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Democrats Denounce Uppity Nigger

Posted by Bob on July 23rd, 2010 under Coaching Session

The Democratic nominee for the United States Senate for South Carolina would normally be given great respect by liberals. He spent years accumulating a lot of money to pay for his place on the Democratic primary ballot even though everyone agreed it was a hopeless cause.

He carried through.

But he is being pronounced a fruitcake by liberals. Why?

Because he is totally “unqualified.” They had a white candidate who was a regular politician, with a law degree. South Carolina’s sole black congressman denounced him more loudly than anyone else.

To put all this into plain Southernese, this guy is Uppity. In a movement based on Mommy Professor, he dares to demand high office without an Ivy League degree.

He is an insult to Democracy. This is an interesting charge, since the reason Democrats think he got elected is that their piece of property, the black vote, got its signals mixed. when the black churches told their congregations who to vote for, the regular white Democrat was at the top of the primary ballot, so they just told their congregations to vote for the one at the top of the ticket.

The switch was one of those glitches that happen in any operation, and at the last minute they discovered some detail that made them change his name to the top of the ballot, and he got all the votes Democrats had bought and paid for.

So they attacked HIM for being nominated. There has been no criticism of the majority of voters in the Democratic primary who voted for him.

There has not been a word about him since, during an election period.

This whole uproar about an uppity nigger reminds me that the Democrats are practicing another old tradition. John Wayne movies made some of the worst troops ever sent into  action into the Greatest Generation. When they came back from the War they were known as the Silent Generation. They didn’t want to talk about it when they remembered themselves rather than John Wayne movies.

John Wayne movies also give us a very unbalanced perspective on the Winning of the West. The tiny United States Army out there is given all the credit.

But the West was taken, not primarily by fighting the Indians, but by buying the chiefs. The very first thing that came up in about all land grabs was gifts for the chiefs. Since no one knows any history, I cannot explain how critical that was in less than a book.

This is poison to Mommy Professor, because it destroys the whole nobility and innocence of Indians our national guilt trip began with,

All this is blamed on white ignorance because chiefs were not our own kind of high officials. They couldn’t sell the land to anybody. It is not true, as Mommy Professor says, that Indians had no concept of land ownership. They knew exactly where their field of corn was, and if other Indians hunted on their land, they were given much the same treatment we just discovered that chimpanzees give chimpanzees from another group on their land.

If a tribe wanted to hunt on another’s land, the society of Indians was as sophisticated as that of chimpanzees. The whole crap about Indians had no sense of ownership came from the time, very recently, when we thought that only man, and only some men, were territorial.

Whites bought Manhattan from the wrong Indians. But they soon came to know the Indians very well. They learned to buy the chiefs. They then announced to tens of thousands of whites who wanted to live on the land a few hundred Indians occupied that it was open to them.

It seldom took more than the onrush of settlers to secure the land, and whites had perfectly valid agreements to prove it. It is true that the Indians were tricked, but they were tricked by their chiefs, not by the white man.

So the black preacher getting orders from his chiefs about where the black vote should go is a continuation of a basic American institution.

They just bought this particular Manhattan from the wrong Indians.

  1. #1 by backbaygrouch on 07/23/2010 - 7:43 am

    Bob, Alvin Greene has a degree, a bachelor’s in political science awarded in 2000, from your alma mater, the University of South Carolina. Of course Mommy Professor prefers the Ivy League and a few other selected schools where Whites are systematically barred, marginalized and grossly underrepresented. Mommy Professor does not respect Gamecocks. They are not part of the Inner Circle. You may have noticed this on Capitol Hill.

  2. #2 by Simmons on 07/23/2010 - 3:15 pm

    Don’t know much about that uppity nigra, but this uppity cracka is noticing that taboos are falling a bit faster these days.

  3. #3 by Dick_Whitman on 07/25/2010 - 2:09 am

    It took me a couple days to figure out why Bob used such offensive language in this post? On his recorded lectures he spoke about how unnatural it is to say “nigger” in a Southern accent. So I know he’s not writing this to be disrespectful.

    Instead, he’s openly inviting/inciting the MSM to do an “expose,” on an ex-Reagan official and “prove” once more why White people must be “blended” out of existence.

    However, judging by the fear overcoming the media, something like the Mantra, said at the right time and right place, might be enough to massively damage the anti-white system.

    IN fact, I truly believe the anti-whites loose more sleep over The Mantra(or some other talking point of similar power and substance), than they ever would over Iranians having Nuclear weapons, or Russians having better stealth technology.

    This is a very critical part of Follow the White Rabbit. The anti-whites want white people to act violently, so they can implement their solution to the “white problem.”

    What they don’t want, is a couple hundred thousand White people playing practical politics./ Imagine every person in the so called “white nationalist” movement actually agreeing on some talking point (like the Mantra), and then agreeing to spread it for one year. They would just concentrate on a major theme, or frame for a year. The whole “movement” would act as a open source effort attempting to get a Mantra like talking point through every media organ, backyard barbecue, and PTA meeting they come in contract with. After a year some there can be a discussion on how it all went.

    Its a “sound revolution” of sorts. Anyone who commits violence in the name of this sound revolution would be considered 100% conspiring with the anti-whites. Treason is never forgotten.

    This sound revolution is more like the fall of the Berlin Wall, than the Bolshevik or French variety. The worst thing anyone could have done during the Berlin Wall revolution was start shooting at East German or Russian police/troops. This just gives them a “problem” to have a “reaction” and a “solution” for.

  4. #4 by Simmons on 07/25/2010 - 9:17 am

    Damn Dick report yourself to the authorities, you’re dangerous.

    Imagine every Mommy Prof. talking point being met with, “That is anti-white.”, “He/She/It is just an anti-white.”

    Jews have their anti-semite, we whites now have our “anti-white.”

    Now its a big step to say anti-white, and that is why AmRen hides behind Mommy Prof. C- graded studies on IQ and crime rates, and why V-dare produces plenty of C- graded polemics. But honestly I think it is time for those folks to do a Bill Gates and drop out of Harvard and do something with their lives.

    P.S. The dead saints never said “anti-white” or “genocide by assimilation” so the folks at “Holy Roman Empire II” “Chronicles of Culture” say whites do not exist.

  5. #5 by Dick_Whitman on 07/26/2010 - 9:51 pm


    the most dangerous revolutionary today is the teetotaling, upstanding member of the community who understands practical politics. This revolutionary plays by all the rules, never breaks the law, helps in the community, and can control the discourse in any situation involving practical politics.

    The least revolutionary people are the people who talk tough, and who encourage violence against non-whites and the federal government. These people play into anti-white hands (or they happen to have anti-white hands).

    One of the biggest jokes going in the anti-white frame is the myth of the leftest revolutionary. Somehow Bill Ayers is a revolutionary as he gets three hours on C-span to disseminate ideas on how and where white children should be educated.

    Noone ever points out that the real revolutionaries DON’T GET THREE HOURS ON CSPAN!!!!

    Kevin Mcdonald, David Duke, Jarad Taylor, or James Edwards aren’t even allowed to be treated with common respect in the main stream media. These guys aren’t even allowed to rent private space to have gatherings.

    Bob Whitaker is probably the most revolutionary man in the last 70 years? The anti-whites can’t even admit his existence. This is a man who stood side by side Africans in Africa during the cold war, but who also stood by white mothers in Boston who opposed their kids being bussed to “diverse” parts of town.

    Bob Whitaker is a friend of humanity. He can truly love other people, because he knows how to love his own people.

    The anti-whites hate all people but hate European derived people the most.

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