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Financial Blood-Letting

Posted by Bob on August 2nd, 2010 under Coaching Session

My brother does emergency room work but he says he seldom deals with an emergency. He says in fact that I have dealt with more real emergencies than he has, though that maybe an exaggeration.

But there is a reason an emergency room now deals with few emergencies. In the 1950s everything that could be done for an injured person was in a reasonably well equipped hospital Today you must get the person to a high-tech center, a “trauma” center, as soon as possible.

The ambulance only takes a trauma patient to a place where the copter takes off.

My brother mentioned in passing that tens of billions of dollars were spent on several new “trauma centers,” all but one went broke.

Billions of dollars were wasted because all those geniuses did not know one simple fact.

Those who can afford medical care do not have traumas.

Most of the people who end up in trauma centers are criminals, the poor, drunks, that sort of person. The Trauma Centers went broke because they were giving most of their care away free.

Now I can understand why, here and there, a person loses his savings because he was dumb enough to set up a Pork Center in an area inhabited mostly by Orthodox Jews. But this kind of mistake really lets you know why “financial experts” today are such idiots.

The only trauma hospitals now go after are heart attacks, because we have to die of something, and if you have medical insurance or money, the chances are you will end up in the heart ward.

But not in the Trauma Ward.

In the real world even auto accidents happen mostly to the repeaters. I have seen lots and lots of real emergencies because I was in the alcohol and drug program — working free — and druggies and alkies get into most of those.

Hispanics and blacks are victims of most of the crime. More important to this case is the fact that the aim of most crime committed against those who have money is their money. The matter of fact blood letting among poor blacks and Hispanics by those who prey on them is to terrorize. It is done by human wrecks who can’t control themselves.

If you are going to invest money, it is a good idea to take a look at the world you are investing in.

What the Trauma center planners did not do was fall for the stereotypes.

What they did not do was racial profiling.

Did I mention that they lost their asses?

  1. #1 by backbaygrouch on 08/02/2010 - 7:24 am

    Was there a tax code angle to the trauma center boom? That is, was there an underling investment decision cooked up in Congress? That many popped up at the same time leads me to the suspicion that for that much money to be wasted it had to originate in socialist Washington with ultra profitable underwriting funneled through Jews on Wall Street. A free market .can be, but seldom is that stupid but crooked “geniuses” like Barney Frank and Lloyd Blankfein usually are.

  2. #2 by BGLass on 08/02/2010 - 8:24 am

    Sorry off topic, but it made me think about this: Idk about centers, per say, but ideologically, much surfaced in literature about “trauma.” For awhile, “trauma theories,” were everywhere. The PSTD trend surfaced, and theories about uncurability of trauma, the impossibility of testing, and side-effects that require lifelong maintenance through new drugs, and all the shrink shows on t.v. pushing the idea, etc.

    The shrink shows were all on at the same time, just like the Court Tribunal Shows, so at a given time, the cable-less would necessarily watch those shows, and those shows alone. Court shows came after. And nothing else would be on. Five court shows at one time, five shrink shows at another time.

    Trauma ideas normalized/naturalized the words “trauma/ traumatic, traumatized,’ making them household names. Materials in rape crisis centers began arguing to vulnerable women (often underwritten by womens’ orgs, lol), that victims of violent crime NECESSARILY experienced trauma that then, minds shattered and produced multiple personality disorders (that were re-named Dissociative Identity Disorders—and then put in the DSM as “diagnoses”). Orgs surfaced to deal, like the False Memory Syndrome Foundations and so on. Some big court cases, (and the whole thing is still going on).

    For sheer twistedness there is no better literature than work on trauma, or legal cases in psychiatry surrounding shrink work (like the Bennet Braun case, that sort of thing) done using these theories as underlying basis. Maybe b/c it’s so lucrative to own health care when this is the medical thinking.

    Anyway, in this area, the symbolic thinking whites are so inclined to do is their absolute worst enemy. It seems they will entertain anything, no matter how insane to simpler minds.

    It’s mostly whites —and mostly white middle class– who have been affected by the theories. The inclination to want to think, to symbolize in the abstract, and to follow through ideas into action, no matter how faulty a premise, allows it to happen.

    The overall Trauma Movement and race are inextricably bound on every level. In the psychiatric area of the overall Trauma Movement, all cases involved white middle class people. —Just recalling that the Trauma Movement had a huge push in publishing/literature also.

  3. #3 by Simmons on 08/02/2010 - 9:46 am

    Gotta go with BBG’s assesment. It is not just racial profiling it is also socio-economic profiling as well. Friend of mine is on a local fire deptartment and they have two trailer parks within their jurisdiction which are largely majority white and the residents there sop up the majority of “emergency calls.”

    Dave has often remarked that his non-white aquaintances think whites are crazy, and reading BGlass’ assesment this can largely be said to be true. We in the rich West love to chase the fad simply because it one ups other whites but mostly because it keeps the fad chaser one step above the coloreds. I mean honestly do you see Chippy and Biffy urban effite elite “rollin” down the street with spinners and double deuces?

