by Asian intelligence minutae (a dog to vomit).

    Its about safety from the scorn of Big Momma, Tender Conservative Papa and the shrieks of Crazy Aunt Sally our present \ruling class.\

    But if you stand up point at one of them, blame them, vow to hold them responsible, they will fold.

  5. #5 by Epiphany on 07/21/2010 - 7:10 pm

    What the Soviet Communists have
    done to Christians was every bit as
    vicious as anything that the Nazis ever
    did to the Jews. Indeed, much that has
    been done, in the name of Communism, has
    been eerily Nazilike. I sometimes think
    that those who claim that the Holocaust
    was “Uniquely Evil”, do not know about the
    eerily similar things that have been done,
    by the Reds, in the name of Communism.

    Also, the Jewish people are most fascinating
    in their way. Christians, although they have
    suffered comparatively under Communism, just
    do not whine and whine about it, all of the time.
    Jews do whine and moan, as often as they
    can get away with it.

  6. #6 by Epiphany on 07/21/2010 - 7:16 pm

    The Jews are brilliant,
    in their way. If one did not
    know of Communist crimes, and
    about the Communist Concentration
    Camps, then one really could jump
    to the conclusion that the
    Holocaust was, somehow, unique.
    Actually, only on one level is it
    to defame Germans; on another level
    it is, by extension, to defame any
    and all White gentiles at all.

    I am glad that I have learned about
    Communist crimes, so that I can see the
    full picture of what is going on– and,
    what went on in the Second World War.
    I am sure that if we can make a concerted
    effort that other side– the attrocities
    committed by Stalin and his Commies– will
    also become public knowledge.

    Still, one had to be careful. Jewish
    people actually get off thinking that
    others, nonJews, hate them.

  7. #7 by Epiphany on 07/21/2010 - 8:03 pm

    Hitler was actually a Roman Catholic.
    That is where he got all his
    intolerant ideas about Jews from.
    I doubt that he really was a
    German Nationalist of any sort,
    but rather, a devout Roman Catholic
    fanatic posing as one.

    There was nothing Nationalist at all
    about what Hitler called National Socialism.
    It was really a Roman Catholic movement,
    through and through. Indeed, it was
    the Roman Catholic answer to what the
    Church percieved as Jewish Bolshevism.

  8. #8 by backbaygrouch on 07/22/2010 - 1:29 am

    To Epiphany.

    The Communist slaughters are not “Eerily Nazilike,” rather the alleged Nazi horrors are “Eerily Communistlike.” That which preceeds cannot evoke memories of that which is to come. Think timeline.

    As for Hitler being a fanatical Roman Catholic, having read his magnum opus , Hugh Trevor Roper’s, Hitler’s Table Talk and some of his other speeches, articles, etc., I cannot say that I detected much religiosity and nothing sectarian within Christianity at all. Look within your own heart for the roots of this slander, it does not exist without it. In politics Hitler was a secularist. As for him not being a nationalist, that is a new idea. It will get some thought after the laughter dies down.

    Yes, Roman Catholics were repulsed and reacted to the inhumanity of the Leninist-Stalinist project. But then so were and did Lutherans in Germany, Protestants everywhere, Orthodox in Eastern Europe, Muslims in the Middle East, Confucians in China, Shintoists in Japan, et cetera. Only one tribal cult, as opposed to universal value systems, was not horrified and that was rooted in self identification with the perpetrators.

  9. #9 by Epiphany on 07/22/2010 - 5:45 am

    To Babygrouch,
    That sounds more like it.
    The Nazi alleged crimes were
    “eerily Communistlike.” They are
    so much like Communist crimes that
    it is hard to see how they are
    “uniquely evil” or “unique” at all.
    And, it is most intriguing how
    they airbrush Communist sins out of

    It is really weird how they
    try to say that the German Nazis
    were so horrible,
    when they, themselves, committed the
    exact same types of crime, under Communism,
    that they accuse the Germans of committing.
    People do not know that
    much about the history of the Soviet Union!

  10. #10 by Epiphany on 07/22/2010 - 5:51 am

    Hitler may actually have
    been attempting to beat them,
    the Jewish Communists, at
    their own game. That is why
    his attrocities– sending people
    to concentration camps and such–
    resembles their’s so much.

    Notice that the US media does not
    much discuss the other side of the
    story. They almost never talk about
    the tens of millions of Christians who
    perished in the Soviet Holocaust– the
    one perpetrated by Lenin and Stalin, among
    others. I always used to wonder why.

    Still, once in a while,
    some stuff about the Soviet Union
    comes out.

  11. #11 by Epiphany on 07/22/2010 - 6:00 am

    There is still much we do not
    yet know about Communist crimes,
    and if people did know about them,
    they would not be so quick to call
    the Holocaust “Uniquely Evil.”
    There are levels and levels, and layers
    and layers, of deception in History.

    I seriously doubt that the Marxist Communists
    ever really cared about the plight
    of the Workers at all. No, I
    suspect that was all a fraud.
    Behind which, was an esoteric Jewish
    Supremacist ideology, that worked
    much like how Nazi Aryan Supremacy allegedly
    works. The Jewish supremacists
    wished to enslave, or failing that slaughter,
    millions of Goyim.

    The key point was that they
    thought that Jewish lives were
    more important than those of non Jews,
    of Goyim.

  12. #12 by backbaygrouch on 07/22/2010 - 7:09 am

    If you want to encapsulate the relationship between the horrors of Communism and those of Nazism try the following: No Holodomor, No Holocaust. Its accuracy drives PC types nuts.

  13. #13 by Epiphany on 07/22/2010 - 7:56 am

    That is right.
    It just is not
    as Politically Correct
    to bring up Communist sins!

  14. #14 by BGLass on 07/22/2010 - 9:47 am

    The Nazi alleged crimes were
    “eerily Communistlike.”

    Well, there is a fight. That much can be definitely discerned without any chicken-and-egg questions. And everybody has the same books and strategy manuals to work with, maybe.

    In the Holocaust museum in Manhattan —somewhere around the 90s on the East side, I think– there used to be (maybe still is) a WALL that details –law by law– the encroaching loss of powers of Jews in Germany.

    Many traveling Americans, viewing this, will be struck by the re-institution of these exact same moves in their own country, blow by blow, (although conscious thoughts about it will often be suppressed).

    One of the best accounts of thought-reform-and-re-socialization programs around, imo, is the Book of Daniel in the Jewish Torah; it’s all about Daniel hanging onto his strange ways as the Babylonians change his diet, his habits, his religious practice, etc, and how he, like so many others (Joseph, etc) gets in good with the PTB.

    The enslavement of Egypt by Joseph preceded the “let my people go” business. But few ever remark it.

  15. #15 by Simmons on 07/22/2010 - 3:35 pm

    We see TP with the tea party/naacp dustup where the sides play by the “rules.”

    Not for much longer because these kids are taking their shoving match close to lion cage and someone is gonna get hurt.

    Now we notice our semis never ever use the phrase “anti-white”, hence they play by the rules whereas the “antis” are peaceful commies out to make the world a better place though in a wrong way.

    But someone someday which I believe to be soon will use that phrase to describe a lefty nut or respectable lickspittle and that day will be when the world changes.

    “Mr. Olbermann you are not a well meaning anti-racist you are a mean vicious anti-white.”

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