    The “Blank Slate Theory” has spun off some profitable enterprises.

  4. #4 by Dave on 08/02/2010 - 10:42 am

    The public employee unions (Communists really) and the public employee union captive class of local politicians (local politicians with few exceptions are all captive of public employee unions) really did a number on themselves when they went to the 911 system back in the 60s.

    The 911 system is the central foundational contract that Socialist tyranny has with the public. No people who expect their government to respond with police and ambulances within a few minutes response time can be a free people.

    The trauma centers are simply a part of the foundational 911 system contract Socialist tyranny has with the public. The public never understands the true nature of the tyranny that they themselves incited with their unrealistic demand for a level of personal security that can’t exist.

    As with everything Socialists do, it is unaffordable and is bankrupting society. In fact, though few realize this, Obama Care is largely a desperate attempt to come up with the finance to continue the 911 system.

    The extravagant trauma centers are simply a downstream element of the 911 system.

    When you analyze the whole welfare system, at the foundational level, EVERYTHING, literally EVERYTHING comes back to the 911 system and its viability.

    When the public no longer trusts the 911 system because it no longer actually responds, we will know that we are getting to the “Soviet collapse” phase of our current tyranny.

    The failure of the 911 system will cause the public to question the government fundamentally in a way that has never happened in America. They will begin to realize how thoroughly they have been robbed by it. However, only a few of us will realize how incompatible the 911 system is with freedom.

    People are hardwired to be blind to facts like this. It is how Socialist tyranny was able to leverage itself to taking over America.

  5. #5 by BGLass on 08/02/2010 - 2:43 pm

    Thanks. The history of 911 numbers is interesting. The first such call was made in Alabama in 1968, as it turned out. And it had never occurred to me to consider this time before “EMT.”

  6. #6 by seriouswon on 08/02/2010 - 3:36 pm

    This may sound weird to some but…a lot of things are explored here so I thought I’d risk bringing it up.

    Everytime I hear 911 (the emergency number) I think of 9-11 (the terrorist attack) and vice versa. Is there any chance part of the reason the attack happen on Sept 11th was because that very date would elicit a double whammy in the psyches of American people? I wonder about it.

  7. #7 by Epiphany on 08/02/2010 - 6:02 pm

    Many African Americans are anti–Semitic,
    to a degree that most Whites would not dare
    be. Still, I suppose, no matter what a
    Black Man says about The Jews,
    none would mistake said Black Man for
    being either German or German American!

  8. #8 by Epiphany on 08/02/2010 - 6:15 pm

    I always suspect that
    those who hated Germans in
    particular, tend to hate
    Whites in general.

  9. #9 by Alan B on 08/03/2010 - 2:32 am

    The military trains their Trauma Surgeons in Washington DC. In Philidelthia, paramedics do not stablize the trauma cases, they gurney them and rush them to the hospitol.
    PC leftist argue that the medical establishment is ripping off the American People. PC Leftist argue that gun control is needed to reduce violent crime. PC Leftist are 100% against racial profiling!

  10. #10 by BGLass on 08/03/2010 - 9:11 am

    “…The “Blank Slate Theory” has spun off some profitable enterprises…”

    Liberal Industry has lots of cottage industries, and they seem to feed on death. Like, the Trauma Movement. The Freudian end milked the “long march through institutions”— training nurses, doctors, shrinks, anthropoligists, and anyone who would encounter the public while citizens were in vulnerable states of mind (life and death and willing to say/do anything due to sheer will to survive)— to believe utterly insane theories, (like “trauma” causes multiple personalities in ordinary people all the time.)

    The “Liberal” publishing industry disperses the thought-paradigm, in books and all media. Sybil the story appears in many forms— and now this trauma idea underwrites CULTURAL storytelling.

    It is normalized that trauma produces “split personalities” (and one could name easily 50 movies that have this as part of the plot.

    Money was available for Trauma and Trauma is made. Trauma is the theme of everything—from centers, to the new jobs, to the publishing and storytelling, to our psychology, etc.

    The whole human subject winds up re-made as a trauma victim. In fact, there was all that stuff about Birth Trauma, and having natural babies, etc. Even the Bible says so: “heaven is where there is no pain of birth.”

    Trauma, trauma, trauma, trauma.

    Trauma is the best place to harness the human— and control him. He is most animal then. In such moments, the capacity to entertain abstract symbolic thinking can become lethal.

    White rabbits will entertain anything. Maybe more so when they true when they are sick or confused.

  11. #11 by BGLass on 08/03/2010 - 9:34 am

    One more thing: To “average” people, “Trauma Center” is a very comforting IDEA, although it is actually lethal, and I encountered that yesterday.

    I met a woman whose relative was in a hospital. I said, being comforting, “Hospitals in your area seem good.” The woman responded with tales of those “Being Flown In.” That people were flown there meant it was the best, (presumably if their own was as good they would not have been ill and flown away, although of course in that state, they had no choice.)

    People fly to proverbial Calcuttas and Haitis all the time, lol.

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